The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1945, p. 2

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fFebru amy 20 Mr. MacLeod said he was sure the x se n n o o ies usnn n ns c amaanaaicieccntasanengeg. members of the House would be f | interested to know whether this was | still the considered policy of the e urn ccuses reWV Government and, if so, what steps | had the Government taken to 6 § @ % £ | prevent the act from becoming oper-- A Of Bu'l 'n Ta C+I Cs ative in Ontario. Thousands of On-- : n y g tario families were looking for-- a ; + ward to receiving senefits from the f e Dominion act, he said. The fact ' owar a wa ro le | that there was no mention of the s P | & & act in the Speech from the Throne 3 P | suggested that the Government had d | Mitchell F. Hepburn rose to the fjeateq Argument on Coal retreated from its position, Mr. , jaid of A. A. MacLeod, Labor--Pr0-- _ tn ipe brief clash which preceded _ MacLeod declared.. ; i lxmssive Leader, in the Legislature this incident, the Premiervr'eacte_(l "}:V 'g", t,he Pl'fml.erlge%he? \t'k:?lz |yesterday, and clashed sharply with vigorously to Mr. Hepburn's criti-- 1 GPPVELAMENt Wwouid Geal s E lap qs . y cism of the Government's position this at the proper time, Mr. Mac . Premier George A. Drew, whom he with regard to the cosl shortage. Leod sought to debate the reply, $ accused of "bullying tactics" and nOot| pne Ppremier had pointed out that and was cut short by Speaker Stew-- § being "man enough" to admit a MiS~) ine overriding authority of the War 'art, who ruled him out of order. l _ !Itake. ' Measures Act gave the Dominion The discussion on the current coal . p In his old--time style of making some jurisdiction in the fuel field. shortage was brought about by the ET spectacular _ attacks, the former| ang that while his Government had CCF. when Leader E. B. Jolliffe _/ / B Liberal Premier declared that frequently urged that steps be taken urged the Government to take such WR pneither his party nor "~Old Man On--| 1o guard against the situation which steps as were necessary to relieve /\ |tario is going to be crucified on the subsequently developed, nothing had the situation. He admitted at the . o t ltwiste(l cross of reactionary 'Tory-- peen done. outset that Federal jurisdiction was' _ [ jism." This brought a smile to Mr. Mr. Hepburn said that this was 'involved, and that unprecedented _ |Drew's face, and the Government| one of the 22 points the Government 'weather had contributed to the 9 members roared in derision. | had not fulfilled and "the Premier _ |dilemma, but he felt that the Prov-- /s The flareup was in two parts.| had better admit frankly that he has ince could do a great deal by assum-- l The first was over a debate on the 'made a mistake and throw this _ ing some responsibility in the mat-- _ || feoal shortage precipitated by C.C.F.) plank into the well--known asn can." _ |ter. _\ || |Leader E. B. Jolliffe. Mr. Hepburn| iHe added: "He overreached himself "Conditions today are not only _\ | |entered this debate by accusing the! 'and is not man enough to admit it." |bad, but they may become a great _ |Premier of failing to live up to hiSJi |_ _"If any one else had made those | deal worse if there is another heavy ------ |pre--election pledge with respect to} 'remarks except the Liberal Leader _ fall of snow accompanied by cold _ |the efficient distribution of fuel and| |of the 'remainder' I might have |weather," Mr. Jolliffe said. "Much / |milk and other basic necessities. ltaken exception," said the Premier. suffering already exists. I would _ tThe second part came when Mr.] ""I'm man enough to meet the mem-- suggest that some of the facilities _\ iMacLeod, rising to ask a question ber for Elgin here or anywhere else. of the Provincial Government be 'M* |of the Government, sought to ha\'e:jUnlike the member for Elgin, I «'used to supplement the existing _ _ the Premier define the Govern-- |gidn't know the probable length of _ |setup." _\ {ment's stand on the Family Allow-- |the war, and I don't today. At the |\Use Provincial Trucks f, | ances Act. ( ;;time whes he !md not re-embraced I Mr. Jolliffe believed that the use _--__\|Objects to Advertisements | | the roto::x*n.ed L1bgrals at Ottawa, he |of Provincial trucks for coal deliv. _ [ 'The Premier told Mr. MacLeod||atranged a meeting of the coal a(;1- eries would materially aid the situ-- '{}é't that the Government would dea1i] thorities, which I attended, to d° !ation. Other members of the CCF. _\ [Pwith this matter at the proper time, the'}"ery thing we're trying to do \Opposition, speaking in support of x 1;."" and he added that "it would have, NOWY s o ?their Leader, called for the use of _ Ibeen wiser for the honorable mem.