The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1944, p. 1

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7 March " l l lCC F Ch LARF ' R,p.ud. iNEWlABOR ACT l l M) tlt 230 1hl SLOT [ l i COST S , i EIS INTRODUCED C Cal funds received by the. " v. , . .- l cf1tyi/l;i"d), general election of Olltl_allosdtt;" 1ill.outlais1ng .slot i Aug 4last Vt'at' amounted to $20,230, Ema} 1lfe: l", ated m the .Leglsla- , B l id,aivn,,, tC.C.F.. Woodbine) lure y.estertiay,. was permitted to l i"iihi, Legislature yesterday. lie giant! in committee on request of l said that last ss 00k HIP member for ltr/yy-Sty'..?]. Leslie ,Blafltell Gammon M. H. Acres, RC, had jpending pdtmtmg of" certain clarify- _ Labor legislation tor Ontario was asked "homo.- it was true that the 5"'glam3n me.nts. 1'he right of ap- introduced in the Legislature yes- CCI', rocirived half a million dollars P.e.? an mouse statement that the iterday bv Labor Minister Charles Itom the C.1.O. in the United States. Pill does not applyio pay telephones . . . . . Tho C.C.F received its financial and such automatic machines were Daley. The mam bill, with which assistant-ellli the form of nickels,': "gage" . 'M'tl 1 ' are twp ancillary measures, pro- dinltu and half-dollars, and there) ndiixil"dt""ttld"jfidtt).'/ge1e'ln, cog"- vides for extension of the new Fed- w.--io lit). large contributions from; lay of the nf)/lsourllTeft'"iirl2dfiy.." cl'al Labor Code to Ontario work- WNW? Cl"""?),)',' 1lrrae?i'.,'.ginsd/1i,'i "I don't litre the bill, and I don't, ms in and out of war industry and 'uh/io/f'),?"),,,:),', which the C.C.F.S like slot machines." But, he yp1n,-,i the establishment of an Ontario tvprccstsutotl, contributed less than: lm'lw(:f there wct'ekother 'racketsf! Labor Relations Board of six men SLOW to the campaign. In St. David: "if: m Pf lace trad F. _ . I and a chairman. yet to be named. mm: the C.C.F. spent S477.03, or I don U'tlievt m these infernal) I dditi i r , h , a 103le of eight cents per vote. The' blue 1awC, he said. . l n a I IT, 1owever, t e neu Proe,lissive Conservatives spent' lie potnted out that alrmen atl Labor Relations Board Act, 1944, $5113.35. or $1.01 per vote, and the" tour alr schools in his district en-t can include municipal corporations, Lilli-rails spent 53.04898. or 99 cents Joyed slot machines and wouldn't school boards or anv board or com- lM'l mm. he said. want them removed. Phonographs,' . . t b " . . l "i would like to see the Pro- Weighing machines and Pandy dis. m"'I".'n se y'. y tt mummpa cor- glmsiu' Conservatives and the Lib. lpensers might conceivably come poration which has the power to "an gin' just as frank a statement 'iunder the ban. pass by-laws. Inclusion would be on campaign funds as I have done," , Mr. Blackwell explained that no by their own initiative. ll.', Leaving said. {appeal had been included in the billl The Labor Board when appoint- lhecause the act's prototype in sixl ed will have its head office in To- lotller jurisdictions had none. ':, ronto, but may sit in any part of . Possible extensive confiscation oil /he Province. And though the Cob. jslot machines, Mr. Hepburn termed: llective Bargaining Act is repealed "one of the most vicious things I've 'along with the present Labor Court, ever heard." Ile also pointed out persons who have been duly ap- ERVI f thatthc Saskatchewan Appeal Court poinJod collective bargaining had l'ulpd a similar bill ultra vires agents will remain undisturbed and of the Legislature as containing a Labor Court records will be trans- penalty. ferred to the new board. The Col- RATE flfl -t let-live Bargaining Act and the Labor Court remains until present proceedings pending under them Criiivism of the civil service sal. are completed. my scale was voiced in thn Legis- Protection of existing rights of latule yesterday hy J. B. Salsbel': labor is assured under: one of the tL.P.. St. Andre" " in the Budget $302111" bills comprising the legis- debate. He heliex-ed the Citv at To- The new regulations governing ronlo paid more for similar serrieas employees and employers remain Mr. Salsheta said it appeared to be in force notwithstanding the revo- actt.sp ol "poichin,ur llp " Chrr)nii. 2/,iaounseotf,/'ttetr,g,,ieetey'is, it: "til." and hr. dvplored tho telldrllt'}. war or for other reasons ol l'l\il servants alums ke'pin: an . . Chairman and members of the "in on the [HHII'I'HHI'JIH HI the da) New A renfice MI l d , b . tvitlt " viow it) having; then 0"]! pp War ale to e appomted by the Iri'isorml prololtuv,.crtsmedird. instead _ A new hill amending the Ap- yeuteyrtt:Ga?verntyt,in9u.ncil on ' . . ' . . . . , . recommendation of the Labor Mln- ill haunt; the sense ol M't'lllli) lo prenticeship Act 15 to he introduced . l b d h f 11 ' wt: "ll the; 1VtHt' entillml, in the Legislature by Labor Min.. lster. Tlte oar as. [u powers Manly-ls oi tho llllildlllqs slut"! ister Daley. The present amending .und." the Public Inquiries Adana "f'l'r' wotkiuxr till llntll' extra a ' bill, already past. first reading will in!" n.eke muffs of procedure not but "we l't't't'l\lll" no t-\lla l"'lllll- be withdrawn. The hill would re- lmconSISten-t with the 11.'tylir,t,te La. . , _ . ' . . . hor Relations Regulations. The notation. All. Srllsllel'tz said. No cnl- time all persons in designated In . . . . _ FTF' ., _ . " 'VC , . - i" mister may appoint a chief exec- ploy t should he rrquire:l to "cork trades, other than reify..i.teted an utive officer or other officials re- 'i)11 ligatlillxili'ith' ho um paid to. prentices, to hold a certificate, lquired for the purpose of the board. Dcalivv: mm inn BMW" M, 'Salarles are to be. fixed by the Lieu- Sttlshet'g said the Gore, (i/ii/ii up, /erle,tifi:)i"/e,riin,fritgt1,; f th Palm: lllDl" in interest tales on l .flxcrUdeSI IT, prOVIiSlgngto Ill' tllc Prrnincial dell! than uas being lgtce'stlic "se'/'dn't'l."','de,uh1u'lt/ai;ofi't spent for health and \leit'al'e com- ltorees and the butario HydropCom- "new lin war, nol s;urv,s,resuinc- Iltat i sl n Board rulin are a eal- the Province should not honor. its "BIS 0t. th W ti gsLab 1t'l . oblis:ations, but "" ("ll Ihat thr flags Booarcl3 D111}: flame £1255 com': matter was of important signili- in into iiiG is to be named by cant-e. With fur exceptions the net thg Lieutenant-Governor . debt of the Pl'minve had been in. . creased Neltr 0) year. despite the claims of KOtlrl btuizetins: on the part of lho Government of the day. The net debt in 1919 was 13 mil- lions. and today it was around the half-billion mink. he sald. Mr. Salsbr'r,r; adjourned the de- _ bate and will (any on this alter- noon.

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