, situated further trom Japan tyn House Need Not Promgue. was the western coast of Americat. "There is 0 reason wl , tl But there was a definite turning 0 H d b" r d " 1". " A the tide last October, Col. Drew ouse. nee I'. pro ogue. declared ' said, and while victory was a long 'Col. Drew. 'We 7could adJourn in way off, the situation was far differ- order to let the when! Parts put out from what it was in those dark its house in order until we know days. who the Premier is and what Gov- ' "But that is not the fundamental ernment is conducting our affairs. T difference to hear in mind," said Then Fhen.we know these facts a , Col. brow. "The fundamental dif- 'Fnei'lal session could be called lo l ference lies within the Legislature thresh out the Situation on the i itself. A year ago an extension was lhasrsnof facts as they must at that . to (red by a Premier who had Imp. ' _ Nixon Leads Those 3W2 i.';,'),,,',',', not. only by his own l In support of the hill lo extend , . . . q party, hut by the people of Ontario iihe Legislature to. Oct, IO, 1944, Joining Opposition-- hr an overwhelming vote. The ex- Premier Oonant pointed out that a l V W 4l f 27 tension of the life of Parliament at similar Mikhail been passed last I ofe as O ' _thnl time was advocated by a If?!" and said. the war Situation is known Premier," said Col. Drew. '.'l11r?,,mo" serious now than it was Breaking party lines to bring "We would not be dealier with then. . . . about the smallest Government ma- reality if we did not realize that 'If'thmfto'. he staid he had deliber- . . . " . 7 . 'f " _ jority since 1934, the Liberals tn the; there is one questlon now that has tt I'".'.' re lamI d rem 1',o,',y'1nf his . . _ 7 . l not been solved," continued Col. opinion on the bill, but he thought, Legislature last night succeeded Pl Drew "It is a question the mem- the case for extension had beans igiving Second reading to the'er-| ho" have a right to know before well set out in editorials in The itension Bill by a vote .0f~4.1 .10 i? I voting mi extending their rights to Globe and Mail and other "hwy i Progressive Conseriatiics _'. uteri) sit in this House. papers which he quoted. "Thn case lsolidly against the bill to prolong " "Tl nestion I "Rod the Pre- against a Provincial general tylcru. 'the life of the Legislature one year-J n J,'/,e,c1vui21s1l, was what were his tion this summer is strong." he , and the": vote was strengthened by: l Il ns in "connlction with the read from a Globe and Mail editor- ' eight Liberals headed by Harry! ginnijcfhii It is fundamental to ial. "The only serious argument Nixon. who sided with them. i 'ici shot". we are now discussing {or it has been partisan advantage." The Liberals who broke tho party. tlor (H195 _ . ' That hofore Ion Canadi q , . C _, -.., . ' I minted out at the time that the ' 2 tan. over-l lines were Messrs. Nixon tBtanti. i e ".., . o S r It "all, b n . l l, . " " ' l id t t ' of the Government is deter. Fl a. l ou f 1 __ l C "imam in , iFarquhar Olivrap 1Grey South), An. "len I J . x hloodv fi htin on th C tti ii . , mined almost entirely hv the Views ' g i: e um men , gus Dickson (Perth). D. M. Camp- 2 . - .., had been ointod out and 1 trot..) , . if the Premier himself. I wish to p - ' IC q , bell (Kent East), C. M. Mat-fie t _ _ d C l Drp h . n id l . " , . " mia. o offense when I say that a e o. w as avm_ sat on tie. tMiddlesex South),EricCross (Hal.. w"? n . 1 - . ' occasion of the extension hill last) . . . , F rr in the Premiership might . 1" "i'.', . . ' dimand Norfolk), R. G. Cioomc change . . l r that "it lik lv th . . . . ff " further changes in the faces .98 ' is uni ely ere is} (Rainy River). and James C. Brad- C cc l ' ' l .thi .7 1 ... , _, _.. c ' before us now any mg we can do that will con , ley (Renfrew North). we SPC _ 1- F . .Il. 1 tril t l s off tiv lv tho ' i . . . , , . . "We are home asked. as A Pattie-v tiiu e css PC H0) to warI o.pesitio1.Leauet George Drew 'rit a blank checue to effort than to throw the Province) and Mr. Nixon presented many ment. to wrl P. a 4 t . th t, il t 1 El identical arguments-a fact which an un nIoviln pt'beliei this body; tion , . , ., .- "rt V. tt o no 'e _ " . . , the latter (ommtnted upon during In." . l Ci' tron.ttitutional or the Col. Drew had also said at that) l his address of less than half an has ctt W IC ., . ti _ h l , l _ . . hi l izht to do so It m an open ime t at re "Olid take no step! hour. Both referred to giving a Ctnlca r17,n . . _ . . . ' that would rei it to rel ...',. u .. "e s ' t that the resent Premierwas C p tNPI a a us ess; blank cheque lo an unknown Gov- .e(.re p ' , ir . . . -h bv the Jet) l,? nor by (onsumptiin of money, gasoline iernment and an unknown Premier, not t osen l ." pe p V. and rubber as would he entailed in! z -. ,. , ' he members of his own party, nor _ . . ' ' ' and Mr. Nixon warned that he t . . . a general election unless the result: 3 . m..," -. ',. a , h- his own Cabinet. This -, .' . _r ' iwould not underwrite Premier Lon- (We!) y . was imperative to the success of lant's pledge of two hours before to L'?gisPlure would he going a 1.ey.