-- "e"'--""""-'""""'""'"'"""'"-"""""----. March ah C q . f Th P osed a Sti I f T M' q . O f q Details of the report appear on the sible and that, provision be made for Financial Page. lprompt release ot reports and con- -1-.- sideration given by both Dominion Abolition ot the Ontario Securities, and Provincial Governments to pro- Commission and Board of Reviewivision for geophysical and other set up under the Securit'es Act, andisimilar surveys in areas not amen- its replacement under a new act by'able to ordinary geological surveys. R part-tinte commission of three,' Employment of R.C.A.F. person- were among the r_econynendationslnel in aerial surveys in postwar {or betterment of Ontario's mining,years is advised. No prospecting industry contained in the report ',fjg'.gi,ei.si1ity, should be granted in 'he Ontario Mining Commission. mineral areas. I . :ahled in the Legislature "HONEY-l Consideration should he given.I The report, divided Into three sec-"m report says, to building of roads', V ions and dealing coniehcnsively% or to mineral areas where such: with three phases of mining. deals/roads would serve lo stimulate":, with the necessity for stim.ulatrnir,pvospoctinrg and development of newi orospect':ng, Northern Ontario edu-%indral resources or materiallyl , national policies and re2ulations%wer costs of operations in pres. governing thc financing of miningientlv productive mineral areas. development. lt wa:; signed |)y.\'or-i In" oxplanatory remarks concern- man C. Uiriuharl, the commissioniing its recommendations, the com- chairman. lmission says: "Restrictive legisla- Under the propo,ed W'W act theltion dealing with financing ot min- part-time commission of three would ing developments has definitely be appointed by the Lieutenant-Gov- played an important part in bring- ernor-in-Council. operating through ing about the decline in mining ac- a registrar, appointed by the oom- tivity. The practices of fraudulent mission. Personnel of the new com- staking and blanketing of claims mission should include a member have developed to a serious degree skilled in law, one skillec in securi-land are detrimental to the bona tide ties dealings, and one in the T-ioperator." quirements of the industry and itsi "Representations made and inlor-i financing and development. 'mation obtained would indicate that! General Registration. fthe provisions for recording of., The new act proposed would invassessment work under the Mining! elude registration of all mining com- 'Act have been prostituted by fraudu-l patties. partnerships, brokers, s.t1,es-llt1t, practices," the commission de-! men and others dealing in srecurititruiclares. assurance of integrity of the appli- ----- __ cant, refusal ot registration to per-! sons not resident in Canada for three years or when it appears that, a person proposes to use a trading: name other. than his own, and in-, ---. sistent-e on a bond approved by the. 7 --._rt---...-- commission. ' . q lt is rorommended that the .00.! Amendment fo Liquor Act Would Ban minion authorities he requested to! o o . Ireat all 1xpendituros on outs.titr, , Under-Medicated Hair, Face Lotions exploration hy mining companies in) any part of Canada. other than capi- Alcoholic hair and face prepara- stands, specifies the word "per- tat downing" lan operating g-gst tgi tions which do not contain ,si"iiiier;i',t':'.itii-si.j'ci,iii, 1"gi7tie.glt adds J2 ne e ucr e rom axes o pal . i . . . wor s 'lo on, ore wa er or 0... er the Dominion under any of As ta»! irt".'-d.ifaPn.t? prevent their .use aslsimilar preparations," ing statutes. Outside exploration] splrtts tor internal consumption are; A heavy demand on face lotions is deemed to include surface explora- banned from public sale under an and similar compounds containing tion of all kinds. stii,i,'rj'i'iid-1'ivi'i"i'/n"g) amendment to the Liquor Controller large percentage' of alcohol eras and prospect shaft sinking. Act now awaiting second reading'been noted in recent: months, and at Rigid inspection of claim staking, tin the Legislature. least one death has been reported as and appropriate penalties when ', In an effort to prevent the use aria result of the stuff being taken claims are staked contrary to the'; perfumes, lotions, toilet water and0internally. provisions of the act are ilrged, as. similar compounds as a substitute1 Municipal/tttttttties in Ontario well as rigid inspection of assess- for alcoholic beverages, the amend-ihave been disturbed over the grow- ment work and appropriate penal-i Tent requires that all such preparer-1mg evidence that;_certam elements ties where fraud is found. ; trons must contain enough medica- oAt.he population are prepared to Appointment of geologists in min-I tion to make them unpalatable forldrmk "Hymn? calculated to "give Pral areas to promote sound may internal use. The act, as it new them a bang." pectin: activity also is suggested, geologists" duties to include holding; of prospectors' classes for simple) geological instruction. Policing of staking or assessment work should under no circumstances be included'; in their duties. I The report also advises that. the} work of the geological surveys be] augmented at as early a date as pas-I