- March 30 M Copi f Ontario 'H d' ore Copies o ntario (MHansar 6 Asked by Members of Legislature - Wider distribution of the Ontarioy York East) said she always had re-- Legislature's "HMHansard," the short--|quired one in preparing her weekly hand record of debates inaugurated| news report of House doings when this session, will be considered be--\she was an M.P. fore next session, Treasurer L. M.] Suggested mimeographing of sev-- Frost indicated during discussion of|eral hundred copies brought a Legislation Lepartment estimates| "pinch penny" protest from C. H. yesterday. Only eight mimeo--| Millard (C.CF., York West). He graphed copics are available at|declared that if the Government present, and retyping by party could afford a reported $6,000 sal-- groups so that all members may|ary increase for a recent appointee have one is regarded as onerous. |to a high post, it could afford to Opposition ueader E. B. Jolliffe| print a few hundred. objected that the single copy he gets| "In a union shop, too," chimed in for his group of 34 is often unavail--|J. B. Salesberg (L.P., Toronto--St. able. Miss Agnes Macphail (CCF.,' Andrew). * I 1 Labor--Progressives Do 'About Face, ® Startle House Over Vote Mix--Up After voting "agin' the Govern-,the House there had been a mixup ment" unanimously but ineffectively| When a single vote was taken on the on a previous occasion, the Labor_,('}o'\er.nmonl motion and applied, to s | save time, on the Opposition amend-- Progressive group of two rather;mpm' the Government being sup-- startled the Legislature when it did ported 50 to 27. an about face Tuesday and voted| The Labor--Progressives had meant with the Government and against|to vote against both, Mr. MacLeod the C.C.F. on the Budget. But it explained, since his party's sub-- was all a mistake. !amendmenr had been ruled out. So Leader A. A. MacLeod cleared upjtho official vote will go down on the the faux pas yesterday when he told|record as 48--29. i d Ontario Prepare @ For Tourist Rush The Ontario Government does not intend to be caught napping n»y an s unexpected ending of the war which would be followed by a flood of tourists to Ontario, Treasurer Les-- lie M. Frost told the Legislature yesterday during discussion of esti-- * mates for the Publicity and Tourist |Bureau. Mr. Frost explained an in-- 'crease of $30,000 in the printing |\vote for the bureau was due to the 'desire of the Government to take & |care of additional publicity costs |should peace come unexpectedly.} ,The new vote is $60,000. t |\ _ *"The whole amount may not be| used this year," said Mr. Frost. "Buti 'we want to be in a position of hav--| | 'ing the money available should the| need arise. After the war this Gov--| ernment may spend half a million dollars on developing the great tourist industry."