Maych 2 Gallery Crowd Eager, But Fi ks Lacki One of the largest crowds in re--,were there in the hope of witness-- cent years jammed the galleries at Ing a renewal of"thep SD('ftaCUla(li' + ts . s rlau 5 'clashes bpetween the Premier an Quf'e"s Park ..\ostmda}'ln -expec-:lhe Liaberal House Leader, they tation of hearing Premier George must have been disappointed. A. Drew and Liberal Leader Mit-- There was a noticeable easing of chell F. Hepburn speak in the tension in the atmosphere -- at Throne Speech Debate. They heard Queen's Park yesterday. It was the Premier speak for the last 15|learned from a usually well--in-- minutes of the three--hour sitting. formed source that both the CCF. and learned in the closing minutes and the Liberal group intend avoid-- that Mr. Drew will resume his ad-- ing any move to vote in concert dress next Tuesday with Mr. Hep-- against the Government until the burn following him. \Budget is brought down and any Both party leaders will speak fol-- new tax impositions are disclosed. lowing Prime Minister Mackenzic| The purpose of the CCF. amend-- King's radio address tonight, which ment moved by Opposition Leader may clear the Federal political air| E. B. Jolliffe was to make the other on a number of major issues. 'Opposition groups in the House de-- The hundreds of visitors saw the clare themselves it was learned. Legislature transact a substantial| Mr. Hepburn likely will move an volume of business and there were amendment to the amendment at several mildly lively episodes to the conclusion of his Throne Speech hold their attention. But if they|address.