The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1944, p. 3

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-"'""""" March lb R I C . . 'l" P b . t The Government's pledge to as-lfor several Yeahs for the very pus " . - . t i the pose indicated in the statement I "We al leaht, 50 pet cen o Ihave quoted. The owning and im- school tax charged to real estttei'p"r'lnj'in1" of homes must be encourag. will be fulfilled to the letter, and aied if building is to be done on the Royal Commission will be y't'i?ttdie?..l.t required. I.haye pomted oeut, to sludy even phase otthe :t',er1,fihno,re)e,'.isitohnast quiiclin'chesorfge It complex (tut-slim. Prophet~ "o"CJ,f.,dl? at' upon the basis of a com- Drow announced last night- fete examination of the facts and In the meantime ly Government? tion of all authorities con- will thi.., Ie8t' contribute el':"'?,!),',?),).?]),"),',:",))') this matter toward the direct cost of e,,te,,1,i,tr"t'llffi1s'[,l, the greatest tax readjust- .in Ontario .as a temporary measurement bev'er contemplated in the iThP Premier 1tr.ess0.d that thlsihi'tory of Ontario or any-Province 'grunt, which will be m addition to'ot'b Canada It was never expected 'existing payments. must not be l'Mthat it could be done overnight, and 'garded as an altg'nattllvegoothe lwhit was always emphasized that it dertaking given y le t' gresslve asis. 3Conservative Party in the .AuguStPPUSt lijzeintilot'l'lee 1','tgrltriitui',eiintl'itfless' (election las) Seat', "and "him we/2coo/t"1z,1hnieii,1 our school system is tare determined Ni) caPrry out. the'foiilnded l Described by the renner as " ',.,'1' _ . ',"greatest tax readjustment in the! I tft'?,] to y1ct"t,tg,mte"i/iae1,13e' this whole question is the tremen- ihislory ot Ontario or any tro,)iingilet, "Mfrs: (/siion of departing dons difference in methods of as- iof Canada," the assumption of 50t .'.ff.ll 81m. fggdamental principles, sessmont throughout the Province.} :l'Cl cCnl or more of the school taxes/from "tow tuna" , time has there That in itself presents an insuper. 'rievied against real estate insrtuvesl,,and nexerha. htbof departing from able barrier to the immediate soltl-i (stud, of numerous problems. one ofibee" any t (1193 we have given tion of the problem. the 'most difficult being the "We the .underta mg . "I might also explain that beforea [mentions difference in methods OIISubJect of Long Study. . Royal commission could be appoint-l (assessment throughout the Prov-i "Experts have been working on ed to conduct the necessary in. lince." That in itself presented arf,this subject for many mo.nth.s. Some quiry. a reorganization of the Die-l tinsuperable barrier to the immedi-tof the ablest accountants in inal'lment of Education was abso-l .ate solution of the problem, thelada hate been studying the subject lutely necessary to provide the f':':"; Premier pointed out. continuously and obtaining neces- Henna] background for the proceed-l Text of Statement. sary information. They have laid tings before that commission. That! i k . ' the foundation for the public In- 'reov,r.r,anization has taken place and! I The. text ot the Premier's State'tquiry which must be conducted for we are now ready to proceed with 1mm ly a.'i follows: . {the purpose of exploring the we (the selection of the commission and! l "I hare. deterred making arly ltremely complex problem to be 'the planning of the procedure to bet statement m regard to our plans misolved. This will be done by a Royal followed. ',e.onntytio.n .wltt school taxes 'l1,1tiis1/i1'i,Fiiiiisiiiiii, fully representative of t "In the meantime. we arp taking: 'the Provincial Treasurer was readylau shades of opinion. very definite steps to improve the fto present the budget. This will bel "These accountants advise that isituation, both as to the cost of edu- idone tomorrow. But I believe I/the undertaking can be carried out, cation and the status of thee (should give a simple explanation oriift' that it is not a practical pos- 'teachers. 1 ."'hat. we propose to. do .becaus.e ofaSibility to lay the necessary founda. l, "Three million, five hundred houf We number .ot misleading State'ition without a complete and exhaus- sand dollars will be contributed ihisl lments made m the past i/ny daysltlve public inquiry, which will not year to the cost of education by iiiiil t'VhiCh have been reported m the only ascertain the essential facts, Ontario Government, in addition to': ipress. . . 'but will also provide an opportunity anything which has been paid in 1 "May I rtxcall what I said prior to to place before the public in ad- the past. n will go directly to the "he last "mm- These were Wit/once the details of the questions cost, of education. No similar in. words: 'There will be a SWEEPlngtto be solved. crease has ever before been carried; revision of our whole system of real "There are 6,399 school boards and into effect in one year in this Prov. festate taxation so that the (tv/L'%i'J'l' local authorities in Ontario. inee, l and improving ot homes and farm It would be impossible to assure "This is, however, merely a tem-) lands. which are the very tounda. equality between them under exist- porary measure. adopted in the face) tion of our society, will pot be diss ing conditions. We are advised that of present difficulties, and not to be] couraged by excessive taxation. As any attempt to arrive at some tem- looked upon as an alternative to an initial step in that direction thevporary solution would only aggra- the undertaking we have given and Provincial Government will assurnelGii the inequalities which now which we are determined to carry at least 50 per cent ot the SChOOliexist. The most difficult aspect of out." . tax now charged against real estate.' "I have recommended this course

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