- - m 'el"'"'"'"'"""'""'"" March 2.3 e -e _ l The other two acts formed, with . the first, a composite whole. As to I I protection for life insurance, pre- miums to be paid by the Province ', would be regarded as a loan at 3 I I per cent, the cost of the mo.n.ey to l F the Government, with the policy Isl, II security. The moratorium on mort-i I gages is extended to cover the timeI I of service or hospitalization and one! l ISECOND READING year after, l, MUNICIPALITIES i Seen as Morale Builder. I Three Government bills to pro- Moving the second reading of the New machinery which permits . , A. ' . " bills the Premier' said he believed any municipality to approach the vide furoncial protection for mem , II . " 'm . I ' . ,_ . the lochlallon W" of very great Ontario Provincial Police with a bers of the armed forces, protect prt'stnt value in building morale. . . . jiheir hfe insui'anCc policies up to and a and" to all members of the View to havingI that area.r'o1ieed 1s10,000 and extend the Active Serv- House. lie had found in Britain: lv. the .Provincial force Is COW ice Moratorium Act, 1943. as rc- whore Canadian and United States tainedI In an amendment to the _ . 'r' soldiers mingled as ncvct before, Municipal Act which is likely to wards mortgages, etc. passed second . -. . , "live treat- ' . . a I . . -. dircusslons on compald . be introduced in the Legislature reading In the Legislature yester- mont hy their countries. I 'h llv day. Principle of the legislation He had hoped when the matter? s or y. . wat approved by Opposition groups. first came l outside th.e.House, the: I'Ihe his" Is proposed " 'l? tt Provision is made in the financial Premier said, that provmons wouldl \OIUHIHUI' hash. and proceedings . ' l, . , . ' Drew ex- he uniform across Canada. But. hel must be initiated by a Tynlcipar1tst protection bill, Premim felt it was the duty of the Legisla- which desires to have its law en- planted. "hereby a member ot the turo to fulfil its own obligations as tor-cement handled by the Ontario armed (one: or his dependents may an indication to the men in the Provincial Police. Th.is scheme is apply, in the vase of any judicial pro- services of this Prnvincc's apprect-l ..?,',ryr,t/?,.,C, operated . In . M.anitoba . I I . ' . ation of what. they were doing tori and British Columbia with 1mpres- cccdlngs ogalntl him ot Ill ceitain how at home I Sire success. ttTcs of non-judicial proceedings "pri.; O osilion Leader E. B.' The shortage. of suitable applio for relief if his inability to meet 2 (,' ECU..." his amoroval MI Pants for municipal police forces, . . Jolliff, "Dr's" . m due to the war and the fact that his obligation is shown to be due tho principle and Liberal Leader H. mam- police officers have trans- to his being a member of the armed C. Nixon .commynded the Govern- ferred to other police forces for forces: and if "as incurred before mom omits action. lie hoped 1h" higher pay. are two reasons given ' . . legislalmn would become 3909"" why the new plan is needed in he became a number. across the Dominion. The provmon Ontario. Another reason is the die- Long Under Consideration. for life insurance. he said, wasn"pOS-l sirability of divorcing police ad- The three ails were prompted hy Sihl."I a I'm"? '.""I' m Canada. but; ministration from local politics. the similar Sparkman Act in the he didn t. think it would eter cost Several Petitions. United Suites. and wcre an inter- the Treasury any . considerable . ' ... . ' . . ,',' . . . Ir. amount. "Tho provismns are ade- Several Ontario municipalities ptz?tation of ltr, 9r0VlsiOllm' tot tleit C . . have petitioned the Government riorc. The Premier pointed out that. quato and proper all" 1.ve will 'Ti!' V I ' - ".,1'", - " I . . . ' . . " . husiastic su port.") .fm this serVitc, and others will such ltT.:i,lution had been undei the bills om cm p I 'follow once it is known that a oiiuldr-l-dtiriii for some time. He Premier Drew told R. Patterson! irecogni7ed basis has been laid for I II-I . 'tg'. 'EXT? Ts.. w.... p) --e, . . . - "who". "I Lr-ddm of the Opposition. (LY. .Gry North) that insurancI its practical operation, it is report- harrim'rociuct'" a resolution in the policies taken out since the \IiarI ed. It is almost certain that suit- .vssion two with ago to tllVC this would not. come under (he act and able police officers in a municipal lypn of pi'olcirtlon. assured Nelson Alles (C.C.F.. Essex force will be absorbed into the The matter. he said. was then North) that there was no intention Provincial service it an agreement under mnsuleration by the Do. of interfering with interest rates is entered into. These officers will minion Government. and the TCSO- on mortgages since they we"? ohli- he "aim in Ontario Provincial illlltm had been deferred for this gallons between individuals which Police methods and will be Jia" icaaon. The point had since been the act did not attempt to cover. manent officers in that service. pressed. but .so far no Dominion Upon application of a municipal'. av-tion had been taken. "We are ity for Government policing, a sur- putting in "let-I." said the Premier. vex will be carried out in the area "in prnposal we made here two and a price will be named for the ICrtlt; are." . policing. If agreeable to the mu- Proverydhv,::,, hc explained. could nicipality. a contract for one year i" taken bot'rc A county or district will be signed, subject to approval judge to obtain an order to defer by Order-in-Council. payment. and thr judzc could rICtor- Court Fines. mine whether non~pa3m°ni was due . . . . to service: and make a just decision ? The Iquestion of d'SpOS't'fm .ot court fines depends on certain Cir- Only to Deli-r Payment. cumstances, but in most cases the "There is no thought of oxiin- hulk of the moneys received by the gunning just obligations." the Pre- courts would go to the municipality. mier made clear. "but only deferring It is pointed out that police pro- payment. Certain inconveniences tection in many small municipal" may be caused by such deferment, ties become an acute problem and but the position of the Government the policing plan as proposed by is that where a man has offered his . .'h'? Government would overcome life for his country, and as a result present difficulties. A population cannot pay his legitimate oblige. limit is likely to be made in the tions. the balance of convenience hi"- should rest. with him. and a just order should be issued by a judge, in his case." I