The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1944, p. 4

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March is Government on corporation and in- t _ come tax." i . 1 Letter From Haley. l l He read a letter from Finance. l ' l 'Minister Ilsley in which he said: I "'l fully confirm your view," and in I l 'which he stated: "It is not the in- '; 'nention ot the Dominion to embark 1 t on the regulation or sale of alco- i ,holie beverages." I DREW t "In view of that assurance," de-' 1 ' 'clared Mr. Hepburn. "we turnedt I . lover the corporation and income: t The first recorded vote In the ltax." . . . . ': lLegislature this session found the . l/it",',"'"')',, 't,',id'theP'iig,i,,,Ml'/1it',f TDrew Government sustained yester. and fledged to chase the demon'v day by a vote of 49 to 31 on the mo- Rum to its lair. He violated a den.. tron to adopt the Speech trom the init 1t,'is',r,'tt,e"tt,',1tr"ieve, pme t f D Throne. There was no amendment ' ra ng ' o ?n o o- ' , F . iminion action in regard to liquor, "kiwi" FM Cpl-h, but when Pre. ;Mr. Hepburn recalled that after mic: George Dreit called for a {the announcement in September of recorded vote the .C.C.F. Opposition ttlte Dominion restrictive action voted solidly against the Govern., lpurchases "increased by leaps and ment. . Coarrdimttton PoBey. [hounds' and in December the Gov- All Liberal m.emtwrs and the two Urging the vital importance of let'nment not only imposed rcstric- Labor Pvegt'r1'iiiv" members voted theGovernment's proposals for plan- Itions. hut made them retroactive with the Government. Liberal Load- ning and development in Ontario, .50 that Ontario had to impose its (T Harry C Nixon and his first Dana Porter (P.C., Toronto - St. (own restrictions. lieutenant, Farquhar Oliver, were George), who concluded the debate , It brought. about "a system of absent from the House when We on the Throne Speech, pointed out. (chaos," said Mr. Hepburn, citing vote .was takpn. They left early for that all such proposals were depend- llineups at beer stores and liquor H.alt8manti-No.rfolk to a/ldrest by- ent uponapolicy of co-ordination of lstores: women with baby carriages election meetings. Aurelien Belan. all interested parties. Labor would lin the queues "and bootlegiwrs and ger (L., Prescott) was another Lib- be welcome to contribute construc- lhi-jackers outside offering for $12 a eral "SH"??- Wilt. We exception tive suggestions, he said, and he llyottlo what could he got inside of Asiricullure. with"?! T. L. felt sure that where labor leaders for S3 or S4. What an indictment Kennedy, who 1S sick, the Govern- were satisfied they were being taken', 'against us!" ment'< treasury benches were all oe- into the full confidence of thel PT?' Exports. cupted. Sevebral ','g'g"rii,isvee, tConser- Government, "they will put the in.. I . - . va "'9 mem ers We"? a sen '. terests of labor first and partisan let'il Eci'etl'cdgnqelaunh'lldthiltlotrltlvngii: Asked after adjournment if the; politics second." loan of 260.000 gallons of liquor and' Government's request for a ."""°."d'; Mr. Porter Pbserved that among 1'riii,i,i,iir,is" of gallons of beer " ed vote had lore as .3 suT,rl_,, the 24 bills given Royal assent yes- "Whi _ " . C.C.F. Leader E. B. Jolliffe said he terday had been included the Plan- t tile he had no concern about thou ht the Government mi ht: . 'our morals, he was not reluctant . g . ,- . g i mng and Development Bill. jo sell the same kind of poison to take this action. l Beer"Made " Home." [our allies." Mr. Hepburn said or. No Alternative. I In a comment on liquor restric- iis!t'. King. "They reduced the "We refrained from bringing in] tions, Mr. Porter said: "The public islr'ongth or the whisky and not, an amendment and were prepared; as a whole have never been satis. only watered the whisky hut taxed to have the Speech adopted without; fied that the restrictions on the sale .the water." Then, he said, came, a division ot the House," said Mr/ of beer have been necessary restric- :scenes in alleys and "lilac per- Jolliffe. "But when the Premier call-i tions for prosecution ofthe war. We 'tume." referring to increasing use ed for a recorded vote we had not are prepared to accept limitations {of lilac lotions for their alcoholic alternative but to vote against the; on tea, coffee, sugar. These com- content. Government." 'r.. modities come from abroad. Beer is Premier King had got his politi- Mr. Jolliffe described the Govern-l made at home." :ccl car to the ground lately, he ment's legislative program as em-: Restrictions on the sale ot liquor .sztld and in View of the coming Hal.. bodied in the Speech from the' and beer, he said, were "examples of idimand-Norfolk by-election had Throne as a "two-legged horse." As legislation that faces the danger of presumably thought "now is the far as these proposed measures went running counter to a large section dime to unload this baby on some- they were satisfactory, but they did of the community, Beer restric- fbod'y clse's doorstep, so he unload- not go nearly far enough toward 3tions are not only lrksome, but aret Eed it. on the Provinces which stood correcting existing inequalities. he tgiving cause for unrest in large in-i 3111 his way on the Sirois report." declared. 1dustrial sections because the people! i He Ueclartd that Mt'. King's lack With the Throne Speech debate have not been taken into the Federal lot Co-operation charges were "ab- now out of the way after three Ci"fiia"Gi'siiiiiii confidence and given liolutely unwarranted" and added: weeks of discussion. the path is i'i1'tenl', for it - perhaps because I You cant co-operate with a bu- paved for introduction of Provincial there are no reasons at all." There reaucracy such as t?ttawttr-.tht? Treasurer Leslie Frost's Budget. It 'seemed to be "no evidence that limit incompetent, hypocritical is expected the Budget will be there is any excuse at all for de-; ilGt?,'ern.rnt.nt/' brought down Friday, but there is priving men of the reasonable) l Conclufltng. .1ir. Hepburn de- an outside.chanee it may be de- amount of beer they might wantto' .cly ed: 'Tm with the Prime Min- layed until early next week. buy," he said. istcr (Mr. Drew; whole-heartedly ' .--_------ "_-------.-.--- ,. and completely on' this question and I believe 100 per cent of the citizens feel the same way."

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