The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1943, p. 2

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MARCH t1 Pres + Bill Tom w en I ONO ' Establ' hi C iH ' C) S q n ecurti' . onant y: Opposition Amendment second amendment. This called for" ischolarships to those best capable ot + the Government to undertake, t.1thi _ benefitting from it. and aiding the 0 Make Scope More special reference to the constitu-g State. . . tional re ationship between the Do-: Unem lovment ins . SpeCIftc Is Defeated minion and Provincial Governments,', _', medicalpcai'e and o11)1"1ng',; rigs: a survey of existing social schemesi I could not wait until after the war Th, Government majority Ill a here and elsewhere, "with due re-f the _.said, , Legislature vote last night rejected gard to the probable course oc, EFederal Bureau Ideal an Opposition amendment which events after the war." l I TI . . sought to make more sprcifir thi" The amendment further proposed) ', . m ideal plan. Mr. Macaulay fell. scope of tht, ptoposod sorial sf-itll'.. that the committee on social secur-: trasla Fete?" bureau to subsidize ity committee and the resolution ity make recommendations for a. l -O(.a. a\dmiiiistration m the Prov: calling for the setting up of allt'h: Unified. comprehensive and work- ?:";L6:'.dV'}:h Arthur .Roebuck, M.'P" a body was adopted without a ("SQ able plan to ensure a proper stand-, gt. stll ' f was against ctntpui.zy senting Vote. ard of work, wages, health, educa-i '; IOH'Of government. He ltPked. with The hill to establish the commit?I tion 'end living conditions for alli, ifipmehension at U18"PI'OVInce "hold- tee and set out its st-Opc and au-l citizens. with particular reference ti",',.'),',,,,.")' the lin cup lo Ottawa for thorny will he introduced hy Prr..' to the res-establishment of the men} '_,ish?essi.d't.tiigfaist",1y",e the Prov- mier Conant tomorrow. At that and women in the fighting forces" isms} \itm'h raise the money, should tlme the Premier will discuss it, ttttti in industry. l is'"if, J:, , , fully, he told the llouse. , Appeal Ruling. ; '_wae"tt)"1e'dtl',1,1in't"oiicly."1.1glfltg, gears-til" r))11.i2, 121%,"? iiisibll'utiiiii The.Speaker's ruling that the first '1 E'Prog. Cons. Ottawa South), once itself. the Opposition agreeing 'i'ii'ii' Opposition amendment was out of; !a teacher himself. lie urged that ithe Government on its important-e ordtyy appe.aled by the Progres-': "he". salary minimum shouldn't be 'But in expreSsing the-viewpoint oi Sive C.onserya.1lvf'.s, who called for" t$400.or $690. but higher, in his group, Lt. Col. George l Drew a dwision of the llouse. The Speak-l .RPODIHL' With their Importance to Opposition leader criticized H"; er wry.sustain.od by a vote of 45 to; !the country. lie also made a plea vagueness of Jie" wording of thr 18. Prior to the taking of the votei /tt..ry"y1i/..ityliy for private enters resolution and asserted that on a Leopold. Macaulay (Frog. Co.nol Pius'-', which, aftey all, paid the bulk mater or such neressitv to the wel- South kink) called the action kiwi of' the taxes. Control of credit was fare of the nation iiothi "-1 7 tolerant. and asserted that if the; adyised.. ' 11g oosc dment was already covered bv', Rosumincr the debate on the or vague should be allowed to pass. amen . . . Li S . ' e, . The amendment offered hs the the Government resolution, as. peeih from the Tillone.W.J.Stew- Opposition was WNW". and "Wm stated. "we might as well go homey'.': art (Frog. Con., loronto Parkdale) rut he declared and left no d it Supporting l ntyod for soc/al: expressed regret. that the Speech ' . oun . ' L'lsle' ' " . . ' , had not forecast consid ti f as to the problems to be explored security legislation Mr ya,fiyl.y,',' 7 , ' . era ton or bv a committee criticized the Government tor .its l country's basic industry, agri- l . . A . delay iii bringing down legislation culture. lie suggested direct sub- Discussion Opportunity. that should have been provided sidies to aid farmers in beef as in In reply Premip, Conant said several years ago. and declared the cheese and that a share of race track there would be ample opportunity Chances were "fifty-fifty" whether and amusement taxation might go for members of the House to discuss the Government would "tako its to aid county fairs. He asked the the provisions and scope of the. bill courage in its hands and bring Minister. of Agriculture if there had when it was introduced. Ho agreed down any bill at all." been any investigation of a report with Aurelian Belanger it,ih.. Pros- CCF. and other left-wins: parties that abattoirs had got a corner on eon) that the resolution was pur- with roscate social plans he decried. beef and butter and were respon- posrly worried in general terms so What was needed be outlined as full sible for shortages. Fixed prices to as to place no limits on the work of' employment at good wages, employ- farmers for their products for the the committee. The Opposition' merit through controlled individual next two years was also suggested amendment, said the Premier. was enterprise. a drastic change in tho to give them some secure foundation not acceptable to the Government, [ educational system whereby higher for planning production. The Opposition amruulnwnl pro- education and university training Co-operation of military and civil. vided that the words after the word would bo made available through police to reduce lawlessness, a corn. "stuthori,t.v" in tho resolution be mission to inquire into temperance struck out and the following substi- and a study of a possible change in tuted: election methods in view of the "To undertake. with special Mich puhlic's failure to utilize their tran-r, once to the constitutional iclation- chise also were advised. Mr. Stew-i ship between the Dominion and art also asked replacement in sehool' Provincial Governments. a survey textbooks of "patriotic gems" that of existing social scheme here and had been removed. :lsewhegebfnd with rifue regardf to . 1R Would Bonus Production. ., e ro a e course o events a ter; , , the. Star, lo make recommendations'; .Enyur,ageptn] of food .prodye- .-. . lion bc bonus and otherwise also for a unified, comprehensive andi _ T d bv J W Fre bor (Lib workable plan which will assure a3 "as mge, ',f,. . . '9 .n C " proper standard of work, wages,' Middle'scx berth) for food "as It health. edur'ation and living condi- ' ada's sect" weaROHBtO 3:"? IIS tions for all our people, with par-! Iv?".' fot the 1llity . ut "Du?"- ticular reference to the re-establish-i ditions as the) 'l. ere, "We." :l 'l; merit of the men and women in ouri regarded manpow Ir,', hf; tie, 1; tttel.?. fighting forces and war industries." be a new miracle I dtie SIT-91: An earlier Opposition amendment l tlt 1943 reached the foo pro uc 1? was ruled out of order in the after- l ' quota set for them as they had .m [ noon hv the Speaker. ' other war years. A straightforward, After" a lively session which saw" .:loryr-ttt'ny clear-cut. policy lor let Premier Conant and Health Min..; Iculture, to end uncertainties, was, ister Harold Kirby under Opposition l needed, he said. i fire, George H. Challies (Frog. Con., I Grenville-Dundas) introduced the:

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