The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1944, p. 3

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March IS c n'+ Allow Beer by the facts. They speak tor them. .3122. 2'tgetr,,enerteht,'.ogt a selves. We have on every occasion cution ot this war, and as thepLead- I ue St afern ent fo since we took office offered co- er of the Government of Ontario I ss operation and sought closer rela- 'dT,t2txfg,'1'y'eemstsat,, vigorous "in. , . . emna ion 0 e s ame ul impu a- Go 'unchallenged tronshlps between the Dominion and tion by the Prime Minister of Can- Provincial Governments. Over "MI ada that either the Government of I " . . . . over again I have requested a Do- Ontario or the people of Ontario are Premier George D,l"il.v, m the Leg minion-Provincial conference to lay' not. fully conscious of their patri- lslaturc yesterday charged that not th f d ti n for the effective otic duty at this grave hour in the only had Prime Minister Macken- C Iouna IO . . _ ' life of Canada. _ I, . " solution of the vital problems which ' tie King "grossly misrepresented , -. l Supported by Hepburn. the facts concerning the beer re- confront us. I "The Premier's denunciation of Mr. ltrictions. but had imputed a lack The absence of co-operation has king_was supported by a former of patriotism on the part ot the all been on the other side. In the Premier, Mitchell F. Hepburn, who Government and the people of On. most high-handed manner the Do- told the Legislature in his first ad. tario. minion Government has proceeded /h'ess ot the session that the Prov- Premtrr Drew. in will: before to make announcements regarding .mce vacated the field of corporation the orders of the day, charged the matters ordinarily within the exclu- lilhd income taxation in favor of the Ottawa Government with failing to sive jurisdiction of the Province Dominion on the definite under- co-operate with Ontario and point- without even indicating to us that Standing that Ontario would retain ed to his request for a conference the matter was under consideration. gthe whole field of administration of on beei---a request left unanswered The Dominion Government flatly ialclh?lic beverages. Mr. Hepburn In Mr. King-as one of many proofs refused to co-operate effectively with grad the correspondence which pass- 1hat Ontario had done everything Ins in the preparation of the labor 10d between the Liberal Government possible to co-operate in the mat- code. land Mi. King on the question of ter. ':Health, Medical Services. JuXSdSIEUgh'. , I . Text of Statement. Recently a health plan was an-, ss/ai,: '/ii",l,aiL,edp2'g', "th trick .hi? Following is the text of Premier Inounced containing many important! time 3115 sessioghs $5122"? 314: gift Drew's statement: ; ;dctails of activity which the Pro-i burn and took "is." with iii." Ki P" When l informed you yesterday; lvincial Government would be called? on the statement ii, t 0 t .' 1mg that the Prime Minister of Canada; lupon to carry out, without even iet/ failed 'to co e t ar'th rhino It.1 had just announced the withdrawal'; lting the Provincial Government) -op ra e WI tawa In, at Dominion restrictions on the, (know what they had in mind. Yes-, I carrying out the restrictions. The: bale of beer, I did not have the text) :terday the Minister of National De-i iformor Chief commissioner of the of his remarks before me. Having: tense announced a plan for the pro-' :Liquor Control Board told ot the mad them, I consider it my duty) évision of medical services. for which' 'stops taken by the board to co-oper- ter deal with them today. l, 'the Provinces again would be called ate with Ottawa and asserted that Mr. King's main argument Was upon to arrange payment, without: he and his officials went. out of their devoted to the alleged failure of consulting the Provinces at anyl way to offer every assistance to the. the Government of Ontario to co- time as to the effect the proposalsl Federal authority. I operate with the Dominion GoveIrn- would have upon existing or con-5 Sirols Report. I mom in this matter. That is an Ihl- templated legislation. 