( 0 e Lad e Seen s 'Insul ' ' rang g f f o o o o 0 Bell - In AnfrDiscriminafion I SNAP ELECTION A strongly worded protest 1e'.,".,tliyly.y",11? views would be given ' the Government's anti-discrimina-'when the bill comes up for second rm" hill has been mado by the,reading either today of tomorrow. IN NTA I . Grand Orange Lodge of OntaritrTho Liberal group In the House Wssst, which yesterday sent eopies,'will not Opposn the hill, it was re- . . . ol a telegram setting forth its viewsiported yesterday. The COP. Op- R. A. McEwing (Lib...Wellmgt0n to every member of the Ontariojositinn is al,o prepared in support Northl warned 'Premter George Legislation. Ithe hill, it is reported. though it is Drew HI the y-WNY-pa-rt night Tho Government's bill makes it believed this group would have liked that the people of Ontario "are not an offense for any person or organt-'to see it drafted in different form. m any temper to Consider .any elec- zation to publish material reflect-i tron. and that the Premier alone mg on any race or creed. Penal- could cause an early appeal to the, ties oi8100 for the first offense and country. $'200 for the second and subsequent .TlT E. C Drury Government. had: offenses are provided in the bill. "v"." out its span despite a small' The Grand Orange Lodge protest, matm'lti. Mr, Nit-Ewing said, and over the signature of Leslie ll. there was no reason the preamp Saunders. secretary of the legisla- Govermncnt could not carry on in' tion committee. describes the pro- tace of (h'? WEN?!" urgency. _ posed measure as an "insult to the "Premier Drew has come in with, intelligence of Ontario citizens," and tho SHH'PIQ (rem... to give good gov-l asserts that under its terms no ernment." h') said. "and if not ob-' Protestant paper could lawfully dis- structed possibh by those within cuss or propound its own faith or his own patty a; well as other belief. parties, we will see a new trail "To suppress" stir-h discussion is a blazed in Ontario. The Premier violation of a basic pr.nciple of holds in his own hand the key as to British freedom of speech in the whether we hare an early election pulpit and the press." the wire con. or not. It he persists in intrdouc- chides. in: legislation which other mem- "There is nothing in the hill which bets cannot support, he alone will can possibly limit freedom of cause an election. [warn him the speech in any way." said Premier people are not in any temper to con- Drew last night. He said the Gov- . ider an election. Frankly my pocketbook gets hit pretty hard." Drain; the teaching of Christian- lty. not religions as such, but the E Bl golden rule. in Ontario's schools Mr. ffawa ann0f scape amei McEnvin: said he had gone to hear . - I Th. Shields in Toronto address a _ i mass meeting on education. "And I For Beer Scarcity: Blackwell wasn't the only member of the i Home! there either." he added. Though the Dominion Govern-,found itself oversold. The Federal; t "T!" 'Ili/il)")"),.:)"::.";'"),:,),",'.': 'il,), . .', i. 'order had created an inadequacy oti "a". LII " lam I' as e teye r J' ment reduced Ontario-s beer .Y1ai.C/l'i'iieni' which made Provincial ra-i he said, .2" W, had a Canada full by only 10 per. cent, it is still ro'itioning imperative to overcomel of Dr. SthwF we never would sponsicle, through circumstances set winter lineups at beer storis. 1lence,' have a united Canada. He teaches up, for the further 15 per cent /s/l'or'it"ar.'io had transferred 15 per centI y"1l.on.ay.sm-. 1yhat I want taught duction by Ontario of beer availableiadditional from "on premises" sale, " Christianity. . in beverage rooms, Attorney-Gener-lto sale for home use through warm, Ho .challenged the tight of the al Leslie Blackwell told the Legis-ihouses. So that the reduction lo 'rs', CCF. to speak for agriculture and lature yesterday. iper cent had, in fact, been "hy ream. "NH" tho Opposition that others Commenting before orders of theison of Ordor-in-Council RC. 11374," "Md"? tho GOP. had rights and a day on a letter in yesterday's Globeithe Minister maintained. .ortictit'k to measure them. and Mail questioning the Ontario! "For the letter to suggest that S L. Hall (P.C.. Hallo"). in the Liquor Board's notice posted recent-l the Government of Canada had' teescond briofcesst FPPGCit In the Throne ly in all liquor outlets and beverage nothing to do with that decision is Speet'h debate, five minutes. apprqv- rooms. Mr. Blackwell defended the preposterous." said Mr. Blackwell. 0d the Government's "hrng-needed notice's statement that "the quan- "It was made by obligation of cir- Drpal'tment of Planning and Devel- tity of alpoholic beverages available cumstances set in motion by the opment Inf urged Ontario to be is restricted by reason of Order- Federal Government over which "Inn?" of its sons' wartime sacri- in-Council PC. 11374 passed hy the Ontario had no control. It was made fieps, ' Dominion Government, Dec. 16, by reason of the Order-in-Council (lrityi1s': a quection by G. H. 1942." by which governing restrictions M.itehtll SHI: York North), Pre- The effect of the order had been forcing that action on our part were mm" Drpw la'oled the information retroactive, ho said, and Ontario has brought into being." that tho new principal of University -.-__-_-_,-_-.,___ of Toronto Schools, w. B. MacMuts ray. possesses the required qualifi. cations. as do five other staff members.