--. _ It was contended by se\m'al C-CI:- \Provincial labor to help out in the _ fber to have learned the facts in~-- SPeakers that the War Measures Act ]manpower shortage as far as the efstead of inserting advertisements in| Was in effect when 'the Premi®t! |nost companies are concerned. _ Ethe newspapers stating what is go. Pledged in his 22 points "1'" ade-- ' J. P. Salskerg (L.--P., Toronto St. _ _ fing to be done." This brought Mr./»quate supplies of fuel, milk and| |Andrew) also backed Mr. Jolliffe. Cipac} Hipburn to his feet with a rush. 'other basic necessities would be as. | Premier Drew said that the Pro-- [PRee, "I must challenge that and say)|sured by effective organization and! |Y!N%AL Government | was mio *MH W T fto the Prime Minister that we are) administrative control. The Pre.! &nxious to alleviate the fuel situa-- | |Opsetting tired of these bullying fac| mier's reply to this was that this| |tiOn, but pointed out that the pur. ®* Oktics" said Mr. Hepburn. 'The| is within the power of the Province! |Ohasing of fuel from the United [WpPrime Minister is the leader Oof & but only when the wartime powers| States, transportation, prices, han-- j ?g minority Government which has of Ottawa were not in effect. dling and local delivery were all}j x'{h been permitted to continue because' _ Speaker W. J. Stewart had his matters under the jurisdiction of} F:,; of the co--operation of the other hands full when he attempted --to the Dominion Government through --| | °)\ [parties in the House. I am not $Ur keep the discussion from getting out the War Measures Act. | s'"?' prised that he has never shown any of hand. He checked Mr. Hepburn '"We have done everything within' _ |appreciation of that fact, but has when the latter, in the words of the _ O9U" POWer to impress upon Ottawa| ;f':;?'. _ fcontinued to say that he is going to Speaker, "got a 'bit off the sub-- the necessity for action," Mr. Drewi _ _ |proceed regardless of the feelings of ject," and Mr. Hepburn, in some-- said. "It should be pointed out that | °[ the members of this House. I join what wrathy tones, wanted to know the unparalleled blockade of trans-- _ Jwith the member for Bellwoods in if the Speaker was going to rule portation in the United States and _ finsisting that an answer be given. him out of order. Nothing came of the tieup in mine production due to _ [We are small in numbers, but we tpig flurry. ; 'strikes have been factors. As for _ |represent a lot of people. Neither Mr. Hepburn, following his sec-- the suggestion that we establish ||--|| | |the party nor Old Man Ontario is ong outburst 'against the Govern-- _ some authority in Ontario, we have TW |going to be crucified on the twisted ment, left the Chamber, and did that power as long as the overrid-- 3'*" cross of reactionary Toryism." not return for the remaining half ing au'thoaity of the Dominion is in-- . ..: % hour the session lasted. operative. <ARE . Baby Bontus Echo Had it not been for the fact that ;;7?'"- In bring Provincial employees worked long . a Family ":xglllgfif:npc;;] eArplatt;fi' Ofwthe hours ha.ndling snowplows and q" Leod asked whether Lthe'm&il:x.' oce been tne o there.\\o.uld it $y fould asr n f have been the coal deliveries that| 6ae would agree to amplify his state-- _ did take place, the Premier said. $.38, ?Z';thma&e Aug. 9 last in a radio "Lack of forethought on the part . <ft t)':' CL . DHt. NI&'CLGCfd said t.hf"t on of those in authority at Ottawa is 1s occasion Mr. Drew said: "I as-- responsible for much of the situa-- yesup Sure you that the Government of tion," said the Premier. _ "Steps P g:tanq Intends to do everything in _ could have been.taken long ago to o i hoh oionife, 10 moke sure that this . establish fuel reserves. The sug--| i se niquitous bill does not go into ef-- gestions we made did not meet with . uM fect. We will not concur in any 'approval," & in & f such highhanded act."

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