The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1945, p. 1

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March ' V. O o S iti A it Profit on Liquor , New ecuri Ies c "" . Nears 20 Million- Aims lo Prevent Fraud ' I BI k II p . f O + Gallonage Falls ( ac A profit of nearly $20,000,000, an , .- . . a . ' . - increase of $2,500,000 over last year's T.he new fmtyt.e,ecuirhifi'ufg,tt' i'rl.ttd's1"'/'g,"giisli', ','p/ltJ,t,,edl,es, surplus, is reported by the Ontario deSlestimd J," sighs and securities, one familiar 1,'vsistu/'nthtl"ffw" one a Liquor Control Board tor the 12 53": if; d) second reading in the customed to securities, and Oil months onding March 31. 19.44.. The Legislature yesterday and was ex- familiar with mining itself, tr. yy,'11t, ly tabled m the Legislature ' plained in detail by Attorney-Gen- legal member to be a full-time ext. 3"519'h85- . . . " . l eral Leslie Blackwell. He adjourned cutive officer. The commissio Consumption of all .Rplrlls, Wlnps l the debate on second reading and would be responsible for register. and heors in the fiscal year was ; will continue with his review of the ing and bonding brokers and sales- 41990-774 gallons, a decrease ot 8.1 _ bill's contents later in the week. men. Complaints against brokers iii" Pent. Mr. Blackwell emphazised that or salesmen could be heard by the In the comparative period of 1943 the new legislation is not intended executive officer, and reviewed, if lhe hoard reported a profit .ot $17.- to convey Government approval of necessary. by the whole commits 275,000. Despite continuation. of lany stock or security. but is design- sion. Provision was made for ap- lFedcral restrictions and. various led to prevent fraud and to give the peal from the commission to the (shortages, the board raised the 'Public "a run for their money." Heiontario Court of Appeal. In charges 'iprofit to $19,863.389, The sum of idealt with the recommendations of of fraud, action would be taken 13319058. boing 20 per' Chm of, the Ithe Mining Commission and told through the criminal courts. lfees received from hotel authorities. the House how far each of the rec- Mr. Blackwell said previous [was distrihuted to 316 municipalities. ommendations had been implement- "blemishes" on records of securi- i Individual permits issued by the ed in the legislation. ties dealers since reinstated would :board during the year' numbered The recommendation regarding not he held against them, and 31,280,306. There were .IP005 per- the use of telephones had been pointed out that of 358 brokers in ;mits issued to non-resident .mem- 'enlarged so as to ban the use of Ontario only 25 came into this We" {ind 4,178 permits to ithe telephone for calls anywhere, category. and only 28 out of 1.327 'idrusw,ist., and physicians. ng. Blackwell said. The one we salesmen. Accusations against; [ Total value of all sales of spirits, [cpption is when the call is to a brokers or salesmen, he said, "Willi 'wines and beers in the Province ir, business associate with whom the be reviewed by rule of law and the} the Samt? period is $95,819,513.27, an broker or salesman had frequently British concept. of justice." Licenses increase of 28 per cent. Sales of done business. of those convicted of fraud would domestie spirits alone were $31,008,- "When a broker. having furnish. be cancelled. 797A2, an increase of $4,075,442.52 ed proper material and complied As further protection for the pub- over the figure of $26,932,354.90 in with the regulations in every re- lie. all operators of "tipster sheets" the preceding year. This was an spect. receives requests from the would be registered. Investment increase of 15.1 per cent. public concerning a stock, he may counsel who advised for hire would Value of imported spirits sold dur- telephone in answer," said the have to disclose any personal inter- ing the year was $9,152,274.93, an in. Attorney-General. "Anything else est in the stock that might he ad- crease of $b698,363.98 over t he pre- ls an infringement ot the right of verse to the interests of the buyer, ceding year, or 22.7 per cent. a good citizen to do business." and, further, must indicate in any Beer sold, aside from liquor Two Methods Told circular whether they were person- stores, was valued at $48,647,605,09, Mr. Blackwell outlined the two ally interested. tt decrease of 3.7 p." cent from the: methods of investigation to be fol- Place for Bestitution I preceding year. Liquor .stty'es sold? lowed The first method follows a The commission will not attem ti beer both domestic and imported', ("oleaint by a citizen and this to btai . . f ' . k pi. worth $1,248,536.32. . . ' ' o "h restitution tn bro ers. Wine sales for the year were: In, complaint could be taken to the clients, Since the place for restitu- . . - l Crown Attorney in the district in . . " ill liquor stores, domestic, $2:08518th4f/ . . . . ' . . tion was m the courts. There WI a decrease of 24.8 per cent; import- .which the Citizen .rtyitied, making, be no more condoning of offenses," ed $413,040 24 down 36.2 per cent:', it u.l.1necestarv.P.T him to visit theisaid Mr. Blackwell. iiii'riifi'ii' wine stores '53 264 tiii.iir, Parliament Buildings. I The public must be fully inform- tworth of domeg'uc "Zine 'was' sold ' The Crown Attorney Could procted ed about securities it bought he l' _ . ' " . . . . , . a 2.7 per cent. Increase. 1yithou.t recourse to the Securities said, Since "the growth of the nun- I The Dominion Government re-) Commission it the facts warranted ing industry has been the result of ceived in customs and excise duties" such action, .the .AtP.rneyfe.neral. the public being prepared to spew-4 and sales and excise taxes on spirits,) said. It the investigation disclosed late its capital in the purchase of wines and imported beers purchased an offense, a prosecution would fol- securities." Full prospectuses would by the board, $14.638,280.12. Also low. It, on the other hand, .no ob be insisted on. The Government, lpaid to the Dominion Government tense was shown, there " no couldn't regulate the value of' (was abotit $18,000,000 for malt duties (inter-15,10: 2,',.'rg"ri 'lil",'.',)"" placed shares, he said. "But the Govern- and taxes on domestic beers and onThee sezgnflr 3pc mefhvestigation The Government proposed to see wines. would be launched by the Securi- that the people are told the material Gr.and. total of revenue ? ties Commission itself " a result facts and that they. have a fair and. received .by M/yy/let].: Prowhcml of material filed with the commis- honest run for their money." .I and Dom'hlhh Government's tis the sion advertisements or practices The Government proposed to see, t'esult of lev.1e? on alcoholic beytr- '." . '. . ',, " 'also thatareasonable share of the ages was slightly less than $53e which, in the commissmns new, monev raised by a securit i u 000000. might indicate fraud. - . . y . ss F I' . . . . G t M Bl k ' ll went fot the purpose for which it Since the beginning of operations The overnmen ' Ill), ac we was intended-development or prop-t it! June, 1927, to March 31, 1944, th.e erty purchase-as a further safe-t Liquor Control Board of Ontario gland to; theh public buying the has ',peae,g)e',moe/1sr/,atoh,tn'.'rovin- s ares. o t e new ommission ., H ' . would be left arrangenfent of an Gallonage figures for the Aear ot agreement that would bring to the Ontario consumption were given P". prospector. free for sale, a reason- Spiritt, 1'941'631'1 Jgyif..ic Je, P." able portion of vendor shares of at por.te.d wmes.b ' 'iiiin flll'"iet company under a bill respecting and 'mpogteg eers, . ttg i . £139"; Prospector syndicates with capital t'i,e,',1stt1',"spoiu',"Jts""4' (in'n'5lheiegs it,". ( fl_not over $10,000. ported spirits increased seven per,I cent. Domestic beer consumption? was down 27.7 per cent and imports ed beer sales dropped 23.2 per cent.' Decrease in domestic beers sold through warehouses was seven per} cent. '

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