The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1945, p. 3

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} Maxrch 1 \ crgmined icapters ' s «i+ % * Opposition Members: To C d Majorit On Labor C ittee A Legisiaiire labor commiitee, on -- Mr. Frost .dealt _with th'e collec-- Delays Caused y which the O nosition groups win tive bargaining bill sponsored , by Labor Minister Charles Daley said| have a majo y over the Govern-- the then Minister of Labor, Peter [ tna; the Labor Relations Board Was| ment membeis, was announced in Heenan. This bill crcalgd a split in set up to replace the Labor Courtl the House yesterday by Premier the Liberal Government's ranks and _' at the insistence of labor. One of| George A. Drew. Clothed with wide the purpose of naming a committee the things it was hoped would be| ' powers, this committee will in-- on labor was to try to solve those _ 'eliminated under the board was the! quire into labor legislation in other difficulties. C judicial atmosphere of the Labor' Provinces as well as Dominion labor Ditched Labor Court Court, Mr. Daley said. But now the' acts with a view to improving On-- "These progressive Liberals trend was distinctly toward unions| tario's legislation in this respect. couldn't make up their minds on as well as companies bringing: Naming of the commiltté@ SLOM* pojjective bargaining -- after nine lawyers before the board and in this _ med from a motion placed on the years 'in office," remarked Mr. way causing delays. [ Order Paper by J. B. Saisberg (LaD. Prosp "On sgeveral Occasions we in Mr, Daley said that after a year's| Prog., St. Andrew), who had asked },, Opposition had voiced our operation it was possible that some: { the Premier at an earlier sitting support of the principle of collec-- beneficial changes could be made in ; to call the motion for debate, 1"8! tive bargaining and had supporled] the legislation setting up the Labor| i Premier on that occasion informed ;/ Grou pij}. We asked the Gov.) Relations Board, He believed that| '{ Mr. Salsberg and the House 1D&Al | grnymap} to make up its mind, and -- there was a growing realization on ; a select committee on labor would p,, },, Government annoxlnccd the part of management of their| | be named. With the consent of the ;, .. going to name a committse responsibilities toward the people | mover, the motion was amended and . ;,,, that this was entirely un. who worked for them. There was was carried without dissent. necessary. One of the things we -- NO Gesire on their part to "beat The amended motion brought 0n | y;yan,)/ opposed then was the_ Gown the worker," he said. a two--hour debate on.]alQ)or prob--| infamous Labor Court. At the first _ |_ Attorney--General Leslie Blackwell| lems in general, and Liberal HOUS®! ppporpunity we did away with it jand Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe Leader Mitchell Hepburn made a! /.. during the lifetime of lmadc brief remarks on the labor! brief contribution whichw .brou'ght' his Government was a collective motion. The former recalled that| Provincial Treasurer Leslie Frost bargaining bill introduced." _ de-- Iwhen representatives of the present to his feet. Mr. Hepburn recalled| _ & Government went to Ottawa short--' that the Progressive Conservatives,| iclared 'Mr. F'?"?' rcf_crunz: to the |ly after coming into office, to at-- when in Opposition, refused to name |Hepbu_m Admmlstlatlfm.' The _b'll] tend a conference on labor prob-- any members to a select committee} |Was introduced after the retire-- lems, every effort was made . by on labor, and Mr. Frost reviewed :men't of 'tl?e mer_nbej.r for Eigin. So Ontario to have the conference the labor record of the Hepburn h?. 'S'Clc'di- He is right out of the |agree that there was no such thing Government. pl(""ll'lllmg;-e is & 'big «ifference. be-- |as peace industry in wartime, and Reviews Record [iween & fin-ogn'esgi\'e Conson'{'ati\'e: .that a national la!)or code should "Just to keep the record straight," |anq q reactionary Liberal from be"enz.lcted t"o.r all 1'ndu_st'1'y. y -- said Mr. Frost. "It was the demo-- | risin' concluded | the Provincial| If in wartime with its stress on cratic member for Elgin Who [ 'Treagurer, unity there was no chance of get-- promised to bar the CI.0. at the In speaking to the motion, Mr.] fing a natlonal'labo_l' cpde. then the border. If he had had his way Salsberg said there was no indica-- chance of getting it ln"peace D about 20 of the honorable membets |ftjon in the Speech from the Throne| pears to be hopeless," said Mr. ever there," indicating the CCF., |of the Government's intention to| Blackwell. nvcny "would be on Navy Island or sOme-- | name a labor committee, and he| where else. The reactionary Torl€§, |viewed the motion as the Govern-- as the member for Elgin likes 10 | ment's way out of avoiding certain call us, never presumed to deny |defeat. Dealing with labor prob--; io the workingmen of this Province lems, he said that Ontario is facing the union of their choice. This : a serious labor crisis. the member for Elgin distinct!y | Says Plants Affected gid, In 19038 the (hen o sn leen. o "There is a steady deterioration Labor, Mr. MeBride. promised "0*, in labor relations and some of the 1 8 F J 'e; ® vanced labor legislation,. We neve: largest plants in this Province are _ heard of it again. rars affected," said Mr. Salsberg, who "In 1938 the then Minister of urged that the c + j > i II, introduced a 'ommittee be in-- Labor, David Cro'. s structed to report this session so bill to apply the principle '?f CQ""'. that its recommendations could be tive bargaining. The Premier, TDON! jypjemented, in Opposition, supported this bill Arthur Williams (C.C.F., Ontario)' and it was eventually killed. Mr. paimed that the difficulties beset--| Croll never had the opportunity 0o' ting labor were due to the deter--] bringing it up. The Government 0 /) minatjion of a small but influential} which the member for Elgin WA ) proup of industrial magnates -- to' x the head said that advanced 1@bOt | prevent Jlabor froni bo'('oming al legislation would be given Care-- | qemocratic force. Mr. Williams was! ful consideration by the Govern-- | critical of delay in cases handled by| ment. In 1939, I believe n' was.'.'\/_lr.'f' the Labor Relations Board, men.-! Croll, sitting in 'bad boys' row,' in--~}' tjoning one case pending since last | troduced labor legislation which|; October, | was supported by the present Gov-,!f Mr. Hepburn maintained that the ernment. The Government of tt)e'; labor committee might bring in day voiced support of the Croll bill}| recommendations that would be of and on the last day of the s.ess.lon;lno value because the House might the Government said the principle | be adjourned --or dissolived. He of the bill was not acceptable toylcaused laughter by observing: "I\ the Government. Mr. _Croll pu'l')hcly,:wasn't sure I was in Opposition | expressed his disappointment." . ; until the Premier's tirade of yes-- ~ terday. If he intends to blow a fuse ltom{)rrow he had better get his| | Minister. of Health to sit beside | him." _ | |

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