The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1944, p. 3

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commennnaae en snn mm eeeee e mmiennrne memmpctoone. «... 4 IBUDGET VOTE _ END REW BY 5027 COUNT . _ The Budget debate was concluded |in the Legislature yesterday, with 'the Drew Budget receiving endorsa-- !tion of the House by a vote of 50 to 27. Liberals and both L&bor Pro-- \gressive members voted with the \Government on the main motion, 'land against a C.C.F. Opposition| 'amendment defeated on the same| |vote. The House now goes into tsupply, and Premier Drew an-- 'nounced before adjournment that he would discuss estimates for various departments as they came up, including the school--tax relief. A subamendment which J. B. \Ealsberg (L.P., Toronto St. Andrew) | tried to offer on behalf of his group was disallowed by the Speaker. _ The C.C.F. amendment which was \defeated said: "This House regrets 'that His Majesty's advisers have not seen fit to acknowledge the necessity of undertaking measures on a fully democratic basis toward the planned development of the natural resources of this Province, and the social ownership of monop-- oly enterprises for the purpose of Iassuring full employment, adequate lt'::n'm prices, _ and comprehensive social services." It was presented by Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe and Miss Agnes Macphail (C.C.F., York East). ( _ While in some respects worthy, Mr,. Jolliffe said Government policy was "in many respects inadequate." He hoped the administration "still will be aroused," but believed it his party's duty to register its pro-- test at its inadequacy to date. "We do not believe that disaster is in-- evitable after the war," he said. "We do believe, however, that dis--, aster will follow failure to take the| |appropriate democratic measures \to reorganize our affairs on a sound' | basis." | Criticizes Tax. _ _Mr. Jolliffe added that "while we recognize the desirability of light-- 'ening the burden of real estate taxation on farmers and house own-- 'ers, their financial position will _depend more than anything else on 'income levels." He saw no reason why the Province "shquld continue Welcomes Suggestions. | on the same fundamental basis on The Planning and.Devglopmenti which it has functioned since Con.| Department, the Premxer.saxd, wouldi federation, which some call private| Produce plans for housing, recon-- enterprise, but which others of us| Struction, etc., on which suggestions prefer to call by a very different of every member would be welcome. name." The Government, he felt,| He assured the members thgt .he was not obliged to keep to the let-- "would call tl)e House at once if im--| ter of its promise to relieve real| mediate fulfilment of plans became estate of 50 per cent of education| NECessary. § § cost at;'The principle could| _ Mr. Miller warned: "We are liv-- not have been equitably applied| ing in a fool's paradise in regard to immediately," he said. our fish and game" and these assets W. L. Miller (L, Algoma--| will be obliterated in 10 years un-- Manitoulin) said that more thought| less protected. Conservation was should be given to rehabilitation,| imperative. . and criticized the $100,000 set aside Earlier in the session Mr. Salsberg for planning and development as! declared Canada today is not in inadequate. Premier Drew explain-- need of foreign capital and that On-- ed that this was simply for the tario is wealthier than in 1919, He expenses of the new planning de-- advised that return by the Dominion partment. The four--year plan of of taxing rights after the war bg the Highways Department, for in~ not emphasized, but that responsi-- stance, involved work done by its bility for essential services be re-- staff alone without extra help, yet allocated. § j involved an estimated cost of $121 He advocated setting aside a part million for the south and $70 mil-- of liquor profits for anti--liquor edu-- lion for the north. ' cation. e

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