March 5 l C Union ifi'l'i'i'i'i; Asked House Is Asked to Lower 7 Outlawing of company unions Vote Age From 2l fo ll8 {and establishment of a permanent ilabor code for Ontario, was urged Lowering of the voting age ...',',e,',yt?,,ttt..t:,'.' Mr. Jolliffe said. "In my isesteroy in I brief presented to 21 years. to 18 appears In 1rff?Ttl?pirliort it is far more logical to draw ithe Ontario Government by the 3233: 112911;; (31°82, y't"J/,',r,"t.e,)ptAt/'1t, at a point where young men and. i . ... am," of Labor " ' i _ o ers' is, ct women are old enough to marry, toi 398:0) EagfglRobson headed the $173153 f.' .A. MacLeod. MP. (L.P.,!get Joys, to Fork on farms, .to en-l deputation which met Premier mid ' 3.5)" the .r,1ts,ritlatyre yes-igage in bysipess, to serve in the] George A. Drew and members of h "83- . 1: amended section _;'_.rtlsii'v,fi"rs, and to incur all the penalties the Cabinet. e over or further tiis.c'ussi?n1of the law should they offend the! The suggested code would in- 3:: his": I??? move to Rive the law. ' elude provisions for compulsory (,'i"t'lf"lli'i,.et?c.1li':.3p5,1,'.lf,'i,. found favor "What impresses me mOSt of tll) maintenance of membership, union :membes f 'tlf, '/'/esri,,tlor',' and with is that we cannot expect young Ishop and check-off of dues. The l The 'il if e '/i1e,xryri,t,rye,r,': people to assume the 'iiriori'si'G'i"/ brief advocated establishment of tin a a it 'lo'l/irdilT'i,r,i,ni,r the vot. ties of good citizenship uniess Its) the rights of civic and Government iLegislit as S u ied. by the select receive the franchise," said Mr. employees to organize in trade h cr. lire committee which Jollifte. l unions. ,lh.rtyurht in recommendations for re-. i Amendment of the Workmen's 'vmon nf the Pe". election stat-twat!" Report l Compensation Act was sought to "tea-"811d It was 'l,yltled.tha.t this. Aurelien Belanger (Lib..Prescott).,i provide for recognition of hernia 5"}? T should he dealt .w)th in the while not opposing the tamendment/ as an occupational disability and wider arena of the Legislature. 'thought that, if the voting age is for handling separately under the J In mOVing the amendment inireduced to 18. the age of candida. :act cases of tuberculosis and sili- iCommittee 9f the .wlyyt House, Mr. ture should also be reduced from icosis complicated with tuberculosis. MacLeod yid .it."is highly undesir- 21 to 18. He suggested that a com- ',Estahlishment was requested of a able to discriminate between the mittee be named to consider the ilcgislative committee to conduct an young 1ol.lier m uniform and the whole question 311d. report back to linvestigation into workmen's com- yt.'urur civilian who might be man- the Legislature this session pensation in the Province, particu- ntngthe Production lines. I do not) J B S , b v . 'larly the provision of 100 per cent know of anything that would give a g . . ttis erg (UP., St. Andrew), icompensation and full coverage of Keener sense of responsibility than '.t"ioet,itr of the amendment. stressed findustrial diseases. to impose on these young people the broad "meant" character ot Regarding education, the brief the obligation of expressing their]; e amrendment. P,? alluded to the asked establishment of a starting opinion in the matter of electing,", act t?at the Y11t .Union had minimum wage of $1,500 for school Governments." recogniged its .Ob'lfatmn to the teachers. free education from prim- Jolliffe Backs Move 2l',e att'ur,r11teir.1Jt igem the fun-i, "etvai'fi1fl,tentthrtohure,t1'rTii,ietymeonvd. E. a. Jolliffe, c..c. Leader, in Farquharolivri. 1Lib.,Grersodthr, ince of evening classes for adults. supporting the amendment. 'lf1yttrlrts,t hopeful that. by reducing the Other recommendations included :31] It 1t..1,h,t age of 21 has a cert81nivotintr age to 18, 3011118 peopie establishment of a housing com. ega Significance, perhaps 1.PW"r"voyl.d act as a spur on older citizens, imission. extension of the Hvdro- 3:9- " Ir, equally true, he said. thatgand bring to them a realization of, Electric system, setting up of P lf'reh are serious legal obligationsithe Importance of. the franchise. [ shealth and recreational program,! 'tii IC arise before the age of 21. Mt. "I am not speaking for this group! extension of workers' vacations. t a Ie/trs,',',',',.,',",.'] be hanged or sentiin the House. but if this amendment: (with pay from one to two weeks' ""iet,t,eent,i,',e,r (ff, a vote} propose to support, annually, and lowering of the mini-) me. has to be drawn some-; it, said Mr. Oliver. i mum voting age from 21 to ltr 3ears. '