3 The Ontario public made little putation too often and too readily We have heard of these proposals' complaint over the liquor restric:| made by the Prime Minister of indirectly through the press or {inns but there was an uprising! Canada. Every member of this le- otherwise, without, even the com-i overU'the beep restrictions he assert-l Nature will recall vigorous (Till- tesy of a letter to tell us that it: pd By reducing 'iiiiiiii'iii' to the! r:sm of these restrictions from was being done, so that. we might be' bphera'ge rooms and transferring ill, other Provinces than Ontario and ready to exoress our approval or' to the brewery warehouses thol Alberta. otherwise when the announcement; Liquor Board faced an annual loss. But the most offensive feature was made. i "I hetwecn $300 000 and $400,000 Mr hf Mr. King's statement is the im. In a Federal system such as ours,) 1"2"ii/' Said, I , ' . putation that this Government is conduct of this kind makes effective) "We "tram faced with the im. not actuated by the same patriotic joint action utterly impossible, to ossihle situation of the demand far motives which inspired the Domino say nothing of the decent amenities '2"..- Cy I _ , . . _ " " I . . . . I xi'ecorling the restricted supply, inn Government in questions of wahich should be expected in public! 'Mr Gordon declared. "The Liquor this kind. to. i', _ , . " Since we were merely reflecting The Prime Minister has taken 1fig1r1lsitflp1iterfihntidt 222201;; the criticism which has been wide- great. exception to signs appearing, :under the Dominion order " spread throughout the whole Prov- in the sales outlets in this Province: Mr Hepburn commented on rim. of Ontario, the statement goes He has grossly misrepresented the 1.5m; Minister King's criticism of . furthpp and imputes a lack oi pa- facts. It is true there was a reduc- lack of (cooperation between On- triotism to the people of this Prov- tion in the percentage available of who and Alberta Governments ince. That is an imputation which beer in the beverage rooms, but the " nd his own bureaucratic Govern: neither 1 nor any other member " total percentage sold from all out- night» 'rl'l; was due he felt to this Legislature should let. pass un-i 1015 was the exact amount allowed the 0') osition to the 'Sirois re. ort challenged. by the Dominion regulations. // pp . . y, I I rom these two Provinces. The) l Patriotism Proved. Sold Amount Permitted. Sirois report," said Mr. Hepburn,! No one knows better than does) Ontario sold its total quota per- "would have implemented the com.; the Prime Minister ot Canada thati mitted by the Dominion Govern- plete destruction of the Provincial the patriotism of the people of this' ment.I These notices did not appear economy. Ontario and Alberta did Province has been fully demon- Ionly In the beverage room. They their full duty at that time." "rated during this war.And I may Iappeared in all sales outlets and Mr. Hepburn said he had been, , also say that I resent most keenly "hey correctly stated the facts .n one of those who went to Ottawa bis imputation that the Government every case. The notices mentioned to discuss the taking over hy the of Ontario is inspired by less patri- no InerCIentS- They referred only to Dominion of the double taxation mic motives than those of Mr. King lei}.#Ct'ons'. . . field of corporation and income and his colleagues. e P?minion Government. fixed tax. He had been told that the Do- His statement that Ontario has =no definite percentages which_were minion did not propose to invade tailed to co-operate is contradicted he be allocated to any particular the field of liquor taxation. . lsales outlet. They fixed an overall The whole arrangement by which itetal. and it was the duty of the the Province ceded to the Federal [Provincial authorities to allocate Government the fields of corpora- (that totalIas they deemed advisable. tion and income taxation, said Mr. I lThese notices were worded accurate- Hepburn. was on the definite un- Ily. They represented the facts. derstanding that the Province They represent the facts P"." And would retain the whole field of ad. Sa',',2l', tfhlatthfhefrmvzvlfu $311183: 3: ministration of alcoholic beverages. I . . . " every sales outlet affected by the f.?, thi.s basrsc.' tigt1 tthed Prov- Dominion restrictions. rnres, m goo a} ' en ere Atto --. -- . __ , t the agreement with the Dominion

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