The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1944, p. 1

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March ll D Ass , N Bill NN/ill Pl N B k 3 The Drew Government) an". "Inbur opinion this act will be; ldlSCl'lmlnatlnn bill was gtten sec-t :Ltgaveh': 1oo'e"esCtcitt,i,ct'iichit11i" _ _ t _ . . one e o 30nd reading in the Legislature 3"": every citizen of this Province. who terdat utth only one voice ThlSPd; believes in the basic principles of . in opposmon to its par-sage. that " British democracy," continued Pre-, T. A Murphy tPC. Toronto-l utter Drew. . "The meaning ot the' Beachest The bill now goes. into '2"t,iuiftisa1et1iytptittse.t' Ilfeaves " . s ' "'v. TO Lommittee of the Home for dis. discriminate against an: 'iir,ln'i,1)l t'llSSlOtl and at that time the Got. t-ause of ram or creed in fpsppz'l of eriimetit Will more an amendment "is, ordinary lights as a citizen. to the effect that the act shall not .oru deny that equality which is part be doomed in ititcrieie w,llt thr 'yy! part of IT Trr frrodom "a fro rxptr'ssion of opinion rtt' am is a nation are fighting to preserve. subject. in speech or ill "tiling; Simple Choice. Murphy Objects. and that I: .~liiill no: mnfor an) "It, seems to me that Wp hare a Aftei A. A. .\iacl..eod 4L.P., To- meDM-m" or benefit to chem} \'t-i'y simple chtyieetoruakr.uwe tonto-BPI-ic, had roicrsr.i com- alirts.s. peimit, signs and notices to he put ple,'o apprmal of the? hill, Mr. In spr"aliinc on tho piitntplc of up in conspicuous places indicating Murphy lir'. im. hill. Fi,tto':c, Drew (swim-pd that any particular group of people "1 wish In rrryrrl my oppo,ion in that. in who .tt itha: had boon saltl are denied the ordinary rights avail- !." said Mr. Murphy. "Thr bl" is it. the minim). tho hill in no "at able to nthet people. then those who "mppmllmp and Irro far-reaching. limited t-riir.ple'e tiredom of speech should he most indignant are not l haw Ilo olo.iorttion lo 11t1at thr' or .m "Eh, to ("SUNS ant mm"! . hill propose; rozarrlinp signs and which (Ollltl mm he (list'lisw'fl 'llll- the people against whom the signs im~tct'~. hut' it aim covers what is tier tlie existing laws of lil,cl and and notices are directed. but, those said met" tho who. and he must slattdei. the provisions of the Crimi. whose basic principles of freedom, tako into consideration tbat Ive have; nal Codo and mm. similar. Iatss. justice and equality have been out- no juiirdiction over radio. ' "l: ls intended to stop the um rapstif' "Stiong ohjerstiorshavrt bop" made' of 0110113"? ,isins, notices and mm. The Premier said he was troll in the press to this bill and surely hols \tltit'lt. by atioouticntt: thelde. mm" that P3551118 him ill the they hast' goodical advice on mat of equal rights to any parllcu- Legislature would not end Prer- which lo haap their views," Mr.: lar group in our community, offend dice; and animosities. and that was Murphy continued. "They say fit enually those of that group itself one reason why he was not prepar- goes much further than most memo" and all who "mm the principles ed to support any vague or tincer- hers realize. It prevents candidates of democrm'y." said the Premier. tam, WOW-amps Prejudice and ani. in this House making statements at ."Mam proposals. many sincere pro- mosity could only be cured hy public meetings regarding their ee iposals. have hm," made as to the education. and he added: "I hope ponents and it also bars advertis-l prtnusious which should be included that out education in this Prov- ing on billboards It. prevents pub-' Jn a bill such as' that which is be- iiice \t'ili produce better results in lication of sermons by ministers and "up tls' today. Requests have been thal,,dir."fti?n than it has in the prevents such publications as the made that nttch an act shown "A." past." " the prp.cent bill went Orange Sentinel. Protestant Action _t'ums' of employment, that it should further than, it did and attempted and the Catholic Register from pub- 'tleal "hit the obligation of hotel- to go Into holds of legislation al- lishing opinions." k"t'l'ieis in i'r-gaid to the use of icadytot'cred elsewhere. "re might "Bow to the Majority," their _""'"": that it s'ltotiltl deal on". 1lfl"T"' the very ovil WC are There were cries of "Oh. oh" from \klllt libs-lions or slanderous state- seeking to teniove. the Premier all parts of the House at this state- n""rt, and v.ith a numbrr ol otliet Sai/l. 't a . i ment, hut Mr. Murphy declared: ,rmilar sultiprrs. All those are Ft J': fw""_°j 1i).r..tt1i1r1. Leader. "Well. that is my opinion. It also "trrrtvd h) (misting Mus. (',"/1/1i/'o,1r,uli,',t "l"; l Em" deal prevents churches referring to other Activities Not AHeeted. i itt ' Um" 'hn'T'm had creeds. I don't believe the people of " said. The, will": of Sliltli; an" , -' c re ead forabillot ll would not "Wu" prom iiiottec- posters and similar actions were the the Proulhe'a " r by l . t MW. but it would actually cause outward manifttstation, of a situa- this [tind. I wish. 10-9, to erant. ye confusion and dissatisfaction to the tion which should not bo permitted 1})"va the tyli?ffilr.,.eu,st. at in: it I." WON" ttho claim pioiectioti, it to CNN. hrs declared. With that times bow to the 77mm"): I f,ti'iy,1 an} attempt "we made to pas.» laws ptjnciplo the membms of the C.C.F. Government 19 .li?,drty, (ti lhl 1, which could not be onion-ed. That Opposition were in full agreement. . Fytwly" Oliver (L: Grey te, 'f we "Ill not do in this or am- othei "Thesr outward manifestations of lt1 the 1i""r'"t I" "my". eadet ram. 1 wish to be equally emphatic inequality and dizcrimination may "Fr" .\:xon.v said that. lnd "PCr. Ill stating that existing laws do not produce, results which none of us his iuoup was conbcerne ' " "a; 10VPt' the points tioaliAvith bv this would welcome. results in no way "i1xl?us to see le ill passusecofn act. The Offensive signs. notice: or compatible with British demons reading and go tdnto 00111311 ee ll' tPpretirxntation, With which it deals tttcy," Mr. Jolliffe declared. "We are examination ant. " amenvment I ', are not now covered by the Crimi. awarrr that not all beliefs and necessary In \Oicing len '/1'd',Ti'f? Vital Code or any other law in this prejudices can he dealt with hy ment. _.villt tly', princ'ilp ed?" l -" iProvince. The act. as drafted. can- legislation. But a serious problem Mr. fy/eliieif,,,that, l. iti ICU yin {not possibly affect any of the legiti- has arisen. with regard to what I the past "83mm? to) Jr'l1,fitn'1ol', gmate activities of any racial group."' have described as outward manifest- ground.0n a Ic,',',,,',',',,,,') bill .wouldl i The Premier stressed that the! {momi and we understand this bill hoped It t (,',','fi,r,',1d',,' around 'i, :passing of laws was one thing and: i; (laughed to deal with this prob- .tt1111'Lll.l1td?.'fl'1?1,fffe.1ei--, their enforcement was another/ Mm. Both were linked. and a Governmenti which recognized its obligation toI the. people would not pass laws which appeared to give some rights tor protection but. which, in fact, . could not be enforced. . i

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