-r the Canadian war effort fill the seven vacant seats in the WE." if H ttxtrntiCd thc life of a Par- .. . ' ' , _. . ' g , . i. . . . l d l bv a an Imight propel rest m, tase on [House It would not be fair to ask liament ll hich is tea Ct l m those statements." the 'Premier7 'candidates to go to the expense and who, at ' th? moment. .ha:s only a said. k general election would re-' effort of conducting campaigns when squall"! m' cights. And In law squat- . ire the f M000 le ~t' ffi l _ . ' . V .'. i,, r be challenged by (till usc 0 ', ' e ?C'110n " I-l, they could not expect to Sit more lot s rights ma} C ,- " . , " . ' . . ' . h . l . h tt trials and cost the Province $1,20th-i than one sessltyn, if at all, any who think t py tau: a e er . . _ .. , . ' '. l, . 'ithi tl . ht 000. lie did not think an electioni Col. Drew evoked cries of "Ordor. right. It ls qullo "Him 10 r1g it at this; time was desired hv tho , " , .or " . .' I - . . i 339"! whe? he "tTI to the ,) . . maJorHy of Ontario people. But if . "tera regime. li the Dhantom :of the Premier to believe that a the situation should changethrough Government." Earlier ho had asked party convention has no effect on the victorious conclusion of the the Premier to state his intentions the Premiership. war, so that a general election i with regard to the premiership. as- ', If tly? Premier sal"; he .r"Pl'ose?. should be Justified. he promised to i . . .. F I t tin Ito continue as Premier, suhject, of give due notice and make known 1 sertmg that it was tlii llf. it 0 i- 'eourse, to circumstances, then at tho election date in XOOd time. members to know where the Prem- least we know who the Premier is, Meanwhile Mr. Conant said tho ier stood. Col. Drew said a special or may he a few weeks hence. But, eight vacant seats in the House session of the Legislature could be iwithout knowing that fact, we are should be filled so that the tidings . . . "w felt neces- jasked to extend the life of the Legis- might be represented at next. ses- called at an} ttmt' It l il! ' " flatiire and leave it in the hands of sion. ' sary, and thcrr' SSH.'; no "W" 1opuss a Government and a party whose Passage of the hill would ho an extension bill now. ;identity we do not know. nothing, more than "signing a blank '... . t.' $rr '" is ' _.. T'i1S to believe» " one sta e of thr, prorulings i I'hfte is met; Tason . " _ TMr HV c, Col. At 1 , ' t the Liberals ithat is no unanimity among those; 1rtfe:,led2l,y.U-.mlil"" pate during tlte a 1crnoott W. (who, for formality's sake, may bet f" L d -e . had enough membris on hand to ldescribed as Government support-! Nixon ls Opposed. .givc the bill a majority of no more let's." continued Col, Drew. "The bill l After the dinner recess. Harry than half a dozen bad the vote been Ishould not be forced through on a, Nixon (Lib., Brant) replied to an ( taken at that time. Later the ma- Imajority vote. Never before has al earlier question hy Leopold Ma- ( jority rose lo a dozen, and " the Ibill of this kind been approved' caulay by saying he had deep per- time the House reconvened for the iwithout the unanimous consent of! sonal convictions on the extension evening session it was. 14. iall members. or unanimous to thel issue. Premier Conant, >POH'01' of "W {extent that all but a few dissenters "I wish to state very frankly that, bill, spoke tor 20 minute" in sup- ivoted for it. i holding these convictions, it is im- port ot an extension, quoting from I "The proper course is to wait possible for me to support the meas- newspaper editorials and from the iuntil we see what events are. and ure," said Mr. Nixon. "It Is not a address of Col. Drew at the last ops- (then call the Legislature together," pleasant position to be in. The V sion when the 1ir,t extension hill Jt-ontinued the Opposition Leader. ;Prime Minister is well aware of my . was approved by unanimous vote}?! "We could deal with the situation (stand, because when I tendered my the House. He stressed that the m- 'on the basis of facts as they are, resignation from the .Govornmetyr.on troduction of the bill was the remit 'not on present guesses." Oct. 22, 1942, I made my position of a specific rpcommeudation fiom Col. Drew stressed that the gran clear beyond doubt." a Liberal caucu<. ity of the war was realized by all! Mr. Nixon read an excerpt from Col. Drew, who followed the Pro- members, and that no one would, his letter of resignation, which si.tid'. mitw in the "Chum r'tsntiatiCti thc ifor a moment want to plunge the "I would not, object to the Prime war situation now with that when province into the midst of an elec- Minister who received the great the then Premier Mitchell Hepburn tion while casualties were pouring popular support he did extending approached him in connection with in. his term for a brief period under a a proposed exlensiou. Then there critical war condition, but it seems was actual danger of landings on to me it is stretching our democratic the shores of this continent. Singa- system of responsible government pore had fallen and the Japanese too tar for another who may not en- were occupying countries with a joy this measure of public confi- larger population than Canada, and dence to do so." . l