WEEK S HOLIDAY NOW ASSURED _ - Workmen in Ontario industries] will be assured of at least onel week's holidays, even though they | do not work a full 51 weeks in any| given year, under an amendment to| the act respecting hours of work, and holidays with pay in indus--| trial undertakings, introduced in the Legislature Monday by Charles Daley, Labor Minister. The measure' passed through committee stage yesterday. The amendment followed excep-- y tion on the part of A. A. MacLeod (L.P., Toronto--Bellwoods) to the original clause in the act which stip-- ulated that employees were entitled to one week's holidays with pay for every 51 weeks of employment. I was contended that workmen in many industries do not work a full 81 weeks. Attorney--General _ Blackwell, in introducing the amendment, defined the working year on which holidays will be based as one equalling eight months of ordinary employment at normal working hours Workmen employed for a period less than eight months will, he said, be en-- titled to holidays in proportion to the time worked. The act provides for a working week of 48 hours in industries and an eight--hour day. Provisions are made for exemptions in the case of war industries and others where agreements in writing are reached between employers and employees. Allow for Bargaining. In view of possible wage reduc-- tions due to the decreased number of hours worked in some industries, y the Attorney--General said that, while it is obvious some salary reductions will occur as a result of| the Federal wage freezing order, provisions have been made to allow 4 t for collective bargaining between| Voters .LiSt personnel. [ employers and employees. I Premier Drew announced the per--. An act to amend the Old Age sonnel of a select committee to Pensions Act, which 'provides for| study the Voters' List Act, the Elec-- the payment by the Province of| tion Act and the Active Service, cost--of--living bonus or other| Election Act. It is also empowered bonuses to pensioners and partial} to study other electoral methods as payment of medical expenses, pass--| it deems fit, including civic votes: ed through committee stage. Pre-- for all over 21 years. This was | mier Drew, at the insistence of urged by the C.C.F. | Mr. MacLkeod and Mitchell F. Hep--; Attorney « General Blackwell is burn (Ind. L., Elgin), agreed to} named chairman of the committee,' table correspondence between the which consists of ~the following Province and Dominion authorities membership: Treasurer L. M. Frost,| in regard to this matter. Victoria; A. Kelso Roberts, Toronto-- Await Conference. St. Patrick; Dan McIntyre, South "We are being told that any Middlesex; H. A Stewart, Kingst_on steps in this matter are being re-- {all representing the Progressive stricted pending a Dominion--Pro-- Conservatives); Opposition Leader, vincial conference. I don't think E. B. Jolliffe, South York; William| the Prime Minister can expect us Dennison, Toronto--St. David; W. J., to support him if we are not in Grummett, South Cochrane (all rep-- full possession of all the detail," resenting the C.C.F.); F. R. Oliver,| said Mr. Mackeod. South Grey, and Aurelian Belanger, Answering &A question _ from Prescott (Liberals), and A. A. Mac-- George Mitchel!l (C.CF., North Leod, Toronto--Bellwoods, Labor--Pro-- York), Health Minister Dr., R. P. gressive, Vivian denied that there was any The committee is empowered to provision in the act compelling the sit after prorogation of the House pensioner to assign to the Govern-- and will submit a report at the next ment any property in his posses-- session of the Legislature. sion.