r" . Marcie H, l "Aiiieiiiiiit with the viewpoint that a national plan is desirable and in- l evitable, Dr. Vivian declared he was l not " certain as others that such . , was immediately possible, "nor that VICEMEN l it can, or will, be introduced by . .the Federal Government. 1n.hAt i iopinion such a. national plan might , ' i 'have to awaith the prisentce 'in 0t}; l ' c FIN ll; PERMISSIVE 3 iendeavor to be conservative in t e 'io members of the armed , f _. onsible ov- fog'letsalwho enlisted or volunteered A permissive system of healthi £32335?" ot resp g for active service are protected services through a decentralized '!, Dr. Vivian stressed the fact that from financial. 1','t1,.b",',T)i'i1'di,'.lita,0 authority is embodied in the bill 11t municipalities of Ontario teel gi?gct/,j//ied'/'/""fird'noc"i'a'i gamma." Setting up the Ontario Municipal ttto/ue/tlit/stent $2.311? tions incurred before enlistment: 'tliealth Services yt. which was re- who may express their opinions reo| by three bills introduced in 1lyy Iiewtd in the Legislature yester- garding the acquisition of health!. Legislature yesterday by Premier: /ity. by Health Minister Dr. R. P. services. He felt this was of extremel George A. Drew. The bills received; Vivian. The bill was not given sec- importance because in recent years first reading. I ond reading, so as to enable mem- there had been a marked tendency: Replying to C, H. Mmald iC.C.F.,) bers. of the Hoyse to more thor. for the lower levels of Government! York West l. Premier Drew explain-) oughly study its contents. The] to pass their obligations up the lad- ed that the legislation "provides, request y the delay in giving Sec-l der, thus losing many of their in- a method by which uniformed men'; and reading was made by Joseph tended rights and privileges. on active service may protect them-i isal.sbyg (LR. Toronto-St. Andrewli __ . 't selves against financial embarrass-, land it was concurred in by the ment by simple court procedure."; iGo.yt.r.rynent., The measures cover insurance} 3 William Dennison iCC.F.. To- policies up to $10,000 and mort-) .ronto-St. Pavil adJourned the de- gages. the period of protection ex-E fbale on It bill:Ale Mi the spo.n- tending through the period of serv-i sot' .of. a bill which duplicates lll ice and during rehabilitation. i a limited way. the G?y.y.rnmept Like Swot" Act. 'l1"eyeih2oesfiioitr', amtssielltat/c: The 1es'is)trtiy is similar to the an amendment to the Vivian bill. Sparkman Act in the United. States, In a comprehensive outline of the the Premier said. The bills are proposals contained in the bill, Dr. for financial protection ot mem- Vivian said it was obvious that an hers of the armed forces, protcc- overall Provincial plan at the pres- tion for their life Insurance policies ent time was not possible. The bill and .an amendment to the Active was designed. however, to make it Service. Moratorium Act. 1943, to possible to render such services as . bring it into line with the tt.o were available within the present, r""." acts by extending the ap.pli- limitations of existing facilities and 2t/sonon'ierjQr.to length of service, to create a sound plan tor future Asked later about the new act expansion as desired. f protecting soldiers' insurance poli- Use No Pressure. cies, Attorney-General Leslie Buck. '.Th.is is 8 permissive measure," well explained that the Province said Dr. Vivian. "It is not the in- will pay insurance premiums where tention of this Government to force the need is demonstrated. The: upon any area a service which it Province takes the policy as col-, does not desire. It is also permis- lateral and receives and credits all' sive respecting certain groups with- premiums, etc. i in an area desiring such a plan f The debt is charged against the) for service, permissive to the point inet Provincial advances at 3 per that, it these groups should have {cent instead of at the usual rates satisfactory coverage through their; ot 5 or ti per cent. One year after own insurance plans, it is not thei' service and rehabilitation, when. desire of this Government to navel ever that may be, the soldier takes them terminated. It does, however,) his policy back and pays his debt. allow these groups to participate) "it there is any loss by death the in the municipal plan." '; proceeds, less the debt to the Prov-i It was not the intention ot "let ince. go to the dependents," Mr. Government to ask the local muni-i Blackwell said. "Actually, in all cipality to provide all the funds but a small number of cases the necessary for the carrying out of. cash surrender value from time tot a full health program, Dr. Vivian,' time will cover the Treasury pay-i pointed out. The Government was intents." making provision for the payment. i If insurance payments had been ot limited grants for approved ser- suspended, instead of the Govern- vices upon a basis of need. The act pent taking this course, active serv- also featured health services of var- ice members would have had to ions sorts which could be obtained .pay the accumulated amounts at in varying combinations according i3 .or 6 ter cent, Mr. Blackwell to desire. . . F painted out. "These services Will be co-ordtn- l This iype of legislation is new ated through a board which will In Canada. represent the technical and profes- sional personnel performing the task," the Health Minister contin-' ued. "The board will be responsible,! through the Health Department, to; the people. By so doing the rights) of the individual rendering this ser-l vice will be protected by an etiec-i tive collective bargaining arrange- ment that is as applicable to the professions as it is to those work- ing in industry." I