The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1944, p. 2

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_ -- l 0 Howe Would Swap Programs. ', Premier rew rolesls Pttea,.yartt 28 ram-Mt lions Minister Howe wasn't. promis-i . . mg anything definite, but he offeredl to switch the Lancaster program at on rac wen IC ers Victory Aircraft, Malton, with the Douglas Dill-tat Vickers in Mont- . L"al--t.hat: is if Ontario Premier; Drew insisted. l as romlse a on Mr. Howe made the offer of at _ swap. "if perhaps it can be ar-I ranged," in comment on the Pre-l "T _ - , n t'i. ..' . . " . i ' . . l The Dominion Lyoxernm n s an i,vvhich reported Mr. Howe as saying mlf'l's statement today m the Legis- ' nouncoment Icat thc Vickers plantithat the Douglas plane would be lature that he had reversed a deeG at Montreal il mm he used for fhehrnade at the Vickors plant Mr. Sm- .mon to make the T.C.A. transport ' _ - l-C di imgton is also quoted in connection mimic of the future at Melton. manufacture of an al - Ma '8niwith his appearance before the Rail- "The Lancaster contract is manyi plane to he med by Tens-.ein1daipray Committee in Ottawa. When times the size of the one at. Vickers.l Air Llneu was rivnoiinr'cd in theiwe consider that the change is so _ "e-""-"-"'"'-------------.--- ", l, 'IN -'l0r'l" br T'remier,ri _ , . r . . . ' hogislatuu ie~ tic. "3' ' 'ltmportant. to, so many workers in of mm". In fact, ll is the biggest (upgrgp Drrw. "JO assented that Ontario, " is Important. to know iron"... . . . . ' ' .- - _ L _ Mi ist H l _ . '., wt in monm ever taken in this in" Jun» MllliJIOlIS i "it er t?ytithat Mr. Symington ly" personally cnitltirN' on planes and we will be had pledged that Drncutttlon of thisiassoeiated with the Royal Securi- 'mmn '"n r'diii'iii"tii'iii, ,0}. a'lon type of plane would he carried on ties Corporation of Montreal. which "mp" WI On 'hir, Oll'lf'I'Lhat'id w: at Violorv Ant-raft Malton iwas heavily interested in the financ- a... m'HkinNVMM. A OCC. Doughnut" In a 20-minute address whiohging of Canadian Vickers Ltd. iiiti onoiitil'i for ii", L'irlr'('n',up",)"l"'o'i wound up the Budget debate. .thei "Another feature that. will bear Canada's civil aviation. We natural- Pirmjpr charatrl that H. J. Symingrtuller disclosure is that the Vickers ifs couldn't pin the Douglas in Vic- tom. 'y,-cii,1'-'1j,c1/rif, (ctr,'? d,"))','.)""'""""' which is to be given this tory her-ausc it is fully engaged on iiatorl with mild ~€Clllll,s. orim ' . , q . bombers. Furtricrmorr, thoy are of Morillwil. xxlill'll was heavily In-, .Tlnst important (William ls not now ontirrlv diffrwrnt on" l% for mill -.~» ' , . . _ - .0", , . i . ' 'i.. ' I _ - wooed in thr. financing ot...cyyt, t. '/f,."y,l, )y, Donnie tilt-o ate (it my pumrws and the other for. (lii'itl hikers. that the Vickers'. "CHis' ol Cannon. tho British Empire civilian." said Mr Howe i 'mV "t ' 't' . _ (i' of t'io l,'i'tit Slato<." Ir, 'e- " .. . I ".' . t -. l comm", no [Jiiggi has contiolled l T "f. F "'1 I N , . f? J? As to his, claims anoiii the financ-l bv Canadian. Brutishers or United mi" tirt-larrtl, The" me Important inn of Vick-or:; the Virkers plant is; J, _ .- ' r' , ill.' f; 'ls i. 's., "-i . . H 'f .' . . [ Show cllldon.f. and Coat I???. skill ""0 i,,1,i'j,'.,i'.'"a,.;",Cfi'i"f", "ii//iu')1t)bir'ilfiof, owned by the Government of Can-i ed tt1pll and "mile" employed'hat 2.3."...'1' C '- J ada and is operated by Vickers on' Million. as "6'. 35 many o er I "'.'. T a management foo basis. So Mr.' thousands engaged on subcontract: wl(,itd'c',i,',?, l/dll),',', 881711132? Ill Drrsw is a" wct--a.c 1mm... 2 sunk. would "f lost to this pailicu-ié lC ( I', oduld ho -)l:mm'.(ld( I" the "pk-me has hrtn fully engaged tar Yfpo of mun-alt constructlorr , \l'l , .11" 'Chi';','., Mr ic'.),. had on PB-Y flyinc in..." But. accord-i ' The Lancaster _plyy? now being. (J,"","":',?,,))'.:',),"-; as "A" '.