The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1943, p. 3

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S or * < & * : curry for Missing Million ¢ B & n a * e e estirs Ontario Legislatur Passing $22,106,500 estimates for , it was a statutory item, but was in-- MHealth and Public Welfare Depart-- | terrupted by George S. Henry (Prog,. ments last night, the Ontario Legis--| Con., York East) with: "Your speech lature ran into an unexpected prob-lisn't the estimates. Why isn't it in | lem--the mystery of the missing | the Treasury estimates?" Opposi-- | million. tion Leader George Drew added:| f It cropped up when W. J. Stewart | "This book presumably contains the | (Prog. Con., Toronto Parkdale) de--| estimates for the coming year. Lct's' manded to know why the Public} know where it is." Warquhar Oliver | Welfare estimates of $9,521,900 did | (Lib., Grey South), one--time Min-- | not include $1,200,000 allowed in the | ister of Welfare, said it wasn't in | Budget for direct relief and the cost ' the estimates last year. Asked whore | of its _ administration. Nobody | they got the money, he said he scemed to know. 'There was a hur.) didn't know where if came from. | ried scurrying on the 'Treasury| "Where's the missing million ?" | benches to discover what other de--| reiterated Mr. Stewart. | partment the item might be under. Final explanation from Tre#surer | ®Mromier Conant assured the House| Gordon was that it was always paid | that there was "no need to worry; | out of consolidated revenue, under | the item would be regularized later." | Order--in--Council. Mr. Stewart ob. Somebody suggested the million was 'l served: "Woe're sick of Orders--in-- | "n the pants pocket of the over--| Council." | all surplus." | _ But the mystery of the missing Provincial 'Treasurer Hon. St. j million, which had the House in a Clair Gordon began to explain that | dither for a time, had been solved. Youth Fit P P\ d for Ontari Ontario is to have a youth fitness| Mimster of Education a director do-- and recreational program modelled;"mmg his full time to the vouth on the lines of the national youth |P"O&8"Am blan will be appointed i s s rrad C oi [either from his present staff or by movement in Britain, Premier Co-- es _ s 'ye f q4 , | Obtaining from outside the best man nant told the Legislature yesterday | "_'"¢ iT airs be in the course of winding up the ayqnlablc. sand'Mx.'. Conant. "In ad-- dition, a Provincial council for the Budget speech debato. E. $%4 _ f o asg is 'op. | Youth program, comprising recog-- The Premicr tabled copies of cor-- nized leaders and authorities i a respondence between his (;'(')overnmem work: ATHI be constitu(t);]dlf; ';'nfi';"d' and the Government at Otawa con-{\,isor" Loard. FF hat may d * cerning a national youth program, |VMO!Y POald. From flat may de« and announced that it was the in.| VC!OP regional or district represen-- tention of Ontario to co--operate fully [ta"."C'(' bg'f tl'le.kfu(;mex details re-- with the Dominion in the develop-- :?;r:\m uy 'ic""OI ecout as soon as ment of this plan. He predicted that | 'MC PEmits. : ' at least 300,000 boys and girls of The Premier said Ontario was Ontario would enrol. prepared to go "all out" in such a "I want to make it clear chat there YOUth program, but the institution is no intention of disturbing any of Of the plan was conditional upon the the existing organizations or any |CO--Operation of the pqn1ini011 Gov.-- of the work that is being done in ernment. He was satisfied, however, this direction," said the Premier, that this co--operation would be "We have some remarkably fine or-- forthcoming, quoting from a state-- sanizations in Ontario now function-- | ment made _b.\' Pensions Minister ing along these lines. The intention fIan Mackenzie and a letter from is to assist these existing bodies in |Gen. L. R. LaFleche, Minister of the every possible way: to extend their '.Depanmom of Nanvonal War Serv-- work, usefulness and effectiveness; |1ces. to provide facilities which may not now be available and generally tbroughout the Province to make «éfiective to the highest possible de-- 'gree activitiecs promoting youth rec-- R reation, youth health, yvouth morale and youth betterment." Included in the estimates of the -- Department of Education was an item of $250,000 to be devoted to the youth plan, which,. the Premier said, might be termed the "Ontario Youth Program." The Promier pointed to the growth of juvonile delinquency not only in Ontario but all across Canada, and asserted that a youth program would zo fTar toward solving this grave p: oblem. "It is, intended that under our

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