The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1945, p. 1

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Febyruarxy 28 c 2.5": i wihiegs ~"* & it "We n--«muesmminy tm Stressing, however, that he be-- e | lieved in tolerance, Mr. Drew then Ts " ho R s es H e urn pointed out that criticism of him '51' Drew ou § for failing to co--operate with Ot-- .'r tawa was not borne out by the '*L}," facts. It was peculiar that his Gov--| (aget hdac eo as e arges ernment had achieved a degree of | We co--operation with Quebec "never| + m o o $ before reached by a preceding: ' fg: $4 I .Allia n c e for D ' S u n I+y Eovel'nrglent." Similarly, -- it hadl uo een able to co--operate in many ir;,: ways with other Provincial Govern-- sva In a twofisted assault that brought Liberal Leader M. F. g'%";f 'g'odv J:il:;i': 'gf,er'si':k;otcm'f' *'g Hepburn and Labor--Progressive Leader A. A. Machod to the_nri wan as also professing inability to| & feet several times, Premier George A. Drew yesterday in the Legis-- obtain co--operation with Ottawa.l lature declared that his Government would continue in office only as| (13'12} h:) ns'lz:)lgl.s stl;lgl:ldhe l'e\:f::l nL(:' & s s f L.P . C ?rS > 7 | long as it 'e'('e",('.d support . m.':.r was a proof of British parliamen--| alone blockading Dominion--Provin-- | ' "major, -- constructive -- legislation,"| td hods; no Government had| cial relations but no longer would tolerate dis-- la":" ;net o b'lnln Ontario depend--| Cim' reialions, ! sension created by the two minority] e\tir uxyct;or;f}( on Co--operation Duplessis Tie--Up groups. | ;en es io § . | "Our ability to co--operate with | With a half--dozen different mem--' Ending War Main Goal | Quebec, of course, will be inter--| || e bers at times on their feet, ges-- But ail groups of the Legislature,| preted by certain interests as proof ticulating vigorously, the Premier he said, were affected by a more: of a Duplessis tie--up," the Premier| ;"t assailed Mr. Hepburn as "a gem of 'important issue: the problem of' said. "We all recall those lying, | s human consistency" who repudiated ending the war and bringing back; Communist advertisements--" ! y 0. himself in public statements, yet )jthe men overseas. This concern was | "I object," declared Mr. Mac--| h constantly attacked others for in-- general and held by no one party.i Leod. | consistency, and in a brush witlE:Mx', 'Yet if this were forgotlten by some| "Oh, so you were responsible fm-i MacLeod declared that "lying Com--) |members, and an election was| them, eh?" asked Premier Drew. munist" advertising during the last [foreed upon Onltaxio, hle \\;otljlld beé When Mr. MacLeod said he would| Provincial election, and since, has) |glad to go to the people, fully @s:| assume responsibility only for adver--| sought to create disunity. 'sured that t'hey would support him | tisements publishcd} ovcxb' the name[ * When Mr. :\mc[,no(.l.ohjeclod to Thgt. he said, could happen if t,he! of the Labor--Progressive Party, Pre--| his remarks, he .~x1111111gl,\" asked, leglslztto? was not prcpax;ed to supo' mier Drew said he would refuse to| y :'Oh. so you were responsible for' (port legnslation of a major 'charac- accept the objection unless his de--| |it?" but finally was upheld by the ter, designed for constructive pur scription were accepted as their def-- k. 'Speak.m.' who pointed out that t.he poses. 53 l L inition. Speaker Stewart then ruled t Premier had said nothing himself For this reason, he continued, he | that the Premier had made no refer--| < lattributing the advertising to| wished the record kept clear. Mr.] ence to Mr. MacLeod or his party! | --Progressive sponsorship. Jolliffe had quoted from an address| w [Parts Labor--Progressive sponsor P ; 1LOLt s | ~and the objection was not valid. | Charges and counter--charges flew he had made, implying that thP; "So the description of them still ':;2,41; thick and fast during the few min- Premier had "reversed" his. standj stan?ls '" said kPrel;nier Drew as GO\: utes when Premier Drew, rising on Canadian unity and Ontario's dej |2" " 'b f | 1 a ""I'h ts after C.C.F. Leader E. B. Jolliffe had| sire to maintain unity. The impli| °"Nment benches applauded. "They. . fconcluded his remarks on the cation was that, in asking unity.' were },.Vmg Communist advertise--, _ _ f[Throne Speech debate, opened his Ontario had shown disunity by his | m::'nls.' Eolri. £ | § own address. When he moved ad--) (attitude on the family allowances| . Those advertisements, he con--, journment of the debate, to be con--| proposals of the King Government. | tinued, were typical of the efforts| _Etinued Thursday, he explained that The Premier then read f1r0m that | Pf certain m't_erests to sow dlspmty matters raised by Mr. Jolliffe re-- speech, in which he had declaredl in Canada. Since he had mentioned ---- Ispecting education, postwar plans; Ontario's willingness to share the!