' MARCH " \ MAKES CHARGE I ADMINISTRATION I I George S. Henry Speaks . I Against Succession Duties Legislation Heartless administration of stic- FOSSIL)" duties legislation was charted against the Ontario Goya ernment in the Legislature yester-i day by George S. Henry tProg. Con., I York Basil. who coupled with his, _ criticism an emphatic denial of, . charges that his Government had neglected its duty in collection of; succession duties. ' I "There was something of a heart , in the treasurer of the day," he dc- cIared. "and since that time I know, of no evidence of any heart at all."i Of the present Administration he . I said: "Thcy'd take the last cent from a widow and orphan to swell the . revenues." lie said he had no criti-I Charges Floundering. cism of legislation that seeks to go) lie charged the Government with back and collect where there has' _'floundcrinc," and was critical of been fraud but he never had con-t several departments. including ceded. he said, that the act wast health and education. The Health passed with the idea of "can-yin; on 1 Department. he thought. was in- a sort of persecution." The people! clined to run ahead of what it actu- of the Province. he said, did not Chu ally needed to do and warned that . pCt't that the Government should: it was the Ministcar's responsibility seek to ruin families and take cn-t "not to let his officials run away tirely from them practically all they, with him." had. In education, Mr. Henry said he Mr. Henry was among the final; thought. the time had arrived for contributors lo the Throne Speech' "some very considerable changes" debate which began March 9. With,! and urged consolidation of the the completion of discussion, thet smaller school areas and getting iGovtrrnmont carried by a vote ot, away from isolated school sections., '38 to 18 its amendment to anI Township school boards should bei 'Opposition amenr'ment of criticism,t developer! as an economy and such} land the Speech from the Throne) a moiwould permit keeping a: . was adopted on the same vote. The; more advanced type of teacher than i it}overnment amendment replied to waspossible under individual school I Ithe Opposition':; call for "immediate' sections. i isteps to meet the critical needs of Hort. Duncan McArthur, Minister! 'our agricultural producers" by Of Education, agreed that the (10-3 Iron-in; "satisfaction that the Gov- partment was in accord with the) I ', ernment has been doing and is do. idea of combining small schoolareas f ling everything possible" to aid the and said that well over 100 town-t farmers. ship school areas already were in) , Observing M. F. 'Hcpbttrn's occu- operation and proving their value! 'pying his scat in "Bad Boys' Row" 'Mr. Henry advocated more coca-; _ near the Conservative benches for fional guidance in secondary schools I the first time this session, Mr. where now only one-third of pupils _ Henry, during his address. chided were taking technical training. him with 'swinging to the right," lie felt, too, he said, that it was a whereas he had always said he mistake the Department of Educa- smm: "well 10 me left," and tion was not represented on the said of the coming, Liberal conven- Board of Governors ot the Uni.. lion: "There never has been a case vyNty of _Toronto. P-' disagreed _where a convention has been called with Premier Conant's "33(35an hy a WINE" to choose a leader when that .such an arrangement might the party was in power." _ lend itself to domination by the de.. partment. .