e "te-------- * STANDS FIRM Maeh a The municipal health services bill was given second reading in the Legislature yesterday after the COP. Opposition had criticized the principle of the bill on the ground that it failed to give municipalities any control over the expenditure of their own money. The Government's answer to this M F 30 viewpoint was given by Premier George Drew, Provincial Treasurer Leslie Frost and Attorney-General Leslie Blackwell. It was pointed out by the Government that there was nothing dictatorial or bureau- cratic in the proposed system; that a local municipality could devise its own health seiviccs plan. The Pro- mier said the C.C.F.'s criticism was The Bank of Canada should he ,founded on a complete P"."."""? (brought into close co-operation with ."_°" ot the plan as embodied m the the Province in matters of IlllullC' ,blll'. :ing. and bank loans should be avail- _ There wah' no amendment or op- :able to small business men on rea- 'DOSlllOll offered to the bill by the lsonable terms, Flt. Lt. L. E. Wismer !C.C.1". group when the motion to {(C.C.F.. Toronto Riverdale) deciaced tat" second reading was put IJ? the tin the Legislature yesterday. Open. ;llouse. ?ypsitior.t Leader E. B. ting the Budget debate as financial onlliffe said he understood the Ily" icritic for the COP. Opposition, Flt . . (ernment was prepared to consid.er Lt. Wismer urged that old-age pen- .Agreeing will the proposed 19tt- amendments to the. bill in commit- (siiorys be paid automatically to rich P.inltProvincitil conference, Flt. tee. Premier Drew, in answer to (and poor alike at the age of 60, and Lt. Wismer suggested that the We? this point. said no amendments 2y the minimum should be S30 cnt tax agreements shty1.ld be dis- would be entertained so far as the per month. He called for pensirns cussed af to WOW revision rather principle of the bill was concerned. le the blind to be paid when biind- than their termination. He wonder- "This is a Government bill and we" begins. not at 40. ed if the treasurer had considered will be dealt with as such," the Pre- ) The Royal Commission to 5mm.) the poccsiblo preference of the tax- mier declared. the educational problem with a .payer to pay his taxes to one col- Establishes Sound Basis. view to relieving real estate of half 'lector when such large sums were . . .- ' . . . . . its resent tax burden should deal involved. The taxpayer would be Provincial Treasure, Frost said it p . . . ' l . a.... N onlv with this uestion due to the ,on y too ready to compliment the was not the demo of the. Govern- ' q. .'. (Government that could work out ment to be dictatorial in the matter. need for speed YI reaching a solu- the necessa '" . . . tion he declared. ts ry arrangements. Such He stressed that the bill established ' . , {arrangements could be made be- a sound basis for future extension He said the Government should tween the Dominion and the Ptms of health services. The setting up have plans ready to lay more stress (inee he belie red " ith t ih. . . . I on base-metals development and l ' I VC ' "(I ."P curtail of a board to administer the scheme. . . ' '., Iment of our Provincial powers, would prevent the creation of "l thrp.rottction. of miners and muntii- jights privileges and authority " , . . palities in gold-mining areas of the, l ' . patchwork plan that would give usl . . ft . On Debt Retirement much trouble as the present Sys'i 1Prtyttt. Amagor Daft ot the U9"? I , . tem of assessment in Ontario. Un- /1u"!y?.nt's mining policy, said tin; i Commenting on the postwar debt- like the Dominion's health services| lLt. Wismer, .must be the.ryolecfion; iretirement plan announced in the . . ' of the mining- communities trom' ilBudget, Flt. Lt. Wismer reca.ied proposals, the Ontario plan would . . , I ' , . not press heavily on the taxpayers. 'Hufferity.v; brought upon them I'l [that a debt-retirement plan had) - . . l . . . . _ 'international factors over pinch ibeen in operation designed to rcurel because " permitted municipalities . . , . _ h th 19 illi to ado t whatever plan suited their tme} had no control. il e. en 83 Itll ""l debt ovcr a . . p 'Ur es Forest Rehabilitation. period of 40 years. It began," he ability to pay. t tt . _ said "in 1927 and was ne le f d C. H. Millard (C.C.F., York West) i The speaker advised plowing back except in respect to Hydro dial"; declared that "if the people are go- Eexcess of revenues over' (:Xpt'llnl- iiEi and ii'iiil been operative ing to be taxed for it, they should 'turcs as a step toward rehahi).itar'on. ii'ii"e." The new proposal would have a large say in the administra- Pt forest areas, the spending of retire the Province's $495 million lion." and complained that not iniore money in protection. of game net debt over a period of 50 years enough authority was left in the iand restocking lakes aryilivtr.s, and but Flt. Lt. Wismer maintained thatI hands of local boards. There should {extensmn of rural electrification as the earlier plan should never have! be, he said, on the central commit- .soon as labor and materials wereI been permitted to lapse. tee, representatives ot local govern- "available. ', "If we enter on a debt-retirement ments. The principle of terminat- l, The Government should do its tit-t scheme in the future," he said, "it ing the setup by outside authority (most, he felt, to encourage imrmsrre should be made statutory so that should be withdrawn, Mr. Millard ition from the British Isles after the; it will not lapse in a period of re- maintained. ;war. He urged, too, that a housing. stricted revenues and rising expen- Miss Agnes Macphail (C.C.F.. scheme was an immediate postwar, ditures." He disagreed with the York East, told the House that all 'nced, and "an obvious method ot plan proposed because he believed :rural Ontario wanted was legisla- creating large-scale employment revenues should go to the Congo", ition "to permit it to look after itself ioperlunitits/', dated Revenue Fund, and be ear- land did not welcome the proposed With syphilis the cause of malty marked only through the estimates icentral health control. Local ad- cases of insanity being cared for iid as they passed the House. Also iministration of health services hadi Provincial institutions, he commend-' such a plan "must go the limit, and (worked satisfactorily in Manitoba ed the Minister of Health for inclu- provide that all debts contracted and Saskatchewan as evidenced by! {sion in the Budget of an estimate will be subject to sinkir.yetury! pro- .ieueps from doctors there. The cost lot $340,000 for the control ot ven- visions sufficient to extinguish the 'had been only about $10 a year for" iereal disease, but thought at .le.as.t new debt at maturity." This would In family of tive or six. Rural foiki twice that much should be provided, Increase taxes slightly, but would wanted to raise the money them- to eradicate "one of the greatest place Provmcial finances on an in- 'selves, but they wanted control of scourges to our society." _ - (vulnerable basis. it, she said. She agreed that therel should be a supervisory committee, but believed control should be in the hands of local bodies. I