The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1943, p. 2

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W. - 1,c.ei,,z,tins or produce a good democt . _ racy," medians realize the unbelievable Col. Drew stressed the necessity strides that have been madein air of unified action toward setting up transport." . social security, declaring that the Even war's destruction. Col. Drew _ Beveridge report emphasized this felt, opened opportunity for Canada. T _ need. Changes of far-reaching im. What was destroyed by war must portance could not be carried out be replaced and much could only be ' unless there was close co-operation r.e.placed from Canada and many between all Governments, he said. things only from Ontario. , The Opposition Leader suggested "The only thing that can prevent . 'that in the potting up of the com- us some ahead at a pace WC never mittee the Government may. tm-i.drean.1etl of is if we tie ourselves ire, - 'pltasis on obtaining men of outstand- I Iron bonds in the belief that we 1 veterans' affairs and a research de- ing educational experience. 'have reached the limit of our popu- l partment to seek establishment of It must be decided exactly what/lation growth," he said. new enterprises in the Province to ,tye of Canada was to memo from 'i"Eye on Election." absorb postwar' manpower were _ t 'lhe "wr, Col. Drew continued. Andi Mr Frost who introduced an among suggestions offered by w. J., .this could not he decided too soon. iamendment t't""'l'Cllin'-" the mefw Stewart (Prom Con., Toronto.Park. tThe typo all Canadians wanted "mm." 'iiiii,"'ii introduce legista- dale) in his discussion ot the social iwo.uld 'Y,") hp forthcoming "if WC 1"lion [or t'iiLivi'ihii.i,ii/iiiih'" of the security resolution. . Hm" tmtil the war IS o'.'t'l' and thon Iarmed forces and for postwar recon- Social security, he Sald' should not {produce some blueprint that hadl)'iii'd.i'ii; and social security, sug. mean relief lines. He. hoped never theen tricked away in a pigeonhole."l " ' , a _ Q . lo Sce return of the time when To- . , _ . tgcstcd the Govornment 1e. olution , '.. ' There v.'ttre many lhings that. could 'on security was introduced with one tonto had 33,000 families on relief. ho done now regarding the future. ieve on April 29 (date of the Liberal He was glad something was to be ' The Federal Government, by Order- convention or "the election which lone for the change-over from war- in-Council, could do many things iniust he held in the next few lime to peacetime economy. For it now tint could not he done when months." "far transcends party politics," he Jurisdiction passed back into 1110' The resolution gave scant. infor. said. . hands of the Provinces. and FO a mation about the Government's R.e-ostah1ics.h.mtyf s.hould be plan- foundation for social security could iplans, he complained. and he (,Om_t'ned nt"'.': "This Province might well the established now. llmentcd on Premier Conant's "rather t have ",s own deptrtmem of l Population Problem. Itidgety explanation of a rather im- i i"i',ei",',1,',),'i"i "(WSW he seid. "not with i Col. Drew touched on the quesnPW'a'" subject." Jt was all '.'iramcri. i (,hvt?tt)r"1ig,1,tt,pc,1nc?at1,'i"iueir'i,etl, 0: lion of o ulation and cm 11' izVdiwith an eye to prtrcouvention and'; Tr '. up e 'C.",' , ea l an p p p as; l . . ' _ "i _,'. ... . ." Pensions. And a search for new that. this must be decided before any 'i,1?.,rii1li' "EC'NCU'O" pocs.ibijities, i enterprises would provide work and planning could be done. There were fwd .Mtl Pros" He hoped il .')'"s' I guard against -crx'tle'.slive"'lorv,iGiit"ii:G two schools on the question: one. not "HT" another "Y? Of" sending ' in niclcpfieldq ..Jh.' I - which claimed Canada had reached isomcthtng to a'ftommtttee with the' "W izf .,'* m . . . I.., . idea of the Govrsrnmt?rtl evadnw- e Tight wr?ll, aftet 11" war, the peak of its population and the; . . l., . . . . .-. ',", J have rationed emplovment." he sue. other which took the stand that the l,what 1.'t then VOW liability. gestod. As for pensions he fell: :1. nation had no more than started to! As to Mr CTM'" h' statement that most, everv one had them but the populate its empty spaces. It wasi'hc committees work would possibly taxpayer who helped pay for some essential to obtain the proper view {extend 9'" several years. M'j . of them. He urged consideration of on this matter. Fm"; insisted he WHS FOPngfm a plan for "compulsory contributory "It. is important that. wc should dcfmrte action t.,t,y,;y'e.iif,",C,in,1f:, purchase of annuities" to assure a get out of our minds the fear that'm this wo/old be" a fit (OUI1t3y.fOl reasonable income and freedom we have reached the maximum _iiil_hea'eesotao, 1": Il taftfer'the ',','yi, from want, . our population growth," said Com" 961?? ll" 005 23.19:" hm} W. Duckworth (Frog. Cons., To- . Drew. "It is my opinion we haven't i id: I P'sfhlinlfl b133," ti"; rug l ronto-Dovercourt) declared working more than started. We should de'ZH'gel tLibL Cochr'enlc 1:,on .the people were worried about the post. cide now that Canada can support: dd?" . cii;i'ni' '0'}... Y 'Jil fi d war outlook, and wanted assurance at least 100,000,000 people. It is of 3a life's" o/ll, 12.1.31: de (ll/d {11110 I that there would be no repetition of tremendous importance that. moseiguovernmenr hadnt 'hec slivhtcstium last depression. "This resolu. who will examine and draft social:thin in mind re ardinv ig, 1:1,; tion," he said, "is one of the finest security legislation get into "midwife the great gl',f,'l,il'i'idiha'n1r,t,-',vtt.' brought on the floor ot the minds the true picture of Canada. '_i'iiii'iiitle/i or the reforestation poly. House," and he offered his services "Canada is going to find itself the. ile o' the St Lawrence devilo .1011 any committee named to deal centre of the commercial airways of _ mg" I . _ p E with social security. the world," he continued. ."TheCac-t li't'i,, all just a deathbed repent: cident of coara h F has mace an-t . " . t ada the hgeaift apnd5 centre of the lance. a pious hope, a crumb //,y,ey,1i' T l great air routes. The day will come 'i.f,i,t:iiii't'.'ir'floi,i)i?.,i.? istmeQ,isnsf,r'i' l l}:)};°'3wg::2f: 2:11; Itil',,', if": it: swords with Highways Minister Me l ' ., . . . 'iQuesten ever work and wages on? 1i,iij,',yiii,'s'ij"lj,,iill,iaji', ','d,"1t,Tt.T"iatil1iC'ci//sil mad projects during lye dtryfs'fe.n,,i, . nental iiiaht todar Not enough Ca- iMV' McQuesten denying the Gov-i, a .'. Pfy .ernment had "stopped all work on the roads" at that time. l Co-operation With Quebec. l Mr. Frost warned the Government ', against the "tangled skein" of Pro-l vincial-Fedcral co-operation since it l had "never shown any aptitude for solving differences between the Province and Ottawa." , _ . Premier Conant's remark a'tteri . . Mr. Frost introduced his amend-l ment, that he had hoped the reso-' . lution would have been disposed of at yesterday's session, brought. from Col. Drew that there was apparently an attempt to rush things on by sit- ting this evening. Ile repeated his request that the Public Accounts Committee be called as soon as pos- sible as "there are many matters to _ be dealt with." A Provincial department of --

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