Mach 2 . Opposition Wants In Election Act When Ontario's new revised and consolidated Election Act, 1945, was given second reading in the Legis-- lature yesterday, both CC.F. and Liberals gave notice that they would move for further amendments when the bill goes into committee today. The C.C.F. will demand re-- duction of the voting aze from 21 _ Housing Standards to 18. Liberals will press for re-- A bill to give municipalities the tention of "vouching" rights in _ right to set minimum housing stand-- rural communities whereby any one: arqs was introduced by William left off the voters list may be | pennison (C.C.F., Toronto--St. David). vouched for by any one on the list t; would extend an act which now | On election day. applies only to the City of Toronto.! William C. Riggs (C.C.F., Windsor-- A bill to amend the Public Works! Walkerville) declared he would pu! Act passed committee stage. It pro--| the House on record on the voting _ viges for payment of 5 per cent! Ago issue. Interest on compensation from the Harry C. Nixon (L., Brant) gave | time land or property is "taken,; notice that he would press for > yseq op injuriously affected," unless restoration of the "vouching" PrOo-- the sum originally offered is equal vision, which had been long ap-- to or greater than the final com-- preciated but never abused in _ pensation. rural areas. Sharp protests over an article in Fight at 18 the Canadian Tribune, organ of the "Boys of 18 can be conscripted, Labor--Progressive Party, were voic-- but--they can't vote on the economic _ #4 by Garfield Anderson (CCF, Fort #ystem under which they're going _ William) and Mr. Dennison. Mr. to live," said B. E. Leavens (C.C.EPF., D"n"'s'-'f'" said the paper should .h.e Woodbine), urging votinz age re---- Called "The Liebune," because "it duction to 18. "If they're old enough _ Glistorts the news and doe;sj delib-- to fight at 18. why deny that they _ ®rately spread lies .to dgcewe t}je have intelligence enough to vote? P°OPle as to what is going on in There should be no question of this House. ; R lowering the voting age." The Tribune article complained of, Attorney--General Blackwell ex. #aid Mr. Anderson and Mr. Denni-- plained that the act gives all mem-- . #0", had "followed a policy. W!}'Ch bers of the armed services the fran--: &ave aid and comfort to Tories. chise in Provincial general elections: €.C.F. Amendments Irrespective of age, and also guar-- The Voters' List Act, 1945, went antees to them continuation of that through the House in Committee right, won by their war service, piloted by Mr. Blackwell. A num-- when they return to civilian life. ber of C.CF. amendments to vari-- Answering a question by Lesliec ous sections were offered. and Hancock (Ind., Farmer--Labor, Wel-- these will be taken up in commit-- lington South) about voting rights tee, One proposed amendment sub of Canadian--born Japanese from _ mitted by Garfield Anderson (C.C.F. British Columbia who are in On-- Fort William), was interpreted by tario, Mr. Blackwell said if they Mr. Blackwell as intending to re-- were British subjects they would move the property qualification as enjoy the same rights as British a right to a municipal vote,. subjectse. 214 Kelso Roberts (P.C., Toronto--St. Health Minister Dr. R. P. Vivian Patrick), spoke on the single trans-- Introduced a bill amending the ferable vote, during discussion on Public Health Act to enable medical the Election Act. He believed that officers of health to ensure proper with three major political parties conditions in homes for aged and in $#n the field, and likely to be there firm. It provides also for licensing for some time to come, the trans-- cold storage plants and for health ferable vote is necessary to reflect regulations at swimming pools. the true will of the electorate. w