The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1944, p. 2

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March 14. R . I Bill Am ded l P f f Lib ti s 0 ro ec I er Ie . . l d t Vivian Answers l ed to rotect the right of l .The Government's amen men was . , o imfemgg.'edssitlnTr', any subject. by moved by .the Attorney-General. It Pension Queries (speech or in writing, the Govern.. reads: "This act shall not be deemed . . Iment's anti-discrimination bill went to interfere with the free expression In Ontario on Nov.) last, 56.8% ,through committee stage in thelof opinions upon any subject by persons Wore receiving old_age 'Legislature yesterday and now speech or in writing and shall not pensmns. Health Aripister Vivian -awaits the formality of third read-'confer any protection to or benefit :tated m the Legislature yesterday ing. The act will be proclaimed 60lupon enemy aliens." . 'i", a return replying to a question days after Royal assent is given. l J. B. Salsberg (Lab. Progressive. iv C. A. Strange (C.C.F.. Brant- , T. A. Murphy (P.C., 'rtyyytto-lTtTonto-s,r. Andrew) asked .t.h.e tTti). Of that yunber. 49,096 re- Beaches), who opposed the bill t_tiA_ttorr1ey<ieneral if it was possible celved inereastd pensions, ttBI 1,econd reading, moved that a sub-ithat the Government's amendment geesed to .rQCClVe them and 2387. Qsection of the bill be amended to;migh't rendt.n.ti.rative some of the tlt" reeeivp.g pensions. 1 iiilil/e' the reference to radio 1,rJ'tfeee1i,.1,",-' prohibitions contained in ' 0 a question by Harry tity :casting stations or any other the bill. fC.C.F:..Lambton. West), the Min- 'medium. The motion was lost. F'iiic. of Interpretation. 355;; 'i,aeilo'nhsatceeeeceAagi, lute: ' Mr. Murphy's statement that the! 'The act with the amending 590- eeive mothers' allowances. On that lPr0Vince had no control over facileltion means precisely the same as date 7.758 persons were on the roll lwas countered by 11oy'totfiente? without. it," replied Mr. Blackwell. and since thi 510 have received lLeslic Blackwell. who sal? theI"The reason for the amendment is increases, 1.070 reductions and 791 Fe1era1.1uristiiftly.) over rad'°.had'merely to interpret. what I believe have been added to the roll. to do with. retrt.Il.a.tior! of ('.?.trf.lP..1s.fGl' act already means. Although It was all"? within the N.ri.y.ilctP1liiii's, act was drafted with the great- ' of the 1ftrislatyre P. prohibit theiest care, by reason of the views ex. owner of a radio station from ?f..Tpressed it was felt that it would be milling announcements of a SeJ,ttr,",rtiGrrciige' to insert a section that, in in/ttur?.) Th? reference 'to radio opinion. adds or subtracts pre- lthe PM did rp.t refei to an Hrciieiy nothing from the act." lpresswn of 09mm!" but P, a spot. Answeringaquestion from Liberal 1yoeyfe.y.y,,t .ol. advertisement/ur/iii. H. c. Nixon, the Attorney- .Mr. Blackwell said. iGeneral said that in order to elimi- rSound in Principle. lnate vexatious proceedings the con. ( If the bill was sound in principlegsent of the Attorney-General was in regard to its first section and in'required before court action could lhe provisions contained in it, thenibe taken. The provision in the bill in was sound and sensible to cfr.ry/yrc'iftinir. that penalties imposed go 'it to its logical conclusion and iii-linto the Provincial Treasury would 'clude "any other mediums," theialso discourage vexatious proceed- uiGney,.deneral declared. ings, Mr. Blackell pointed out. . O . Victoria Regent O . Bill Gets Reading A hill to establish a board of ti gents of 43 members to administer Victoria University, Toronto. re-l Asks Probe Info Wages ceived first reading in the Legisla- J. B. Salsberg (L.P.. Toronto-St. lure yesterday. The General Coun-l Andrew) tabled a resolution in the ml of the United Church of Canada. Legislature yesterday calling on the will] name 22 crime members. The standing committee on. labor-to con- irhihntf,ri1aloht/'trriitr1 Tl22,nnd 'efgtearhts'1incoeteliitg, '33; $213.13 - vs Cellos": will he ex-officio members. female labor, adolescents and ap- Flv:j [.'rJ,,1ti,r,'id111, l chosen hy the prentlcels ifn Ontario and to submit gra ua es an Ve y the alumni proposals or a new minimum wa e every four years. and the remaining] stale' "in harmony with the possgi- seven "If; 11:9 elected by the afore-i ibilities for a higher Canadian stand- mentlone oard members. ard of life and in accordance with A bill continuing for another yearl the needs for an expanding home the cheese and hog subsidies re-i market." ceived first reading, The bill con- -'"""-"-r---- firming tho Tax Sales Act passed the committee stage, The bill to set. up county agricultural commit. tees received second reading, and the Government's amendment to the Act regarding taking of affidavits was given .third reading, It permits! ;an commissioned officers in the. gserVices to take affidavits of service-5 'men. l

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