_ iMACAULAY SEES , CAREUESSNESS ' Net Debt Reduction SECURITY BODY Should Have 8een Twenty-nine M I I I i o n s I bl LEGISLATURE i With careful budgeting Ontario's net debt reduction should have been _'29 millions instead of 3.8 millions, Premier Conant Lists 'Leopold Macaulay (Frog. Con., {South York) asserted in the Legis- Twenty-three Members 'lature yesterday. The chief finan- for New Committee cial critic claimed the Government _ .' "is trying lo sell us a bill of goods." Prnrw).srvi composition of the com ["1984 of 11"lYiy,g the Proyin.cial nuttee to he formed under On. "0}" lh.e.Liheral Government Since tario's Social Security and Rehabilt- t yly had "FEM?" the net debt troy tation Bill was rlisClo.tcd in the Leg. iii-08 Pi/PJ/join that 3'93? 19503 "I": Mum". yesterday as Prommr Co. , 51mm in 1943, or 17 millions a year, until spoke to the second reading of t whsmd' 7 the hill. Though the bill calls for t,,.1" .11e. last three YF'ar'is" alone, 1.e 23 members, Mr. Conant listed only _ ; lieasuier has announced huge ydi- L'.",, explainingr that leeway would be 'iyy'y surpluses 19"]ng 40 millions, primitted lo add m thnt. number. but the net debt has been reduced The committee will he composed of 9m}, 'tou1'.n111110ns m those three ly, members of the House -- seven ."P/1. said. Mr. Macaulay. 'tlot of them Cabinet Ministers --. and filth-"ed with .those boo,kkeepi.ng in others, two representatives from .tgures of.'Irdinarp" surpl1.1ses Ill- each of omrrloyers, labor. service- tended to inducethe ',"o.anl.ner, tax- illlf'll, agriculture and education. :payer to VlCW with admiration the Cabinet Ministers would represent op.r'r.alionii of the Treasury, it has 'the Departments of Education. 1',",ii1yc1'1l a W?" species of siur.e.lu.s Health. Lands and Forests. Agri- my?" l? 0'01?" surplus. This t'lllttllt'. Highways, Labor and Mines. OWN?" sut'pllbs l.s adapted only for Douglas It. Oliyer is named as Der- "a" like the present one when marten! secretary of the committee. loan: and li'gpaygients 2.012;,C0m. The financial aspen or the social r:7;1(:\l;.anl(f tt,Tflisd'"J',etllhaet Tdit,' "WM!" PM" "WWW" C)ll Dominion period of the Government's. regime (1"11"_'l't'"'n "M .'u'm'm "or new instead of to this rvear alone. there tumult)" and " " l.""""-T°" Ir, re- would be an overall deficit for the pea] the present Mobilization of Re- twhole period of 68.6 millions." sources Art, This Opposition Leader ,. George Dtcw did not approve. [Turns to Revenue Figures. Constitutional aspects involved in 3 Mr. Macaulay turned to revenue the sectniry setup "undoubtedly itigures. and contrasted the 30 mil- will require consideration," the I lions of expenditure with which the Premier said. ,Henry Government got along, other Premier Cam": "In hr, did not than relief. This was described at think he ".slnoulrl endeavor to lay thc lime by the opponents of the down any hard and fast rule at this ilcnry Government as a "staggering limo as to Ontario's attitude toward sum." Mr. Macaulay continued. constitutional amendments to por- "Well, how would you describe but of Hfidltlnnal social security the present lax burden of115 mil- measures Ill Canada Thom it "a lions annually?" he asked. "And if definite or concrete proposal before Ontario was staggering under six .is at pl'r"ss'itt, and a pronouncement million liquor revenue in 1934. what at this time would he a prr'judr> is Ontario doing under 17 million ment." liquor revenue in 1943? The I-Ort/oo', riutlos will in.. Dealing with public welfare, Mr. etude examination of "methods of [Macaulay expressed the opinion that organizing, t-otrsorving and utilizing: old-age pensions should be increased the tesouirt-s of Ontario for the five dollars monthly, and the age Stititcesslul prosecution or the way, reduced from 70 to 63. He suggested for the rehabilitation of members that the Government could extend of We armed forces and other per- 'hFallh and DUNE welfare expendi- ~ons who will tequiro employment 'tures without increasing taxes. at the conclusion of the war, and "I think we should establish thou- :eneially for the development and _ sands of scholarships tov deserving lmproynmont of the Province of On. but needy students who, without tarin for the benefit of its people." such help, could not proceed to our Generally there could be no divi- arts, medical, dental and engineer- sion of opinion on the measure, Col. ing colleges," said Mr. Macaulay, Drew agieed, hut pointed out that. 'amid applause. with all its professions of good in. [ "But in other departments there tentions the Government had re- are opportunities {or economies and fused tho principle when offered retrenchment."continuedthe speak- hy the. Opposition two years ago, er. "The huge expenditure on car Action was belated. he felt. ,rentals and mileage allowances, Premier Conant remarked that about $900,000 last year, is largely tho social security bill "comes unnecessary. Instead of a decrease squarely and neatly within the ;0f about 50 per' cent. we have an in- formula set out. by Mr. Churchill crease of about, 100 per cent." ' in his recent speech." . Mr. Macaulay devoted attention to the costs of operating the Provincial police system, pointing out that in 1937 the salary bill of the Ontario Provincial Police was $619,292 and in 1940 it was $1,288,837. In 1942 it ' rose to b'r110,92.8. Mr. Macaulay said that the Prov- ince. before and since the war, had budgeted for increasing ordinary outlay. This money was needed for war', he asserted. "This Province has benefited from war-created revenues," he con- tinued. "Little of this benefit has been reflected in the budgeting position. No betterment of that position is the result of economy." A - ,7-- - _-----.-----...--