Says if Ontario 6 o e s l EY Hungry It Will Be Dye l P rem l e r Calls for fo La ck of Planning 3 Committee to Study I If the people of Ontario go' Postwar P r 0 b I e m s hungry, it would be due to the In diat ' ... . . ' "disastrous lack of planning for t 5mm iac consideration by On- agricultural Production," Opposition .8110 .0,f the problems of postwar Leader Lt.-Col. George Drew told rehabilitation not only for the the Legi>lature Yr':iterdu.v, in the a"""") forces l" for the forces course of an attack on the agricul- manning . Wat' "Kitty", was all-. "not policies of the Ontario Gov.. nounced m the Legislature yester- ei'iimelit. There was not the slight. day by Premier Conant, who said, Pst excuse for tho failure of the he would ask for a committee oil Government. to introduce effective the House to consider the whoici, measures to meet tho food produo- question 3 tion problem, he declared. _ _. _ l Speaking on the motion to adopt; On the question of social smut-es; the Speech from the Throne, C01,; and social security. Mr. Conant dis-g Drew urged the 'iT,?,',",.',,'.,:",',',' to tahei (.10le that he had made an offer _,! i"n'"l1/i1i1t,'ic1'/"tihtaot, "in 5.345.223; y. March s in a letttw to P"micr; due to lack of farm labor. _ King to co-operatc with a Federal T "Bonuses are helpful for a short) committee set up March 3 to con- time, but they are only 8 DOUlttCCj sider social security and all relatedt and do not. get. to the root. of the) matters. l, 1liyyy,'y', said Col. Drew. "In many Ottawa Aid Necessary. l cases it is clear they only azgrevate . . _ t _l, the disease. He ,/'-"ie1v('rl, the financial i'nc-o- ', . - leln~ involved in extension of social Action Lrgent. tuurvictys, and declared that Ontariof "Immediate action i, necessary it could not. go much fuither aloric' HP are to re-establi>h confidence in this line without mon0laly assist: _ the hearts of the farmers and show ante flom Ottawa. Ontario already , ourselves worthy of the obligations had provided considerable in the each one of us owes to those who way of social scivices. such as supply the essential food require-, mothers' allowances. and last }Cdi' merits of life itself." 'l8 per cent of Provincial lcveiiue The Opposition Leader chided the, had been devoted to 1hi?m--s31,6ro0,,. Liberal membership in the House; 000 of a total revenue of Slll,500,000. fot' showing no desire to become', Mr. Conant discussed the Bever- acquainted with the Ontario-Quebec; idge Report, and said it, provision; power legislation, one of the most, might mean an expenditure of important pieces of legislation to' $800,000.000 in the Dominion. Other come before the House in a long Province, would benefit more than time, he declared. Not. a single Ontario, in view of greater social Liberal member outside of the services Ontario already enjoyed. Cabinet spoke on the bill when it and it would he important to On., came before the House three weeks tario financially to see that, the ago, he said. cost was divided proportionately. it "Disaater" Possible. had been estimated that health in- Most of Col. Drew's prepared ad- surance uould'co'st Ontario $2i.000.f . 000, and Ontario's combined outlay dress dealt with the problems of 7 o.',., .. .. V . o,,'... . . , . , on solutes might conct?ivahly agriculture, and he named that un- ' _ ._ "N . . i..', . . equal oui present rCVCnuc, whic'n . 'certainty about prices and the short- . l l l bl 1 . ti " (age of manpower were combining "our mean C"."'?'." am ion. to threaten food production this year Seeks to Avoid New Taxes. to an extent that "may reach the "Increased taxation is ju:t what proportions of a national disaster." this Government, ha, endeavored to Farmers did not know what they avoid." said Ml. Conant. "and has. could safely grow and what animals succeeded in avoiding. Its policy is they could safely breed and care for to avoid new taxation." unless they were given some assur- But rehabilitation and extension anees of help, he went on. of social services in the Province, "Dairy farmers are going out ot he felt. is vital, and should be con- business because of the lack of man- sidered by a House committee. He power now and uncertainty rTard-, enumerated as addition, to present , ing the future," said COL Drew c, social services that should be ex- "Farmers simply can't go blindly ' plored and planned for: Health in- (ahead without knowing that they surance. retirement allowances, mar- , [Will have help and what they will riagc and maternity allowances. be paid." r'!, funeral allowances, and social in. lFair Return. gsuranee. l He continued: "The simple truth, l, that our farmers cannot risk, ltheir savings unless they have some; fassurance of a fair return. They; =cannot be expected to produce Oil!" _ tvital requirements it they have not assurance against heavy financial; loss. Let no one charge them with! lack of patriotism. "It is the duty of this Government to act without a further day's de- 1ay," said Col. Drew. "The most im- portant job facing the Government jot Ontario is to find some way to 'assure the farmers that they will I get a fair return for the food they iproduce. If the Government is not prepared to tackle the job, then it should resign immediately. It it I cannot act now it never will." -tgg-i-l-llItl_--r--IgI-Ii--i-Ii-