March h O f . Ri ht G d d Premier George Drew warned the from the Clerk of the Privy Coun- t Dominion Govornment yesirwtiayt'il 1tT'lng that It 'f"."' not now that Ontario intends to insist on possible lo fl), a 1','iin.ii'x, date my such a confeience. declared Mr. its conti1itutistual 11'3"" in tit?. Drew. 'li was hoped to hold the manditig thar'mrhir,r-,, affecting the conference during the Easter re- Provino, rhottrrt he the .sUhjtit of cPss of Parliament, but this would cori,ultationc between the two not ho Possible horauso other Par. jurisdictions. lizinieiits would he meeting dur. Speaking in tho Lr-glqaium hp- in: that iteriod. This presents a tow the olrlol, of the rla.s, the Pie- Vr't.V rc,al "Whitm- inn-i criticized the Dominion Gow "Tho llrralth iTsut-rstrtt plan is t-iiiiiieiit's action iii bringing forth "Pm-Wm" 8s ""ilts', " (internment health iiistiiaiii-e Proposals without mCHstit", v.hrtroas m fart tt has not hatin: had prior con-tiltation with _ itl'i'sonted to the llouse of the Province. 3, I'r'r!tlc,1rxd in a Commonsuhut to the Social Secur- lntlt'i' ernt to Prime Minister Kin; it} Committee. No C)lle'x heir). ls?isst bx Mr. Drew in, Jan. 6. The Pre of all the Government niemhers. mini emphasized that Ontario was who'musi assume first responsmil- piepai'ed to "WOPQIF'W with the Do- l)', iii gixiiir: direction. is in a minton to the utmost. but there position to deal t'ffctctivcly, either must. he an approach to the prob- b". "35.7! "P.n."'ly or otherwise, lenis which "iet'ognizos the duty with a will which is in a state of and obligation of the Provincial suspended animation and not even .. " establish-3d as a .Government Government. [t said. . . I measure. We are not even sure it ','Jl)irNet'e'je,tci1.: Aura)" I]? will he :i Government measure. ft 1ei1111si2ctc1nttiipt (tel-i533; {I}; may cont: back from the commit. Premier. "There are certain fields tee m (inferent form. of legislation in which Ontario Ready to Co-operate. must act or no one acts at all. This "We are prepared to cooperate Government is not merely a sub. in laying the basis for reforms." .-idiary Government. Under our continued the Premier. "To be Constitution there is one field for effective, there must be an ap- g". one for th? Dominion. and there proach to the problems which rccu are some fields in which there is ognize lht .dyty and obligation (of overlapping. the P.royinciat Government. It is essential that we should meet and, May Be n Klte. ' discuss the basis of proposed legis- , "lt is, most unfortunate that a bill latidn so that when legislation is :0 far reaching and 'it.) lle'tOl'tam!introduced it will be on an agreed should be presented as a Govern. basis, mom bill when it may well be 3 "I have made it clear that we kite flown to the Social Security stand ready to co-operate," contin. Committee." the Frontier continued. ugd Premier Drew. "1 should also 'There has been no eonsttltation'make it clear that this Govern. with this Goveinment. nor with the mom does intend lo insist on the cepartment directly concerned. ai. constitu'ional rights of Ontario.andi though some of the broad details,in matters affecting both Goverii-; have been discussed in eailiei cor- ments there should be consultation." 'iespondenco" E. B, Jolliffe. Opposition Leader. The Piemiei saiddhat in his asked 'he Premier whether his lottoi to Mi. King of Jan. 6 hoGovernm-rit had made specific rep- had asked for an oarl.s Dominion. i'eseiitaiions to Ottawa on mat- Provincial confeieiice to develop a tors of health insurance and social foimula tor legislation action by security and whether it had taken at Governments concerned. In his the initiative in seeking agreement. reply. Mr. King wrote that copies "Health insurance is only one of of the letter had been sent to all a great variety of subjects oti Provinciil Governments. which are have taken the initia- I "Yesterday I received a letter live," replied the Premier. __-----, 1...- -'----------------, - - ""----'-'---------------------------.,