The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1944, p. 2

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7' W March at Delay Second Re di On Health s . Bill Second reading of the Drew Gov. jected to a compulsory form of tax. ernment's bill to enable municipali- ation for medical treatment. ties to establish health services was oA,ltatti'gp'ifet'"i"iael Loslie Blackwell . . . exp atne at l e bill, mainly er- held up for the second day. m the missive. is a framework by which Legislature yesterday mainly by municipalities can obtain what C.C.F. Opposition desire to discuss health services are desirable and " more fully. They claimed the bill minted out that the Government did not go far enough and wasigg'lj "t 't1l'/h,'d',ntet,' "do2i,ii,eg',l."lhi,t, _ _ . . e o a or. -----------"'------- largely permissive only. _ fi'iiiviiir"e, for 't'i%l/lra'/i'i1,'r, of mg ' Attack on the bill was led by W""war he said is bound und th (plan be submitted to the electorate ham Dennison (C.C.F.. Toronto-St. iJiiiitii'in'irrr,'vi'iici'ii attr "e tflafter three years. holding that David), and the debate was ad. not m impose the vol-v il. eefm n "jl'Wherc it. proved satisfactory there journeri hy c. H. Millard tC.C.F., that would'b'e ni,e'd d the 0 taxe'byould be no need of a referendum. York Wrstt, who will continue the ttll health l 1e Il an oveewha, was needed. he said, was a " discussion moat. t _ p an such as some mem':bill that would work He contended . ' . titers advocated. l . . . l: was not the intention of the! 'that it did not give the people what Government to impose on any to. Bill Is Flexible. they asked for. :ion or group health .~t'l'\'lt'os the)' "The hill i: flexible." said Mr "The Minister leaves himself did not desire. Premier Drew t'i'i"t'ilBcii"id'i', "became some niulfii/i,.t'lrltx Open on definitions," he said. the House. The Premier said he hadlpalittes have no services and will "You could drive a sleigh through received representations from thclhave to ho subsidized right now the bill as far as specific outline Christian Science movement askinrciwhile others have elaborate services"s concerned of the plan it proposes exemption trom the provisions otiand will not. wish to take adi'antagelto allow municipalities to adopt... the health measure. The represents of the legislation until a system of Welcomes Measure. trons made by the P,t1rePf'1lvfrt centrally collected taxes is avail- He welcomed the measure, how.. praised by tht.Ptytniet as being a able". ever, as providing services to mur model. of its kind. . . ,hf.e.sugirs.;ted that most of the nicipalities which needed them, but "Ch???" farm's" recognized Criticism did not relate to the prin- hoped tht.fovyynertt would cor- e rg to t ose who depended eiple of the bill, but only to draft, rect the bill's defects and make it lipon.metiiyl healing for the pres- ing and meaning of its sections and workable and in line with what the ervatton hr "y'lr health, to have invited those who desired changes people of rural Ontario had asked. i;t,"'hcr','1lC,2,asdlt,'; wiry. (,r'rlfil;', bring them to the attention of, J. B. Salsberg (L.P.. Toronto-St. . t _ , - ' , -." . the Government. before the meas- Andrew) termed the bill some- st1lcr'f,,,?iy,.1, m .y?litrioys healing"... goes into committee. thing of a disappointment and ('i'ok,,'ftC,'ci',",)c/",,itigii-'i the" 90811 William Dennison (CIC).. St'itormed it an antiolimax and in- . 11.. l 3 mm Sttitl. David), approving tho principle nt'a'le'tl'a't': w. L. Miller 'L., Algoma- tiervicrs Not Cmtpttlsiory. ithe bill, (",1"th m the dual funrM'coniloulin) and be intended to "\Vo have no intontinn of impos- tion of a Provinro-wide hoard and,support the hill ,hut claimed it lack- ing hoalth strvictss 0" any s'2roup,urpr'rl that suchaboard should have"d punch. One of the problems of or individual where those servicesias its members. representatives of decentralization, he said, was pro- are not desired." said the J':'.iriiir.,jti'j:e: receiving services as well as'Viding medical services in rural On., "I wish to make this perfectly those administering them. He saw tario. Since taxpayers paid a good clear." {need for local boards and felt the share toward the education ot doc- Earlier. in a press interview/Provincial board should he super. tors, he felt there should be some Health Minister Dr. R. P. vivianlvisory only. The bill should vs'l'a"/e1eyittrrtriiet/in on their part, to said that a clarifying 'rirlii,i1'i1ilsii',ii'tei'; he maintained, how tar serve rural areas. "We can't all live would he inserted in the bill in health services would go. in Toronto," he said. connection with those who, ii) Mr. Dennison was critical, in... of "Permissive legislation is not cause of religious conviction, ob- the requirement that the health enough," said Mr. Miller. "We've ----------------- got to go further than providing the vehicle. I think you should tell them how to run it." A. A. Casselman (C.C.F.. Nipiso 'sing) declared services should be Set up. not just made possible. "You should put some real author. ity into the bill to encourage mu- nicipalities to act," he said. Mr. Blackwell strongly suggested a subsidy to fill the need for doc- tors by aiding in education as part; . of the plan to re-establish those! in the armed forces.

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