Match 5 Drew Challenges CCF) I C) L b AH ll? ver a or aw ac : In the most spirited debate in the all the same in their attitude to-i Legislature this session. the C.C.F. ward Mbor. 5 forces. including IO Labor tepre- He .,aodi,d/id/ol"i,,t/'y1it; that TEES-1f . _ 7 . e .,wa> min o e. t'tven ou o n: sentativers. moved 'I? a show-it/iii/si',', 'id, time of the Oshawa down with the Drew GovetnmentiiiriL, in 1937, "yet. here sits that last night on the issue of labor re-Eterribte man who was responsible) lations in Ontario. for the C.I.O. coming into Ontario." Arthur _ Will) (i.C.F., Cho He pointed dramatically to C. H. tario), after hotly assmling thewmmrd fc'1tYojk.1V.rtt). Government's labor record. ehal-' This Government. in its reference tensed Labor Minister Daley to lo labor legislation in the Throne produce the Government/s iabor:tipeech, he rharged.."are leaders in legislation if it had any. ver} truth-loaders in bufkyoalsinc, He was Challenged in tutu tos,Thr1v've tried to keep their skirts Premier Drew to more a want.oi/cl'tan, that', all. A ypal' turo they confidence motion at the end of skated around the labor question his discussion. most adrrritly," refusing to name "I must. in Vten' of tho course the Opposition members to the Liberal debate is taking." said the Premier. lahot committee. "express the hope that the member "Positive Stand." t1illitJ,2,5),"tl/,.ynrrn1ov" a want-of- lime Pr'ynitDre.w. look .~ttott: ..\'o stir-h motion Nlas" introduced otWillon. "ranting I,",, party fiiti ION' thr' CCF. Opposition. take "'a '"""N?. sand. temindtnz; i'l'he debate ".35 enliu'tted by in. him it wa, not in power then and tertuptimw m frequently that muting a "ant .of. 1onfidenot mo- Speaker Stewart railed several tion non that it is in Po?'". Mmes for 0mm Asidos were nu- . Crittt'mn that the fio"rnm"nt. merous. and the Speaker took P\_'lll.~'l€ad or tttll'OdUClng ll, mm rode. «eption to one deviating that he wac had mid it 'A.ould extend the Federal "not hard of hearing." and remind.lauor Relation: Code for wax ire ing the House that "l am not the d.t.tstr.s lo all intitr1,try whruo ap- Speaket of tin Government, lam plicahin. "as answottd hy lhe the Speaker of this Legislature." Fromm, who pmnted out that Asks Copy of Measure. lll "or tin War Measures Am the , Mr. William, participated in Federal Code suprustuded any Pro- rtoss-ttre with the Pt'emiet and viru'ia:'lvgis!ation. . sovetal oi hi, Minister, and con- TI "ft 'rr,., . . eluded his adoress by arking blunt- H? Prtsmiet added thut he would ly for 1 copy of the Goverment', "N"ntilacvlo,uisiationtothowhole Iabm legislation. Labor Ministet labor field by logislatiOH to be in- .')t)ut..Irhiism,uysui' $312213; "3"?" ",1" ,m'io'" a.nrl Irhilo thereupon oh,erred that he could q... .'mlmm had .no choice hut. to (nth rom'lude the Government ;;;")} Fm. Pomnnon 1'1hor lords/a. didn't have ally, adding: "That is, II/lu/QI/l industry. H. .5flyd be it I'm not out of order" Him "21:!" o tom. the balance of "You vet-tainl) arc." tetot'ted At. Mr Will" , r'oivey-Grnotal Blackwell. ," l .mm" Charged, howpvor Mr.' William; assailed bitterly 1,'..Y. Ily? "m" hasYen t"ompletely treatment of eiganized labor hy pant 11(1)::(11 and theGm-ernment. had Administration, back to 1033, espe- J/ri/f.' I uge JIt the Dominion wally the sontling of polivo and hi' de 'lar l l troop, llllO Sttatford and Nov. To- "kWh hf in" '.e.11. Labor Con. .n'vntn and ntltet untrue, whom all"? Al'f'f 111..1ryyovyi the Code 'tttlies weir, tit moxie». and lllslal- l no" prosidpnts had spoken. and {abet had learned that Liberal inf"? quoted'a telegram from "thr, or Conservative Getetnments were 'l.'?':,',',?,.,"",.?'," ("Wed Automohiir u'yrk.isys, CHM which objected to. adoption of the Fndnmt Code as not inn-ting: labor's demands or fulfil}. lltg the pr'omisos of Premier Drew ll related (tlli.\' lo war indue,tries and was not [immanent