APRIL 3 . # / ' i j ncrease Widows' Allowances By C 1 y Compensation Act Changes When the Legislature gave second 'a month, and with two or more reading vesterday to the bill amend-- | children $55 plus $10 for each addi-- ing the Workmen's Compensation ; tional child over one. '"The more Act to extend its benefits in sev--| children the more money until the eral respects, HMon,. Peter Heenan, | maximum is reached," the Minister Minister of Labor, cited figures| explained. which he said indicated that "the In saying that industry could af-- benefits under the act can well be: ford the increased cost, Mr. Heenan extended and industry can stand stated that assessment on industry the extra cost." had been "fairly uniform" since the The amendments increase widows' | act went into force Jan. 1, 1915. At pensions under the act from $40 to | that time it was $1.24 per $100 of 45 a month, provide for a maxi--| payroll, Now it is only $1.10 in spite mum pension of 662--3 per cent of | of increased benefits. Since the act $2.500 instead of $2.000 salary, pro-- went into force $163,072,290.11 has vide that full earnings be paid if been paid in benefits on 1,702,128 the percentage of salary falls below | industrial accidents. this figure and that children come Accidents are "alarmingly" on under the act up to 18 instead of | the increase, largely because of wa: 16, provided benef:its be devoted to| industry, Mr. HMceenan said. They had their education. Widows with one ; risen from 81,116 in 1940 to 113,822 child will receive $55 instead of $350 | in 1941 and 133,513 in 1942.