Heenan Bill Provides Increase m Payments A bill amending the Worknwn's Compensation Act which received first reading in the Leghlalure yev terday will increme pension; of workmen's widow, who come under the art from S40 lo $43 a month,' raise tho ages of children henef'illing under me acl from 16 lo 18 you. provided hmwi'iis {or Hie exlt'a NP'rtts" are devmed to men tarltuw. lion; and inrrenw workmon's maxi- mum pvn<inn> from 662-rl pm mm of 32,000 To Mini mmml'iion oi 552.300. The at}: is ('laiii'imi. too, ~o Ihnl empim'i-h may he reimbursed in the board for payments in rospmrx of injurM; lo employees. hut may 'not deduct compensation they re- ceive from their pensions or other bonuses, which latter was never in- tended, said Hon Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor, who introduced the hill.