The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Feb 1945, p. 2

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_-, rg | ; \'eb\'uw\\ \'o _ 'Legislation for Post Planni _ Legislation tor Postwar Planning a $ | lul _ Forecast in peec rom rone f M § t Looking to the needs of the post-- [ta a $15 minimum in cities of more ward level," his Honor said. "Legis-- is war, legislation to facilitate neces-- than 10,000 population,. 'lation will be introduced to dezl ol sary planning in Ontario was fore--| Speaking of education in Ontario,|with this subject. Hospital accom-- f [cast in the Speech from the Throneithe Lieutenant--Governor said the modation is under review, and it is . b delivered by Lieutenant-GovernoriGovernmenL's assumption of 50 per!hoped that the needs of those mu-- e Albert Matthews at the opening of 'cent of the total cost of elementary )nicipalities where it is at present 4 | the second session of the 21st Legis-xand secondary education throughoutginsuffi('ient may be met at an early + \lature yvesterday. Debate on the the Province was "the most impor. |date. <MOF= "Throne Speech will begin 'I'u¢~*sd::\:,',"'?';:L 5""%"-', St'f'l'l "'h:\"h .thas b,"b"]"meader wCA e NX (| ol o ramak c ekp taken,. 1is will make it possible| 'The Workmen's Com ensation oi Td (Premier George Drew announced. K : : a P e (' x o n e ade '0f 'to equalize educational opportunity|Act is to be broadened this session C 3 | «o mention was magde of new ©")as never before, and will enable theito protect additional classes --of } Mb 6 {increased taxation. The 4,500--word |Department of Education to accel-- workers. It is intended ultimately .v'j'., § \Speech reviewed the steps taken by erate improvement of many of our to bring under the act every one + e the Government since the Legisia.|!°SS Satisfactory schools. It will who works for an employer, he said. s frure sast met, and indicated al |greatly relieve the burden of tax--|Steps will be taken to co--ordinate uts e last met, j a 0"8'auon on real estate for school pur-zadmim'stration of the Ontario Agri-- . 4 broad lines the legislation to be poses." § 'cultural College, Macdonald Insti-- <. e brought down this session. |\ _ He mentioned also that much had|tute and the Ontario Veterinary © WOR Measures dealing with conserva. »C°" done already to improve ruran':College. .3 e ition and 'Hlood control and iown education, and that 518 winners of| The Speech noted that heavy Do-- i f. - e ;Prqvmcnal scholars}jxps' and. buy-;minion taxation, manpower short-- SA |planning will be introduced. These|saries now are studying in univers!--/age and wartime restrictions con-- oart 3 will enable municipalities to plan !tles. normal schools and other insti-- tinue to depress the mining industry <a¥ for step§ to curb river flOOdmg,,tutJons of higher learning. |and said further recommendations O( |and (@ permit Theny to peppece for Refers to ¥D. Campatgn | oC the Royal Ontaric Mining, Com ~"Te. f d ; | _ Reviewing the work of the various MiSSion _ would come befovre the | postwar housing. It will also per-- 4 '\House in the for { legislat . "Wke mit municipalities to enter into a GOVernment departments, his Honor | "*__. imepnrane mmasr ue jloint plan where they have coming SPOKe Of sustained efforts being Highway capital expenditure will Nee [planning problems. \made to reduce the incidence of be confined this year, he said, to Eis & 1 Delay in calling a Dominion-Pl'o-!SOCial diseases, and said legislation roads serving _mnhtaz'y camps, air-- k |vincial conference was criticizea, NYOWG4 be introduced to further as. ports and war industries. Uniform-- ': \The Speech referred to the "zzreat""giSt an effective control program. ity in vital statistics laws through-- ;»"f" 'concern" of tlué Government over Overcrowding of mental hospitals, out the Dommzon would be the aim ul |the delay in the calling of such a,"*° SA'id, caused great concern. This of a new Vital Statistics Act. High-- y 'conference, for which it has been|S!tU@tion would be eased by the re-- Ways and Public Works Depart-- a~ l Ee mages s : f jurn of the Ontario Hospital at St. ments both had prepared postwar 7 viley pressing for more than a year. fls 'oPP wayer New Securities Act \'Thomas, an early possibility; me'ploglams_that could_ be started on m | Ne les ; f |completion of an addition at the §hort notice to provide employment $ k: |\ _A new Securities Act .tn tighten |Orillia Hospital, and the inclusion 3f necessary. Legislation is to be A |contral of stock transactions, and & of plans for new hospitals in other introduced to create a body of train-- it bill to give active service members parts of the Province after the war. ed men to deal with questions of wl the direct ballot, were forecast.| 'The House was told that it is lorest management. Acting on the t¥ ILegls'latnon will be introduced to planned to extend community X--ray report of a Royal Commission, the [¥ permit replacing of county and city surveys to help control tuberculosis, Government also will submit legis-- mt |Jails . with modern _ institutions and additional aid for municipalities ) lation to require public halls to main-- 2ae wl.1e're the r'leed in mfhcated. 'I'he'x:n the care of indigents also was'ftam definite standards of safety. --| ., Mnmmurn' Wage Act will be a_nmend-;mf'lmated.. j | _ "The Ontario Civil Service has, ed to give better remuneration for| "Investigation has shown that the|been assured of greatly improved' E. womep. and reduce hours of work present rgte of payment for indigent|conditions _ of employment and! 3¥ from 52 to 48 weekly. The Industry:pangms in public hospitals is not amendments will be introduced to| EH [and Lfnbor Board \ynll ad3u§t rates sufficient to meet the mounting / the Public Service Act," his Honor| 3 Iot pay, probably with an increase cost of hospital care at the public--| declared. | l.,"'

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