The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1944, p. 2

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March 24.. ' "Footnote to Folly." 'FRENCH l'BERAL He termed the Government's tem- 'porary grant of $3,100,000 to the , municipalities pending the school 5 :tax settlement as "a footnote to 1 folly." If the Government found I j that its "mid-Victorian conception T , of finance made it impossible to ON w RELIEF '; fulfill the pledge" it was still with- I l in its ability to go beyond the FIGHTING MEN " ", "paltry" $3,100,000 andfasstiiimelat this . . re rew Government's Ian to' fission 25. per rent. o so IP "taxes Premier George Drew made it apiiiiientDa Royal commission for: Pas _'.,?,,,',".)??-.',','..:,'., of gods: faith.b The clear in the itgi?1at.u.rt.yesterdt.y 'full study of tho best methods (l'io,)y,"",',), (tedit wou "IPI, e im- that. Government legislation for fi- whereby :eal estate could he re-, patter. but would be higher. I.,' nancial protection P:, members .of lieved of Cat) pm. cent of education', My. Mat'Imod suggested that this, the armed serVices will not in- costs was approved in the Legisla- .~E'~>lt)il of the House be not pro-l elude those ."' Uniform who have tutt? last night by Aurelien Bel- rowed 1outed,iourn.etiyd the mem- not offered lite and limb for their angel (L., Prescott). heis'be railed again in the [allhtc'ii country. . . Speaking in the Budget debate, long]. the oozeinmenthwwith w a. . The Premier made-his statement the French-Canadian member de. "'i"/l cf?",'"f'|°;} . yff.ll?, 1:31"- " W in Misti-fr to a Question hy Flt. Lt. dated: "I" the Government feels, l l'O.\llitId\ . 1983111191 ya t.. rosf, L. E. Wismer IC.CF., Toronto-Riv- the facts can be better studied and' n" said, "Mk. too .51ffy.1. a "a? Od'l erdale). who asked whether draft- recommendations better made by a ly-' future "2191"?"th re ice I ees Were included. He thought th.ey Royal commission. I'm all for it.: ""nu'Tand. comes close to being should re, as the three bills in. The Goveinment will have my full, a peregrina'iiig apostle of gloom. volved were to protect the finan- support In, that, part of it." Pnrhapc, however. the Treasurer, cial obligations of men in the serv- M B l . , i th , '., f was "parking away a little sunshine; ices. He said many in the active , . I, elangpt P." . l Pam?" . 'C-sr. um. sic-mun. lo make the wel- services were needed in Canada. 'igxgmei'eflliul-C'Zcililoclt][Ell-1i;tailiid3:31: kin iinz with the surplus he will "Distinction is not drawn," said . _ . ... . . ' announce." the Premier. "This is an offer of "M1": f,,hf,i,/,",',iai/ii: l adionv/ir,t L. G. Robinson tC.C.F.. Waterloo a special form of protection to those men f1lll': m l It? ou.e houn l South) adjourned the debate at 11 to whom this country is indebted,} IIs r1.'1P1's" to implement. l, e meas- pm. for resumption, probably this and this Government is not willing) me by Te.fell swoop. He would afternoon. to make special provision for meni have fought ll. , ' who are unwilling to fight tori I would hare told them they re their country." i not.Tady to.d.o jt-,-ll.1at they. would i enrich the rich and impoverish the Asked for Review. ( poor. They're not ready without Flt. Lt. Wismer had asked the' further study." Government to review its bills to! Reforms would wait a long time / include draftees. and wanted to; if they waited for perfect legisla- know it there was any distinction) lion. "Reform." he said, "does not between men who were drafted for' always mean renovation; it means a('ll\'t('i service and those who volurw, progress." teere . . . The bills passed through com-t Asks ff"?." at Once. - mitten stage and now await third) . If rt'"'.(-i.oretpmTt does not feel reading. l in a position to give 50 per cent. Arthur Williams, (C.C.F.. thr. school. tax relief to real estate at tarioy attacked the Government of once, it should assume 23pm cent. the proposal to charge 3 per as an evidence of good faith, A. A. cent interest for the loan made by MacLend (LP. Toronto Bellwoods), the Province to protect a service. declared. , , ' man's insurance policy. There was Ho urged .a"? "W it"? .Govern: nothing "meaner" than to make ment forget vit1P/ovincial view and members of the armed forces pay ro-onerate yihoit-heartdls with the 3 per cent. interest on the loan Dominion government fora greater when they returned from overseas. Canada. The Domini.on 'mlglil even "The Government that would be r,"?tm,it.le.d to remain in some lax stoop to do a thing like that is not {with wnicli the Province expected worth a tinker's damn," exclaimed in nave tlulntrl. to it after the wax Mr. Williams. under the nonoi.iron-Pt1ovinc_ial agree. The House was in committee ineiit - '"ovidilyr...Pe Domini.on. stage when this remark was made, assumed responsibility for social and Chairman Rely Patterson (L., t'el'V'.ct?y. . _ Grey North) called for a with- Mr. MacLeod said eo-operation drawal. 'could not he achieved Ll a belliger- "I withdraw the remark, but I -eni attitude. and charged a "snarl- still feel very strongly on the mat- ling, giowling, grudging attitude' by ter." 'the Ptovince toward the Dominion Later Attorney-General Blackwell authorities. "Talk of the Dominion's said only "sheer ignorance" would "moral right to give back sources have led the member for Ontario to of revenue, he thought. "is a euplie: make such a statement, and Mr. mism for the old narrow concept ot Williams replied that "only igno. I'/T,rinf'iai.right:y" There was too rance would promote such a remark much tendency. he claimed. towaid from the Attorney-General," the "Balkanization of Canada." Earlier in the week, when the in. "There sh.ou.ld be less _tailt of surance protection bill was given, Provincial rights." he said, "and. _ second reading, Premier Drew told more oi making Canada a prosper- the House that the 3 per cent. ous nation." interest rate was the estimated cost ot financing these arrange- ments. It was pointed out that it the individual active service mem- ber arranged through other sources to take care of his life insurance' payments. it would cost him 6 per. cent interest.

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