The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1945, p. 1

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P \"e.bvua'u\ 2 * D '|' A C .'l'. ' On Family Allowances 87 Premier George A. Drew will take, _ William Dennison (CCF., To-- E the floor in the L.cgislaturebMondgyi :)ontn-Stl.{ Davu?) s?oke ?fd "Hép-' R in reply to Opposition members who! burn's Hussars" and asserted: "Op-- t spentptwo hours yesterday hammer-i position to decent relief and welfare ; <4 ing at the Government on the fam--| allowances did not start with the s E ily allowances issue. The entire sit-- present Government, despite the\l J ting was taken up with_ c.le.bate on| fact that some po'opl(: would like to | t . this question, and theDcntlcxsxq wa; gi\sl- tharx)t impression. led Mr. Trey I directed at Premier Drew's Aug. Mr, Dennison assailed Mr. Hep-- § radio address in whi;'h he criticized h}xrn f:n'_'l(us troa:n:;nt of H:e %z;ke- T4 ¢ the Dominion's legislation. view strikers and the arrest of two J A. A. MacLeod, Labor--Progressive: of the strikers. This brought a de-- Leader, moved adjournment of the, fense from Mr. Heph.ur.n. who said ' House to consider a matter of "ur--. one of them was a criminal and the f gent public importance." Unless the other was _ShOW" to have .been on * . Premier was prepared to state the the relief lolls'of two Provinces. LBr position of his Government on fam-- J. B. Salsberg (Lab.--Prog., To-- TWs ily allowances, Mr. MacLeod said he ronto--St. Andrew) seconded the C3 would introduce a resolution éall- ;wa'CL?orii?;::l?vne.rpTc:]'g:l::g:ds gi?:; " is ing for condemnation of the Gov-- tario fa S > dis j | A. :er:ment. thought that the Provincial Govern-' A8 yB In order to have the matter thor. ment might attempt to prevent the K. CC oughly aired, the Premier and his Payment of family allowances in | w Ministers refrained from taking Ontario, he said. | NR ¢ part in the debate which followed "Dmlblv-dD" Opposition ' Mr. MacLeod's motion to adjourn, Behind the cry of Provincial| "', which was accepted by the S})Jegkeri ri;;ht.:t raisle)d :l} It:.)he Goverpment,: The ensuing debate saw Liberal was the "Double--D" opposition to | House Leader Mitchell F. Hepburn family allowances. By '"Double--D" | f ul E speak brief!y and numerous C CF. h.e.moanr the Duplessis-Dr:e\v oppo-é f members give their views on the sltulo?. Mr. Salsberg explained. | ~ WWe subject. By agreement between the _ "We must not allow the false ery | wC party leaders, the family allowances of Provincial rights to bl.ock" this : debate will proceed Monday, with 9r any other social legislation," Mr. 4 f the Throne Speech deba'e resuming Salsberg declared. $ Tuesday. B. E. Leavens (C.C.F., Toronto > C Charges Aim at Disunity Woodbine) said _the Provincial f $ Mr. Hepburn accused the Pre-- ;'i'*'h',"' SrX, 'l"ja.; t}?ed ";ame old rpd § : mier of attempting to create dis-- ;::géngot}:';;lcvoci:l segs:itdmtgifid unity in Canada, and asserted that ;n CXnada The member foyr Eligir: f Quebec would pay 34.5 per cent of T anh o 3 the cost of family allowances and i\\;{:n I}i'opa'l;:nl)'rgl?:i(lrth\?[rsali:: :ry og ' receive 32 per cent of the payments. roniarko.(i 'i'he memt;e;' s;'oredvtv;:: He did not admire the Premier for use o"thé phrase "baby bonus." and ¢ 1:,1-.%:'(""1%4:"?{1615,"';1" aga,?d"k of si-- declared it was playir;g the "vilest . a. dofen m;mt;ers had | PS of politics with one of our f {spoken, H. C. Nixon, former Liberal m?\;:;:a;;;:(ig"{;;ig;l:g{"?'cC F. East | f flr:a\fier;nsa;&eagnxff ?;'erl:;eqwa': York) said the Premier should let t | o s o is *'i,;, the House know where he stood \Leod motion to adjourn "that this on family allowances |House stands adjourned until the "If he'chaAnges his .mind and 84 | » F » a i ® = ; |Gowrnment is prepared to stete ASI mits he 'has made a mistake, we tstand on family allowances." Mr. will respect him for it," Miss Mac-- f ;Nixon said he did not have the book |phail gaid "One of t'he thin'gs I ' | of House rules with him, but it was | /; ;. [ io o a | hi o us X A |dislike about this is calling family - |his understanding that if the MO-- |aiiowances the baby bonus. Hav-- f !tion before the House was allowed 'ing babies isn't oney of the. things | to die, the subject matter could not ?a woman underlakes for the "5. be brought up again this session. [of the small allowance." "It is not my custom to back away | 0 ' i ; s t C.F. ' from any statement I have made or :Arthtir V&il(l:;aFms s?g:tear:io)m%udg 54A s +3 A CawiH 9 * * any position I have talfen. Premier | Mitchell (North York), and Cyril Drew said. "It is obvious that the lOverall {Ningara Falls) members wish to discuss the matter 8 P lfurther, and I said earlier that full > opportunity to discuss it would be sgiven. I have said I propose to 'discuss it and I mean exactly that 3 (Several members of the Govern-- ment have also expressed a desire to take part in this debate." "Hepburn's Hussars" Then geral debate on family al-- | L \lowances which followed acceptance | of the MacLeod motion saw a num-- . 'ber of C.C.F. members refer to the 'Hepburn réegime and the policy of E that Government during the days t of depression. d

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