The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1944, p. 1

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The Health Minister emphaSiied 'lard, A. that his bill will in no way inter. - V i tere with the present patient-doctor c_.,_ i ', relationship, but will provide tor an Atsaoeiations my Gentinue. l improved type of medical care avail- l Ottawa, March 3 (CP). - Group! i able to all on a basis satisfactory hospital associations such as the j to the medical and allied protes- Ontario and Quebec Hospital Associ-| t sions, "at a cost within the means ations and other "Blue Cross." or- l fof every one, and by a method of ganizations will not necessarily dis- l, Spayment that will ease the financial appear if health insurance is en- i burden in the cost of sickness." acted in Canada a spokesman for] iHEAl-'I'H PLAN The statement added: "it is de- the Federal Health D . I . ' epartment said l signed to create a satisfactory today. ' standard of adequate medical care It will be up to Provincial com-l by general praetictioners, special- missions, which will be established) Ontario is to have its own pub-l this: etc., but it willunot place a when health insurance is adopted.' lie health insurance plan indepen-' "0""? //,T:ailthtud,tseip.'iit, 2!! is; $139?" Shem" the associations, , _ ._ peope _ 'I e a owed . . t peso s new" th" ll , ti 'satisfaclm} standard which the) Itwill be quite possible for the it). Commiiw ol W ous' o =ma,v wish lo "Tu". and for which P.rt.yviruriat commissions to make pro- {Commonx . l) ll P Vivmr, 1yy',, themselves are prepared to Vlslon for hospitalization through I 1r?iillh.Mmi.N't , i. t ' .'v'lvldi't 'pay. . -'. . those groups. It will be up to the game liollt'l.' ol motion yosttwrlay Oi Asked later if the position of Commissions to work out tl d his G0\'t'llimvllt's intention to in- health-insurance groups such as tails." ' " e- trodiice a hill in the L',"iiil,y.,yf, A,sociated Medical Services would The spokesman said insurance entitled the tiniaiio Munitipal .h" affected hy the Ontario legisla- companeis could continue to ll Health sen-ions .Act.. 1n the words :lltin. Dr. Vivian said they would be "policies which included sicknseess of Dr. "my," ll l t,iihii.,t','f to given every ('oinldelallont' it": benefits, "but these, too, would be m" "t"T/f (11,iadis 2?"??? limit?" tng,',,,',")"')',";':,,)",',,,".,")),').,,,",,' supernumerary." ycrvlfe Ol . . ' - 19 overn _ '. . a . . . t1Css as well as certain preventive! upon them. He indicated that they drain: 2Js"1,tti'e'ggeanl',,i1asahs moasutoc." . i would hate the optiy of joining benefit that would provide Iii,','. 'l he Ontario plan ycy he tamed, in the plan or pioceeding as before. example, half of the sick person's out llt conjunction with tile mlinlLi" Provisions For "Areas." ordinary salary. panties an/i,,yll been ll 0331011: "Ono important feature will be "The modern t.rend is lo dissoci- basic. lt 1r.ll W" "M"? P. p '. tho provision of special plans for ate cash benefits from medical bene- Celina 1oJtributlon' an a r0Vlil- areas in Ontario that might be fills. In health insurance bills cia gran _ ' ' ' . ', ' "sic, atod as areas badly in need triple there are cash benefits, doc- .lt was: "Few" that Pnyy1tts de- Sf j,'i'd'i'h', improvement," Dr. Vivian tors are sometimes put in an em- ctslon to PM" Ily own health In. said "For this tho Government trarrassing position. tiurance mea>urc does not close the .' l I u make sDecial provisions. "A doctor may know that a man door on eventual co-operation with pans l' .. } . , f who claims. he is sick is perfectly Ottawa, provided, howevei. that "de." I"?,",??.,"' by grants o well. However if he doesn't give Ottawa produces a plan which me!,",',? based "Po" need: the man a /ert'iriiairsriiif hi .- imeet< with approval of the Ontario "The Ontario Municipal Health ill he knows he will in g e Hi {Government If such an overall Serxices Act should receive wide.. as a. . ' '., ose t e man i . . _ i -. sl", ad acclaim from rural areas in . patient. plan is produced-and there is no W033 . . . _.' --_- ---r- - 'bill at present before the House Ontario which have been desirous of Commons __mm.e Ls nothing to of adequate services for those areas. prevent the ProvinCial plan from. obtained hs. a method Within their being integrated with the national means. said Dr: Vivian. But this proposed le,rgi.slation goes much fur- program: . d fi it thcr than any plan yet produced. of??? 'led," Il',',':'),,, in pro Sth\ll as the Eunigipal doctor scheme ' us is ht. 3 . /" in Vestern am a and, in a limited posal form aa, far as. Ontario IF.. way, upon St. Joseph's Island in On. concertied." Premier George, Drew tario. This act is not designed for said in an interview. We are iiiral areas alone hut, where desired., bringing in legislation. Ottawa has will cover any section of the Prov- merely a,t.i we do not ince." 1_rn.ow what a bill IS likely to con- While Dr. Vivian said nothing as Iain. There I: no legislation before, to whether the Ontario act is to be 1ne,,,,uvsC1ft,nvr1o,,n'stoatdothtecl2", who"! or mandatory. the words . . . . a '."i',i "w ere desired" are taken to indi- which it is lclt limit It tet It,',':',') cate that the Provincial scheme will' The .Dominion f/ol.'.',""'.'?.,?.,",!,? ( be optional. The Dominion proposal, health lgsugaificle plan' isA,""lf/i. is mandatorv all citizens having to with a ou t u eye xv to Hr . . f.' .t., ' l iario Cabinet. h questions the cost, T whether they wish to or not. figures and the standard of services" Northern Ontario. ', proposed. as well as other features) In his prepared statement Din: of the draft proposal, 1 Vivian said the act will he par-f A Provincial plan Sh ill better serve t tioularly applicable to Northern On- the needs of Ontario from all tiesc-,' tario where. because of the very na- lpoints. it is felt. While Dr. Vivian 'gg,. of tly.'... settlements, adequate had nothing to say at this time as me. icat "Hm" are not e?sily pro- . . .; . cuiable. The type of serum to be to what. the Provincial plan will rendered "illl . least, it is understood the per capita aid of ti m Jeprodueed with the cost will be considerably less than tlon h IP Ontario Medical Associa- Sthat called for in the Dominion pro- ti ' I e Ontario Hospitals Assocni- poem]. The Ontario program will It", and othe.t' groups that r'epre- provide a basis well within the 1yf11t.orseniztd personnelrender- ability of the taxpayer to absorb, mg service in the treatment of ill- .something which it is claimed is nef,1. ... Hacking in the Dominion scheme. .1" "my" to this legislatiion." i In a statement to the press Dr. said Dr. Vivian, "the Drew Govern- A'ivian declared that the passing of ment has planned a full public the Ontario legislation should meet health program for the prevention of, "Smut" approval of all groups in Ie/it anrdhthe safeguarding of good, t e ouse. "and will be a major 5 . . . " will be shown at. the' step forward to make 'l/iuu'Ju1r,' {time of introduction of amendments! all .residen.t.s of this Province ado. l! the Public Health Act. The pro-,' quate medical. surgical, hospital, ,gram has been reviewed by nianyi and other care." competent authorities who claim. that, when it has fully materialized, Ontario will undoubtedly have a public health service unmatched in any large rural Province or State." _ ---- i----------------.,.,-..-..-.,

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