| them, he continued, he intended to| _ fand similar matters would be dis-- exceptional resources the Province| refer to other statements made in _ feussed at that time. possessed, would stand behind any| the 11;98*5tlf't"lre- E{eldlid 'n?tt'mtec?d; h 8 "legitimate measure for the exist--| to allow the level of legislative de--| & "Am",'" for Disunity" | encge of every part of Canada which| bate to continue to decline, he said,| _ 1 --Obviously seeking to make clear | {is in need of help, and would take| @s it had done under the influence | -- jthat a defeat of his Government, jour full share in building a power--| Of the member for Elgin (Liberal! [rowd agey" itA here seo mac| |Oot and Drosperous natipe®"""~~ | Leader Hepburn) i the need of unity in wartime, could! |, B4 hC Said, in that address he| Refers to Temperament . . s * | |had stressed that there was only | Js a r f be attributed to "the Liberal--Com--| |,,, basis for a united nation, and | I know he had been ill before' munist alliance for disunity," the| ithat As o f opnortu.| the session," »said Dr. Drew, "so I| Premier declared that his Govern.| |[NAt WAsSs that equality of o9BOU" | iwaited in hope that his tempera-- h | jnity must be attended by equality | e 6: f P ; ment had carried on "in the very| "of responsibility | mental qualities might have sub-- spirit of democratic, parliamentary | *" | sided and his rampages have con-- y '[procedure, accepting responsibility Stands Behind Figures ! _ sumed some of his energy. Perhaps i and seeking co--operation." From this address had also been _ if he had not been sick and had got fiv.d On that basis it would continue, quoted certain statistics, Mr. Drew : UP to Grey North he would havel 0M b;n,]mmg}élgs Iiue fhaer the \':ew continued, which refuted Federal: b®°n less energetic. 54 of the C.C.F. Leader that an elec claims of benefits to be derived by may; *# : t!on should be avoideq. if disunity certain Provinces. Today,ehe sai(i, h;q;;:::;e wereyou?" demanded Mr. finally forced an election he would he stood behind those statistics, A Padliing '~n in'o hne! wolcome The opportunity to "test! 'despite other fHigures released °b 10 Blk are of Ontario's busi t ie Cf 2 'ness," replied Mr. Drew. i\ the opinion of the people of On-- Health and Public Welfare Minis-- "Well, I ; tario, with full knowledge of outr ter Brooke Ci: j AWw;: Cns L. APTEY Inftended to #o. 10 . is if that is mad onl |t€ e Claxton at Ottawa. The _ iGpey North," said Mr. Hepburn. "I E.+ SUCC'ebb.l' at is made '}QC?SSGIN; latter's figures, he said, had not spoke five times during the .last P'em'ef_ DF"'"' opened his remarks one bit of support from the Bank week of that campaignb so I was house t':/l\ rie-'lfeertl):.::'i's":-ofils?zzthOl(lllerfe:\: and| of Canada nor the Domifion able to go." * 2 ;rr'the %o\-ernmen; s & ;;'l:'%'rlltz? Bureau of 'St_at'nistujs. On the other "You were reported sick," said he c es io mpos , *| hand, Ontario's statistician, who Mr. Drew. To which Mr. Hepb administration." True, he said, the| had prepared the fi s for hi s "w Te T. AHepburn n Government was a minority group| address, had j teb cazAd Ol_h S _ remarked that "newspapers are as hx but, he said, this made it truly| man 'o'f' ax':l if?:rprsgil:x(fl?dgofiyalgg i{;}?tl%olx "theu' repofte as you are :e';'::l:a"%fbef::";u':)pfoulf:"(')';"';]'jo?;' statisticians--evidence of his high Mr. Hepburn then commented that * .4 than one group. Its very existence standing. es he had been invited to go to Grey oK ' : | North, which, he said, he doubted I the Premier could claim. When he attempted to say something fur-- f ther, Mr. Drew said, "That, Mr. Speaker, is typical of the personali-- ties to which the member devotes himself and I am not going to let 'him drag this Legislature down to

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