The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1945, p. 3

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March to Ito pay the grant in three parts-- (about March 31, July 31 and Nov. I. l0vernll Surplus Mr. Frost, commenting on the ' 0 . method that had been in use for fin the past five years of declaring an In Ines "overall surplus," said this was mis. leading. and that he had included . . an overall surplus statement last a S In ntarlo year simply to carry out previous . ' procedure. It was not included this year because he didn't feel it should be confused with ordinary 0 er S ates surplus. Overall surplus, he felt, was "a deliberate misstatement." _ Mr. Hepburn charged "juggling A great deal of the interest creat- figures," which brought the heated ing the present mining boom is retort 'flriom éhiiiAcres (Pt.C.. fit'1t . centred on properties located out- on):"He's elastonetota of . . _ juggling figures after transferring side of Ontario." and for the mo- $30 million from the Provincial ment at least Ontario seems to banks to make his Sunshine Budget. have been eclipsed in popularity in He has misrepresented the Budget this respect," Kelso Roberts (Pro- on two occasions." gressive Conservative. St. Patrick) v,o",',liheistttg'uri'fercfud30 hm". said in the Legislature last night. ; 0 ave p s . . broken the 'bank. The other charge Swat?" m the Throne Speech {suegually ridiculous," said Mr. Hep- ."Hoyeyer, I know enough about Th. 11 ill . .this. bunness to realize that this e ouse was sit in supply on m itself is not too serious," said the measuie when it recessed at 6 Mr. Roberts. "But I feel we should p.m. for dinner. examine this situation very care- Separate and Public 50110018 fully in the light of warnings that In the closing discussion last the older mines are petering out night, Attorney-General Leslie or depleting their reserve. and that Blackwell took the floor to declare we are not discovering and develop- that Mr. Jolliffe had raised the ing a corresponding number of new :question of the relationship of pub- properties to take their place." ilic and separate schools and de- Over the past 10 years the Que- Emanded to know "whetner he is bee Department of Mines spent {prepared to take the responsibil- $6,250,000, or an average of more iity of altering the legal basis be- than $600,000 annually. This is 'tween public and separate schools." nearly twice the average for On- Mr. Jolliffe had complained that tario. Mr. Roberts said. Toronto separate school grants Other Provinces were spending would be $16 per pupil, compared nearly as much as Ontario, the Iwith $33 for public schools. member continued. He felt that I The subject of public and sepa- Ontario has been lagging substan- jate schools "is a subject no re- tially in this field. If the mining tsponsible person can play with. industry in Ontario is to develop, (2t Government, in arranging more intense and active work on these grants in the interest of the the part of the Mines Department {support of both has not been dis- is needed, Mr. Roberts claimed. Posted to interfere with the legal In his opening remarks Mr. 'basis of both public and separate Roberts criticized Liberal House lschools." said Mr. Blackwell. Leader Mitchell Hepburn, charging l The Attorney-General's repeated him and his supporters in the ,demand that Mr. Jolliffe answer his House with "deliberately gantring, 'question brought no reply. "He up against this Government, aided) hasn't the courage, gumption or and abetted by their all too willing, honesty to answer the question," and anxious accomplice. the mem-f Mr. Blackwell said heatedly. her for Bellwoods," (A. A, MaeLeod," "The Attorney-General is a mem- Labor-Progressive). F " ber of the Government responsible Mr. Hepuurn. charged Mr. Roh-, tor any inequalities in the new orts. "even got into bed with the grants," said Mr. Jolliffe. "His Federal Liberal Leader, who i; party and ours were committed to .adept at making guinea pigs o . . . the principle of equality of oppor- Provincial leaders when it suits hir ELK. Jt,"e2,,. 011110126: the 2.rt tunity for all children. No amount :purpose." l' a Jil C','"i'd,"/e'"' Jc":?),', e112?! asse 1-; of legalistic evasion can save the I Neither Mr. Hepburn nor Mr. rug 'l'ey ave 'h cd'f,f,'taii'f,',"' blpuk Attorney-General." (MacLeod were in the House while .hemse ves on t e lu/df,"' 0: g -e - IMr. Roberts was speaking, a fact and have. Itll themse ves to t e (which Mr. Roberts said he regret- nighest bidder. This drew a pro- :ted. However, he was prepared. he test from Joseph Salsberg tL.P., ih ;said, to say to their faces what he (cu.?yt1, but the sp.eter ovlerru ed Twas saying in their absence. i'm request for a wtthdrawa. 1 "Last year, under the leadership . The member for St. Patricia spoke of the member for Brant (H. C. in favor ot religious education in 'Nixon) the Liberals behaved admir- the schools, and declared that he iablv, but when they decided to ride could find nothing in the Ibehind their new master of the lused which could .posslbly be inter- (hunt, no one can tell from day to g-preted. as offensive to any good Cday whether to ride to the hounds fili1tretir,,n'ore"i2trd'p,rtsl,t',rttd',f ' n . t _ i 1 $21,223: with the hares, said yr. "iox or unorth,dox. ', , _ - --

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