March 1> Facilitated Farm Credit, acilitated Farm Credit, New Live Stock Poli Urced by C issi rged by Extension of rural education, irp- recommended on a stream water-- proved provisions for farm credit,|\shed basis, municipalities affected soil conservation assistance and re--being permitted to enter into mu-- search, increased aid for the live|tual arrangements "irrespective of stock industry and appointment 0_f present customary boundaries." Es-- a special Deputy Minister of Agri--) tablishment of a soils department culture resident in Northern On--|at O.A.C, was suggested and great-- tario were among \-m-ommondalions{m' emphasis on soil conservation re-- contained in the 90--page report of search. the Ontario Agricultural Commi.\'-' Pointing the need for improved sion of Inquiry tabled in the Legis--|agricultural credit, the commission lature yesterday. It was signed by recommended continuation of the Archibald Leitch, chairman,. 'Ff*(lon'al Farm Loan Board to pro-- The report, which covered theivnde credit facilities for farmers whole field of agriculture except| unable to obtain them through reg-- marketing, was the result of 121jular agencies. days of hearings held in all parts Assume Part of Mortgage of thq Province h\ A (-ommislsxrg\ ot{: The State should, it said, assume practical farmers appointed D°P!+|come portion of the mOrtgAge Tisk 22, 1943. i als > hat ;t Arising from making a mortgage at The commission u'.pon?fl[ l"h,"' "la higher percentage of the value was unuhlo to m!)mL 1{5({ u' \ Io'n'Of the security than orthodox prac-- marketing -- of farm ,'"9;."_3",,)L.'jtices would warrant, a principle cause of "the obscurity w ;1" } ""'~|similar to that involved in the Na-- time controls throw upon the Utu'(;;tioxxal Housing Act. Special Gov-- of marketing """"(,h""".s a.n(l '?"l]el ernment assistance was asked so circumstances beyond its CONUW®s _ |;po; young experienced farmets Pure--Bred Sires could establish themselves. A new live stock policy for On--| Diversion of a share of timber tario was urged, aimed principally |and mineral revenues for the agri-- »t elimination of scrub bulls andivultural development of Northern their replacement by pure--bred Ontario was included in the recom-- sires. Repeal of the Protection of!,mendations. The proposal was to Cattle Act was advised in favor of{reinvest this revenue to provide logislation -- banning um'ogistm'od,:new settlers with farm clearings non--pedigreed animals for breeding. and sufficient equipment to sup-- Financial aid to help {farmers ac-'port a family, primarily in areas quire pure--bred sires, on a basis of|already settled. Creation of local the number of calves produced overiimprovement districts, enlargement two or three years, and a census of of marketing facilities, extension all farm sires in the Province were!of Hydro and establishment of urged, as well as extension of arli-gcompusite high schools also were ficial breeding units in beef and|urged for the North, demic as well as agricultural sub-- dairy cattle. |_-- Interim recommendations also in-- |jects, also assistance for rural youth The commission recommended ex-- cluded payment of hog subsidies,' |groups carrying on correlated sub-- pansion of the Government's bacon;conlinuation of bacon contracts on |jects within the field of education. hog policy, greater encouragement a two--year basis, licensing of live--| | Weaknesses Noted of sheep raising and provision of|stock truckers, horn money pay--' Drawing attention to "the weak-- veterinary services in sections now!ments, institution of artificial breed-z nesses of the present mefhod of without it, extending, possibly, the ing units for cattle in cight areas. [administration of the Ontario Agri-- plan now in use in the Kenora area.'sur.:ar beet subsidy increase and & |eyptyural 'College through the De-- 8 Greater research in animal diseaseslplan for training specialists in soil 1partment of Agi'iculture"' the com-- and establishment of a research,conservation. mission strongly supported steps centre at the Ontario Agricultural| Equcation of Rural Youth ,now under way to establish a College were advised. To provide for the informal edu-- |{board of governors there, and sug-- Erosion of Soil cation of rural youth in Ontario |gested a permanent committee, to Specific recommendations on soil|after they leave regular schools, 'advise on matters of a purely aca-- conservation were based on an ex.|the report has recomrpended to ,demic nature, such as courses, re-- haustive review of soil degrada-- the Government establishment of search and examinations. tion, failure of water supply and short . agncultu_x-al_ courses in all .Recommended also were estab-- erosion of valuable top soil. It was|COUunties and districts on a perma-- lishment of a soils department to proposed that the Government fol.| NCNt basis. The courses would have study soil conservation, restoration low a vigorous program to assist|SUDPJeCts for girls and young women of the Department of Agricultural municipalities to expand tree plant--| 45 well as for young men. Economics to again meet modern ing projects and acquire for this The commission felt that the De-- needs, expanding of farm engineer-- purpose lands unsuitable for nther'pa"mpm of .Agx'lcu'lture sh_ould T'ng depart_me_nt fac111tles, and.a economic use. Formation of flood |4PPU""! 4 special officer to direct "more realistic s;sterr}' of salaries gontrol and conservation areas was |the policy. Night classes were sug-- for the academic staff," and oppor-- Nh ecrentiem miniranirreeiienmecegetien e * |gested to teach cultural and aca-- tunities for junior staff members.