Conant Pledges Acti On Legal Protecti ' J y On the assurance of Premior|correspondence with the Ottawa Conant that immediate steps would'Government. and declared the On-- be taken to obtain Federal action,| tario Government had been in nego-- | Opposition Leader George Drew last | tiation with Federal authorities on | night in the Legislature "v'ithdrew!these matters since last December.| a resolution which called upon the | The Province had limited juxisdic-" Government to give effective legal'tion in some cases, partial jurisdic-; protection to members of armed | tion in others, and no jurisdiction at {forces and their dependents. !all in many instances. As far as the Col. Dreéew's motion went further matter of giving financial relief to than the measure adopted recently | members of the armed forces was by the Legislature, The Government | concerned, he believed this was the bill dealt with protection agains{ | responsibility of the Dominion. | mortgage foreclosure, while the The Premier pledged he would Drew motion -- sought protection | "take aggressive action to have the against forfeiture of instalment con-- | Dominion Government take steps in tracts, cancellation of life insurance , the direction of working out plans policies up to $10,000, judgments or . in coo--peration with the Province." other legal proceedings for debts in--| On this assurance Col. Drew with-- | curred before entering military drew his motion. Iser\'iCP and other embarrassing fi-- snm«««~commmeamammmess nancial obligations. _ The Opposition Leader was critical | of the Government for delaying the ;calling of his and other motions until the last day of the present | session when little could be done by the House. HMe said he would not press for approval by the House of \the motion in any way other than as a recommendation for future | action. | _ _"I recognized that some of the proposals I have made are in the < Dominion field," said Col. Drew > "But all the proposals are included in United States enactments. The, , morale of our men is directly affect? ed by the degree of security which they feel they possess. I am not 'goinz to press for adoption of the > motion for legislative action, but as a recommendation from this House." Premier Conant read copies of