The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1943, p. 1

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Labor Bargaining Bill ! 9 9 * 1 Some Changes Made From Committee's Report ® --Labor Sourt Bill Also Brought In by Conant The long--awaited collective bal'-ip('"?'""'S caused comment outside f o . s ap. | the HMouse. Its tenor was that "all gaining bill for labor made its Cll).'lh(f sharp teeth have been with-- pearance in the Legislature Y°StET* | grawn from the bill." On the other day, minus some of the important | hand, Premier Conant told news-- recommendations contained in the | papermen follr')\\.'in:: adjournment report of the committee tabled in ':""l."'h'-' provisions strengthened the House last week. The bill was | h ." * f given first reading. j Under the terms of the bill now It contg@ins no stated penalties before the Legislature, the Sum-- for infringement of its provisions,. | mary Convictions Act does not ap-- but provides that the Labor Court | ply, m;..\-' restrain a person from con-- A -- provision _ defines-- collective tinuing a violation, directs that I'h" bargaining as "negotiation in good act's provisions be complied ,"'"" faith looking to the conclusion of and orders the reinstatement of any 3 eollective bargaining agreement." person discharged from employment | A unjon is defined as "any trade contrary to its provisions. ():l]""' union or other association of em-- orders in this connection ma} 9€ i ployees which has collective bar-- made by the court as it deems pyinjing among its objectives, but proper. f shall not include any such union or The Conant Government als0 G€-- ; association the administration -- of fined an employer as one employ® | which is dominated, coerced or im-- ing, within the Province, "Ont Of | properly influenced by the employ-- more persons." i er in any manner whether by way An amendment to the JudicatUr® | of financial aid or otherwise," This Act was introduced. by -- Premitl | qu{laws company--dominated unions. Conant, empowering the creation of | _ the Labor Court. Labor Minister| NO Appeal Provided. Heenan introduced the bargaining The Labor Court is given exclu-- bill. 29 ; sive jurisdiction to examine into, Mr. Heenan's introduction of the | pogyp "ang determine all _ matters bargaining measure Yas the "'gf',"l and questions arising under the act L for Opposition ""U""_ to -- ObDt@in | anq 'no appeal shall lie from a de-- from the Minister information as '{€} (:the court." to whether the bill differed from Ll,'f)'] C s R . the committee's recommendations. The Judicature Act amendment Mr. Heenan said he would discuss S€lUNg up the Labor Court is a the bill section by section on sec.| brief bill which sets out "l.hat there ond reading. As to the changes, he Shall be a branch of the High Court said: "Some would think there are Of Justice for Ontario to be known no substantial changes and others | 4s the Labor Court of Ontario which would think it is a new bill en-- Shall exercise such jurisdiction as 3 tirely." may be conferred upon it by any ® a~ Ts i«lr tm 1# aneir} Macaulay Asks Return. ildtl.. of tl'n.\ .L('gl.\'ldlUI.('. Opposition $ eader George Drew sought to learn Leopold Macaulay (Prog. CONs | from Premier Conant whether it South York) gave notice of mouon | was proposed to set up a "one--judge concerning a rosolu]mn as 'follo".?. | court." Col. Drew said the Opposi-- That there be laid before this | fjon ways entitled to this information. House a return showing all corre-- | ; # y spondence, telegrams, and written | . "In the committee's recommenda-- communications in regard to com--| UONS the Chief Justice of Ontario pulsory bargaining received by the | Was <to appoint a justice of the Su.: 'Government or any member thereof | Preme Court to be the Labor Court, since March 24, 1943." !Sa'(l Col. Drew. Mr. Macaulay's motion will be| "This is not the stage to deal with debated Monday although a similar 5 that," replied the Premier. motion has already been ruled out | When L. M. Frost (Prog. Con., of order by Speaker Clark on the |victoria) put the same question to ground that it was contrary 10 |the Premier a little later, the lat-- public policy. Mr. Macaulay declar-- | ter answered that it would be a ed the Opposition would have t0 ! "one--judge" court. conduct its business in future| 'This section has been changed to "right down the middle of a tech-- |read: "Nothing in this act shall nical highway," and declared that | pe construed to give an employee the ruling of the Speaker «consti-- | ghe right to work for or to attempt , tuted an "injustice" to the OPDOSi'ito organize a collective bargainingj tion. _ _ |agency in his working hours." The| Omission from the bill of all)'!l-(\fcl-(\n(jo to premises of the em--| ' !plo;cr has been dropped from the| | bill. | | _Mr. Macaulay's motion for docu-| \ ments received by the Government| $ since March 24 caused considerable | discussion. He insisted that he was in order, stressing that he was not going back to the time of the first | announcement of a bargaining bill. | '"What is the object of tabling a . few carloads of resolutions and tele-- grams from all over the country, $ practically all in favor of collective . bargaining?" was the reply.

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