The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1944, p. 7

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Fcbm\'\ 20 | | Limit Labor's Xaemg > en Serviee: | egislation to afford legal pro-- | s % tection to members of the armed ,_A full--time public health program j forces from Ontario who are on including adequate school health WOl'k Week active service, where such service service was "long overdue," the y renders it impossible for them to Throne Speech declared. Therefore, meet their financial obligations in-- it was planned to make it possible +° 48 Hours curred prior to enlisting, will be for local municipalities to imple-- introduced by the Government. A ment Section 35 of the Public} bill to establish priority of appoint-- Health Act, which already provides| Religious education will be of-- ment to the public serwce for men for such service. fered in public and -- secondary and women who have served in ac-- "The provision of adequate hos-- schools of Ontario and cadet train-- tive service units will also be in-- pital care for all our citizens will ing. under school control, will be-- troduced. require some time to fulfil, but come a part of the regular educa-- One permit, instead of three, will certain immediate steps are being tional program, it was announced be required in future for the pur-- taken to bring this about," it was in the Speech from the Throne read chase of spirits, beer and wine. The stated. "Committees have been set at the opening of the Ontario Legis-- situation in respect to Dominion re. up to study the problem with a lature yesterday. The 5,000--word strictions was outlined. view to inaugurating a new policy." Speech was one of the longest of The Speech contained a brief ref-- As a first step toward meeting;' its kind on record. erence to the Active Service Elec-- the problem of overcrowding in the: The subject of religious educa-- tion Act, which provided for proxy 15 Provincial mental hospitals, an tion was dealt with in one sentence volting for members of the armed additional 300 beds would be made and no detail was afforded. The forces serving outside Ontario. An available at the Orillia hospital. In duties of citizenship and signifi-- amendment would be introduced, it addition a division of psychiatric cance of Canadian in«itutions "will was stated. No details wore given. research had been organized and it be given a more important place in Creation of an Qntario Forest Re- was proposed to extend mental| the school curriculum," it was sources Commission to supervise health clinics to serve all parts of' stated, the de\'elopmeng of the 100 million Ontario as soon as staff was avail--| Greater incentives will be offered acres of accessible Crown forests able. | to encourage the formation --of under the control of the Lands and With regard to postwar planning.' school areas larze enough to pro-- Forests Department was forecast. the Speech forecast legislation to| vide and enrich elementary pro-- Four--Y¥ear Postwar Program. | set up a new Department of Plan-- grams and diversified secondary Dealing with the Highways De-- ning and Development. Purpose of education. Education of new Cana-- partment, it was announced that a this department was defined as l'llans was of vital concern to ali four--year postwar program had preparing plans in all fields of Pro-- Lanléfixaxls. it was .sniosscd. and a been evolved, involving a total 0{! vincial responsibility so that de-- fl'let:dl t";'?}fifl'""}" W Cgl d_ b" az_vmm'- 27,840,000 man--hours for comple-- velopment of the great resources of Ml ue flf"f hovernment 1"1. tion of the work contemplated. the Province would provide fU"I F};';:}mae-m::]l"Ct,i'l(\'tl\z'a'l.oglpos'l\i?; 1-?:1. A reduction in power charges by employment. t quiré :'-pc':'.iar edw;'atibn to zgain thvt. ,the' Hydro Corpmnssnon would f.°l' full advantazge of their Canadian !lo" amglgamatlon of the Georgna'n citizenship. 'Bay. Nlagara and Eastern Ontqrno s |systems, it was declared. To bring 48--Hour Weeck. 'about closer association between Increases in teachers' salaries the: commission and power con--. was also forecast in the Throne sumers, a bill would be introduced | Speech. Several bills for the im-- providing for the appointment of a 'provement of labor relations, on« five--man advisory council to the (to limit the work week to 48 hours Provincial commission. Reference . jand to assure an annual holiday was made to the establishment of fgifal')n:n:e('jhdnlttl?"rl'ay for commer. a uniform rate for power in all flai_ strial workers, will areas of the Province served by 120| [be introduced by the Government. lupF * IETPICEY® | 'The new Dominion labor relations rural power districts. | | "During the past two months the| code making collective bargaining commission has been able to install compulsory in war industry would electriv. services on more than 2,-- be extended to all industries in the 000 additional farms under arrange-- a % ments with the Dominion Metals Province, it was announced. Controller," the speech stated. The Speech was a preview of the There was commendation _ for whole range of Government legisla-- municipalities which have been set-- tion, most of the proposed measures llmg up reserve funds from unspent being implementation of the 22-- appropriations for .('qnstructllon qnd point platform of the Progressive 'mamlena.n(-e. Municipal legislation f forecast included an amendment to Conservative Party. the Municipal Act to permit munici--; > _ There was stress laid on agricul-- palities to levy an additional busi--| ture and an outline was given of the ness assessment to compensate fori policy of creating county agricul-- 'the tax on incomes and corpora--| turai committees, the taking over of tions suspended by Dominion-Pro-{ the Union Stock Yards and other vincial agreement. ' measures designed to improve the lot of the farmer and increase pro-- duction. The agricultural buildings s loaned to the Dominion for war » training purposes would soon revert to the Province once more, it was announced. Those at Kemptville would be made available for Pro-- vincial purposes May 1 and those at Guelph at the earliest possible | opportunity.

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