The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1943, p. 1

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Adjournment Declared. ' "There being no quorum the House stands adjourned." said Speaker Clark. . There was no doubt about the Liberals and the Progressive Con. servatives "getting together," and Iarranging for a lack of a quorum. . Some of the Liberals found their IN LEGISLATURE l.way to the cafeteria in the build.. I tugs. Others wandered. off else- , where. The Opposition mcmbers- Quorum L a C k i n g as there were 16 of them in the House M . B ik f a few minutes before midnight" e m b e rs a a found themselves other pomts of ' . interest. Leopold Macaulay (Frog. Night S e 55 I O n Plan Con., South York), walked out, . . _ leaving Leader Drew and about two Lihorat and Progrcrsivn Con- others as the representatives of the isen-alive members of the Legisla- Opposition in the House. Harry ', lure staged a "walk-out" last night, Nixon, former Provincial Secretary, ,to bring the House attendance be- (1h,'utl.n1n,t, $585322 1c,,/fi'g/r, is): low the required quorum of 20. and Liberal Party 'leadership strolled force an adjouyonuTr.. It may also out through the main door. ups'" plans for dtxlixtry of the There were smiles on the faces of Budget today. . Col. Drew and his supporters when While there was no authority for the lack nf a quorum forced ad- 'the . statement other. than the journment. The few Liberals who (titlltlotl of members. H appeared had not been let in on the plot wore ',11",".uic., that ':he MITP? blich bewildered expressions. nary mes to ie exten 0 get mg q . .. . 'together and defeating Premier Ce,,,fyPisttrs. . " lConant's plan to sit until the debate rhat's one way lo cond ll, rc- on the Speech from the Throne was marked COL Drew cheerfully, as. he finished. prepared to depart. The walk-out htoke up a budding It if understood 1.hat at tly.' time filibuster on the Part of tho Op. the Liberals went. into rebellion at position in protest against the Gov- lhe prospect of Fitting most, if n.ot ernment's decision to finish the all night. Premier Conant had l/l" Throne Speech debate Thursday structed that several Cabinet Minis- night. despite Col. Drew's vehement ters who had gone home.'be CC- denunciation of such a plan. questedio return to the Legislature. . ' .. Not since the Drury Government Premier Not In House. regime of 1919 to 1923 has the Legis- Premier Conant "in abe,Eult fiom lature been atijourneti,Hor lack of tho Hourc when Speaker Clark call- a quorum. Major Alex Lewis later ed adjournment. and when informed told newspapermcn, of what had happened. he expressed the opinion the Budget presentation today might have to be delayed. "I believe the debate on the Speech from the Throne must be finished before we can no on with the Budget." said Mr. Conant. "I will know more about it tomorrow." informed earlier that the debate would have to pvor'ottri. Col, Drew warned the Government "there won't be much sleep for an), one to- night .. He proceeded to assemble a -__ _,_- -__-- pile of hook, on his desk in prepara- , tion for a marathon session. Pre- . o o viously his motion to adjourn had Ontario ocial Security Plan been defeated on a recorded . . o division hy a Vote of 34 to 16. Members Step Out. Outlined in Government Bill ",',l,,,,.witi,n,"./1t,/ic'pite"seisyacy/ The scope of Ontario's proposedj for civil employment. classifying ing on for the Opposition that men» Io") "(mu-V'e .was out" them by tH'c'upatlotu. The coprPt,tee hers of both sides slipped out. Ian lined yesterday in a bill given first i Will formtiiate plans for the training Strachan, Liberal Whip was absent reading lll the Legislature. It calls and education of members of the at the time. The Opposition mem- for the establishment ofa c'ommltterarmod forces and for their. re-em- hers Soon caught on and they 1'0" not to exceed 25 in number. _. '., ployment in.the postwar period. . bonan imvin .'. iiir Ti 't't i: Tho powers and duties of 'inis Other duties of the. committee p- . a Cl g sing y. " a '3'," "ommitteo are set forth iii detail. It elude consultation with the Domin- ance "m."pm slowly. Even Premier provides let an examination of the, ion Government, municipal councils. 801:8!" 'el2.",'2,1tlT,),v1rt, 1whal methods of organizing. conserving farmers and Organizations of tm- 'e:' ll "as'ou O tltr' Houst. . and utilizing, the resources of On-l ployers and employees with a View New )..vfr'? more spectators m taiio for the successful pl?ttcy,tlyito determining the extent to which the galleries than members m Ily' of the war. It directs a probe into'iwartime industries may be converted chamber, when Major Alex Lewis, the question of rehabilitation of'into peacetime industries. Plans for fit.?.. of the House, began to count members of the armed forces whoithe extension of scientific researches 'lti.fisilt,y/iuou,nv.t./f 12662112? 322:: will require employment at the con-l in connection with industry and Clark Col Drew quicklv .cCiii.Ciii clusion of the. war. . . i 1e1f.y/ie1'T.y.l also form part of the . . ' . . . The committee will also H.t)mPtlcoPrnittee'? work. what had happened. existing legislation in Ontario andi An examination of the agricultural /1rlet, ends the debat.e. for 'to- elsewhere providing for social sec-uh: resources of Ontario will be made night. ' h? remarked, a smile spread- itv, including health insurance. and', by the committee and plans will be my: on his features. will examine the steps and measures 3 formulated for agricultural develop- net-nssary for the extension of exist-l, ment to provide homes and employ- ing Provincial social services and for) mom on Ontario farms for members the establishment of further social ' of the armed forces and other per- services which may be necessary.' sons at the conclusion of the war. Ono. of the duties of the committee The social security committee is (will be to prepare estimates of the empowered. to examine into any 3 number of persons who will be un- L matter referred to it by the Lieuten- (employed in Ontario at. the conclu-i ant-Governor-in-Counciland"prepare Iii',',','; of the war. indicating the hum-i such estimates. data. plans and re-l 'ber winch will he employable. the ports as the Lieutenant-Governor-in-' number which will have been trained Council may require." 1

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