"e-'-'--'"-."-----"'""""""'""'-""-"""'"-'""""" - MARCH t1 lDENlES llOUOR l lAll ( l,' l EN STUDENT I WAS MENTIONED i REPORT GIVEN I Not Discussed Saturday. I Study Idea Originated l Heena n Tells House y In Britain, House Told 1 Report that he had almost dump-; Th" idea of allowing H-lt-uso-(l in. fed the liquor question fat into thc' tumor-s to do acadcmn- work origi- 'political fire in asking to: appoint-' 1a/,'"'iyl.rw_ith the British llonw iment of a policy committee at the Office catty Ill 194.]. according to lll- l ." .'. formation tablr-d ill tho Iri.,risi-, ESaturday meeting of the Ontario '.\cstcida_\' by Eflllt'allon Mini-r, lLiberal management committee in ,Dunt-an MrAithur. The malt-rial "rororno brought from Minister of f'lofl by tus. "WNW" 1""llc".iri"ti . t icoptcs of tho curtcspondt-nt'c whirl 'Labor Heenan a statement m tho Ipasscd lwtwccn tho authorities con- §Legislature yesterday that he did. ;('Pt'n(-d "uruurriinx tho admission ol not mention liquor at the mocting.' _,' thew intct'nPcs to University of To- 'The report appeared in Th" Globe rrolllo and QUN'H'f liltiW'I'siU. '11 . ,, ,, . tuas askcd for narlwr in the sussmn and Mail and the lot-onto lplcgiam. by Opposition Li'adcr Geory,o Drrw. T To the press Mr. llconan said:, I Those students "cm spm'ifit'alI} "Somebody may havo said 50m" l rnlcascd at the tequcst of the British thing to them from insidn. hut I said i' Home Office for continued education no word of the liquor question and} f in Canada. The Canadian univm- it was not, discussed by the dole-1' isitics had answetpd the request at gates." i ', the British Government, through thr lCanadian Department of State, in iordu' "that these young mcn mu} :haw an opportunity of bccomin: . accustomed to our language and ways, and hotter. trainnd technically" ( so as to be of more use in war or in e 'war industry later." a . Altachod to the file of (-oi'tcspom idence tabled was a statement from I President Cody of the University of Toronto, concorvini,r the situation. fl.ast autumn 15 inleased internem 'app'ind for admission to University 'of 'l'uronto. Although all "cm Jen..' sh or had some qu'ish blood in 5 2'va \'F'it s, thor worn divided rclég- ', lusty as follows: qu's, fi; Roman l'.tnoli(s. 3: Protestants. 4: Friends. . 1: Unitarian. 1. * "Tho long (lplay in settling thc , question ot their admission retiurrt the number at last to nine--iivo Jew. ish, on? Roman Catholic. one Protes- tant. onh Frinnds and one Unitarian.