d, TM a ii',iliiE ij).))),)'), hr/ll d $4 Suggestion from S. J. Hunt (P.C.,i, Renfrew North) that all dues for] trees cut on road allowances be re-; mitted to municipalities to assist) road-building brought from LandsI and Forests Minister W. G. Thomp-i son the statement that. as this was:I the first representation made tol, him, he was not prepared to dis-: cuss it at. the present. l Discussion came up on second reading of the bill to amend the Crown Timber Act providing for payment for trees cut without authority. Other bills given second reading dealt with counties' reforestation. forest engineers and a revision ot the Public Works Act to permit pur- chase by letter instead of legal tender. Minor amendments to Men- tal Hospitals, Child Protection. Ter- ritorial Districts and Surveys Acts passed committee stage. The Voters' List Act, Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe said. was an improvement on the previous act, and he was in favor of it. It was time more attention was paid to voters' lists. he felt, since in one election such personages as Napo- leon, Marie Antoinette, Julius Caesar and even Judas Iscariot had ap- peared on the lists. William Dennison (C.C.F.. To- ronto-St. David) complimented the House Select Committee' of all parties on whose recommendations the bill was based and declared that if the measure passed the House "Ontario will have the best voters' list legislation in many years." He thought the bill should recognize, however. the principle of "one man, one vote" in municipal elections. The order paper was fairly well cleared in a three-hour session of the Legislature yesterday, the House according third reading lo the Active Service Election Act, second reading to the amended Voters' List and Election Acts and four other bills and passing four bills through committee. Voters List Bill Is Commended By C.C.F. Leaders Mr.,Welrslor, himself an engineer. objected to the use of the word "en- gineer" to dosm'ibe a permit on- gagod in som" phase of forestry. 110 claimed that forestry has nothing lo do with ongineering. Cyril Overall (C.C.F.. Niagara Falls) olainwrl that the bill before the Houso duplicated the provisions ot the Professional Engineers Act, and he could see no reason why it was novessary to have legislation to take care of something which "as already wavered in an existing acl. Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe said that it Mr. Wohstpr' was right in his View. then it was strange that the word "euqiiusor" should Ire ule in tho prnpowd art. He he- "me however, that tho bill opened the door to a general improvement in forestry standards hy giving t'F'ts ognitinn to certain groups in for- ostry. The application of the title "engi- neer" to certain. forestry workers was criticised by Liquor Commis- sinner W. G. Webster when a bill providing for establishment of a hoard of examiners in forestry and for the registration of forest engi- neers came before the Legislature yesterday. The bill was given set-0nd reading after prolonged discussion. "You might as' well can a man who sells pPanuls a peanut 911355 neor," Mr. Wobstot' said. "Tho looso application of tho Milo "engineer" makes the profession a joke." Engineer Title Restriction Urged Fem um" Plan Committee On Labor Laws Premier George Drew told the Legislature yesterday that his Gov- ernment. intends to appoint on Wednesday a sch-ct House com- mittee of 12 to inquire fully into labor logislation. The committee, he said, will have "the widrst pow- 01's. hpyond the ordinary pmwrs of the House, to inquire into the whole question of labor relations." This was in line with the an- mum-0d intention of Labor Minis- tor Charles Daley for a continuing examination of labor problems. Int-ludnd in tho Premier's desire lo give tho (-ommittoe widest pow- tut"; was his wish to receive any su,r.,rp,tastions on it. It will be com- posnd of five Gox'ornmmtt members, four monthers of the C.C.F. Oppo- sition, tNo Liberals and one Labor- Progressive. Tho matter was brought before tho Houso on a motion by J. B. Salshorg (Lain Ping. Toronto-St. Andrew) at the opening of the ses- sion. Endorsing the Premier's ac- tion yesterday. Mr. Salsberg urged that the committee ropnrt this ses- sion and propose logislation.