Febmam.\ A 0 Duckworth So Inspired _ | he4 io Eams Elechien Plan Amendment Nearly Earns Eje To Govern Mode | Up until yesterday afternoon at :tfoy:sdof hisbcoll::ezllse;e:zelre's::\:'" | A + .| to sit down beca * | | approximately 4:15 oclo?k the mer: art wanted 'the 1100 for himself at ln Overseas vOte; | ber of the Ontario Legislature WDO| ;nc omont and when the Speaker t | j would have been voted The Mostfwants the floor every one else j # _ ' _ || |tntikety Member to be Eiected mives way f by Mr. Speaker| But not Mr. Duckworth. He just | y gave second reading to f from the Chamber by d amiable|KeDt on talking, and Speaker| which will give the direct ballot to| 4 ould have bee"hr't';""m'.om.essive Stewart kept on telling him to sit' the active service men and women| ; Villiam Duckworth, ef Toronto.| down. Finally it dawned on Mr! from 1hl§ Province. Attorney-Gen-i onservative member for To Duckworth that he didn't have the' eral Li ~lie Blackwell, who spon--' - Dovercourt. _ hat he was|Vight--of--way, and between that! sored the legislation, told the Housei' S (.;'.oncentr.auon <(>in V; }axim deaf to \realization and a few tugs on hisi that. an amendment would be offer-__ 3 aying, which rle)n er;t NS buck- coat tails he was got off his feet. | ed in committee stage to narrow| JiRRpN:. Speaker, brous r of be--| _ Speaker Stewart directed a severe the powers given the Chief Election| _ |Worth into imminent danger o gaze at the penitent member. "I Officer in the matter of formulat-- m & removed from the House. Or: wWill hnave to ask you to leave ine! ing the regulations under the act. i u,_%x- o it seemed. _Thehrorqpet&smf;n?:élchamber if you don't respect the. Mr. Blackwell said he is in agree--| sn |wWwas °°"'"b';l""' i shortage. and|Ch@ir." he admonished. "There is ment with C.C.F. Leader E. B. Jol-- w8 ;,1, :'ebate on the COR i ?'o'bablyr"o shortage of fuel in this debate." ' liffe that these powers are tool en h't. he was saymgf"as pld hear| Farliee Mr. Duckworth heard wide, and he felt that this amend--' :' very interesting, but ewdcout the|himself named as chairman of the| ment would answer that objection.' °) fhim. This was chiefly due to 'Art Committee of the House. He The -- Attorney--General explainedi ts ~ ~Al wanted to know if he had beent that in everything but one particu-f t ~ chairman of this committee before. lar the projected act followed the| ,! "Is this committee going to func-- Dominion statute, and he added! t tion?" he queried. that the Government would enact! . es Premier George A. Drew inform-- the regulations by Order--in--Council. 3uh ; ed him that he had not been chair-- The amendment to be offered in i man before. committee stage will make it neces--! {'5 J. B. Salsberg (Lab.Prog., St. sary for the Chief Election Officer ols /1 | Andrew), who was also named to to say over his signature that he has Man the Art Committee, gravely in--| consulted with the Chief Election . o s formed the House that it would be Officer at Ottawa and that the regu-- i,' a privilege to serve under the lations, as far as is possible, follow * s vn member for Dovercour(. § the Dominion regulations. ts ; "I'll be glad to be guided in mat-- Another amendment makes pro-- '$. ters of art by the honorable mem-- vision for the proxy vote of pris-- /A B ber," Mr. Salsberg said. "It will oners of war. This is the same pro-- uaaa be quite an experience." vision as is embodied in the f Mr. Duckworth directed a search-- Dominion statute. ¥} ing look at Mr. Salsberg, but the Mr. Joiliffe complimented the : UMatter calmly gave his attention to! Attorney--General for the faimess' 'another member, and Mr. Duck--, and efficiency with which he pre-- \idfst iworth said no more. | sided over the Legislative commit-- '_;: o4 & esn en tee which dealt with the election es acts. He was in agreemnt with the oh. & principle of the bill before the We House, but he felt that the regula-- $ '-'i'?{ tions should be enacted now, and l / n not later by Order--in--Council. In 7 ;;g', lsuggesting this course, Mr. Jolliffe k' § |said he quite appreciated the cir-- B ?_,' cumstances of the case. » \, | _ The new act appl}es only to gen-- % _ ~»An eral elections and is to remain in Jail :4 'effect for six months after the es \ . termination of the war. ~ ,3 B s . § 3