\\'0l'fl' hic in: to the department. as the. fly-) mnde at Mallon held every trans-i P, ttt '0 m . lrlc"ll) f" If in: hoot program has petered off, it atlantic speed record. and by reason} iill,r1(tlliIt't men? "owmmnz Viet": plans to take up the slack in some? |nf the fact that there were two; {W'm'} thiit 1,1C,',,l,'ryi'CY,1"-'j,rt h." degree with work on the Douglas. E 'r-om'nl'llblo types, both ot which} rtiifliitlriiivrl the Ill-"lllltJll to the 1'lty _ l WV ' _ ' ,'. :i' '; :t3;lln,ll.t' 'th ire _ .. . l 'i-oiilrl he turned out quickly, it was. I' 5 ' l" "" t I" l l Pl my}, "I "intelligible." ' 'particularly adaptable for PlVlli i'miliiitlt'fl. Not only in? ("too high]; . ' [K, ' . . . ; c. l ' .,. . . Il it Commenting on Mr. Howe s Staten Iransport reuuirements, the Pre-i ykil ((l Fl. i] and "(MUCH Al . Fl on . _ . .. F .i inter mid. l "bin allowed. but many ihoiimnris mint. ITmi"y Drrw 'md 1?" night: In "Teethlu Sta c" i cow-grid in subcontracts and work M" P.yr's 1'y'TO','"" is utterly . ' ' 8 . i on .mnrim-d parts. he said. unintelligible. "hat I pointed out! Many months and many millionsi "Wo .,n this Sula of tho House was that after going: through thet xof d?ilarlrould have to be spenti hold m, torirf (m. 'm.\'thin£' m..- cxrmiisiic mpcrimenial stages. Vic., vat the Vickers plant, which was. whim with [innate ouncrsmp toigy Aircraft is" non a h/'a'hly of. 'only in the "teething stage" as {all "hit"ll is app" to (-0n(|nn'na[i0n as illl'lF'lll 'Dlalll ry'c"iyi'iy lilo only gas this type of aircraft was coho; mi being: in the public interest." hoary tour-engiiic laud planes made . corned. the Premier declared. .T.his', said Mr. Drow. "f have not been in Canada. . _ 'was the moit important decision snoring: in my ethic-ism. But here 1"r!y' English. rlesi";cnorsharp PP: in the histnryof aircraft production on hare something uhich make: v.idod tho (1051:?!" for commerc'ial in Canada, because the company one "omit-r uhai is hr-himl it. A aircraft ofthc hi,rurhrxst 'ypc hymere- called on to make the machine ill-1'81 deal has hoot: said about Ihe, ly r"hau'zing tho l"""j"'"ll hrody struc- would become the backbone of the wrmdorfui thing to he done at Milly tutt. Thrs 9,000 sfiillnd workers ,at 'aircraft. industry in the Dominion, ton. Now tho piano of the future ;.'~faltriii and the man." thy.sands m jhe declared. is to he made at Virkcrs. Tha:., 'Oth'?!' part; of Ontario palrimt parts l "We have a right to protest. this means that as soon as the contract are not all m" R producing basis, ichangc. this rather strange deci- for army Lani-asters is finished, PM tho moment the wat' demand ision." the Premier declared. "All those h,ehiy skilled men and wo- for Lent-asters ('omejtn In ond they "he more so when it is pointed out men at Malian will he lost. to this can immediately SWIM! into. large- _ i'that, this company, by a recent deal, particular lypo, of work because scale production of commercial tHt'. lpassed out of tho control of those the Victory plant is thc only one _craft. By every reasonable Pxpet> Iwho organized it and is now not making hoary four-engined bomb. 'lation the! could hs'.ptpotiycimi' the! 'controlled by Canadians. Britishers crs, 'rvprTr tinpst commercml aircraft MI , t . " , _ c" the iv o needed much sooner than! 'or' b/11t/1,d,,t,a,iet," 52:51:} to give Compares Machines. wouldphc possible in the Vickersi ll, "N- . f . "I am raisin there remarks in details of the new ounershlp the hope ot Gig inc the chan e," plant. , f Mr ll . '. "late e t; when approached on this point ' ' . pp g 5'1""0" fy . L ONVC.s' F men l later.) the Premier told the House. "IN hat that the TIC-4's are to be our trans-l _. . - . is " '. ' - .4 As', _ . .', ' i "Mr. H. J. Symington is president is: 1h? reason. ~Is it that the DC-4 not machines. it Psi also importanti of Trans-Canada Airlines," con- IS a astc. nlatlllnt" than the Lan- in know if the nompanx rttsponsiblel tinued the Premier. "tt is inter- comm? No. The Lancaster made for the fulfilment of the contract; esting that in the same newspaper ll Kliiltou hold inn Atlantic speed of my]. 2mm important-o lo Canada; ----t- - 7 W" tttcords, gonig both ways. It is is or is not controlled by Canadians.; faster than the DC-4. Is it on the "If is likely too that the contract; ground that. the Lancaster is only ,fm- Lancasters is larger than the " "WWW machine? The company contract for D.C.-4's. That is the which designed the Lancaster has very reason that the commercial l\\'0 convertible types. Both of t.h.e.m machine should ho made here, be. call be turned out very quickly causo the size of thc Lancaster fort because the parts arc the same. . trat't has created a large trained It the Government commits it- staff of technicians and workers self to this obligation. the c0m- with actual experience in productng Dally ge/s, the benefit, but the Gov- the very type of machine which is eminent is_the" one responsible for required." the operation, the Premier de- W clared. "We 'should raise a vigorous protest against this change in plans." - . --,, _----,---------

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