The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1945, p. 2

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Maw'.l'\ |"l Asks Fairness | "And other things, too," safd "Be fair," asked Mr. Doucett. "I've Highways Minister Doucett. \ :told you I knew nothing about the Mr. 'Hepb}xrn countered with: "I| jletter until you read it in this coult!nt belle\'.e a Mlmster could do}| 'House. That is on my word of| a thing of this kind, but then, he: honor." | had been an agent of the company. Mr. Hepburn went on to say the, A Mr."McManus is a reputable citi-- Highways Department had ordered' lggs ponsors zZen. cves thcl removal of all pipe laid "to punish "I doubt it," said Mr. Doucett. ' him for exposing yvou. It's one of| "Was Not Caught" | the most ghastly things." ' When Mr. Hepburn repeated that, , Attorney--General Blackwell chal--| emurgy an Mr. Doucett had been "caught in| 18"8°ed Mr. Hepburn, and declared:, ' his attempt to assist the company,"| He has made this Statemf'nt'. wnh; _ Diversification of industries and Mr. Doucett expostulated: "I have| the fUIl,lf'?O'Vlqu:e' that it is NS ':pstablishment of those which given yvou my word and you are| nuo.. It is inconceivable, in view of : | obliged by the rules of this House| !Ihe intimate connection that exists| | through chemurgy,would process the to accept it. I was not caught and: |Déetween Mr. Hepburn and Mr. Mc--, products grown in Southwestern On-- as soon as this lettcs was brought! | MA@NUS, that he has the effrontery| tario was suggested by William C. to my attention I attended to it as| to make such a statement, knowing| Riggs (C.C.F., Windsor--Walkerville) I have said." that the people of Port Stanley ha.d; in the Legislature Thursday night Repeating that Mr. McManus was) taken legal steps to prevent this as a means of maintaining a stable a very reputable London business: NWSance. A delegation came to me} industrial situation in Windsor after man, Mr. Hepburn said the Hign.| , 10 See if they could bring the mat--| the war. ways Minister had acted to punish ;ter before the courts fo prevent tha}% The member said the Ford Motor [him. | outrage. I said I did not.thmk ni Company, as an example, has 14,000 "I want to tell you the most sor.| | Was a proper case for the interven--| [workers and 5,000 overseas with |did story ever told in the history!| |tion of the ~Crown and suggested| |seniority. In normal times, he said, lof Ontario politics," Mr. Hepburn ; ithat. the best test was a test °f| lemployment in the Windsor plants 'went on amid derisive sounds from| |PUbDlic opinion in. a municipal elec--| lof the firm was about $000. Thus the Government benches. tion. Such was the attitude to lhat; '11,000 Ford men would be looking "I buy gas and oil from the Mc. COUuncil that made a deal with Mc'i \for work after the war. |Manus Petroleum Co. It's an inde.. Manus that every member of it nsl | Mr. Riggs said that adoption of pendent company, and independent Offeated. Mr. Hepburn has made| | diversification by usingthe products 'companies are the only protection that statement with the full knowl--| 'of the soil at hand could not only we have against the great gas com-- edge lhat' it "f' """"9; 3 f !be Windsor's solution but the solu-- 'panim. He decided to build storage Then Liquor Co_mmnssnoner wW. G'f |tion for Canada as a whole. |tanks at Port Stanley so the farmers | WEDStET hurled his bombshell, | |\ He pointed to soybeans and their could not be exploited by the big Mr. Hepburn went on to say thati ibyproducts as one means of expand-- Pcompanies, and, with the wrath of| DOW the MceManus company had| |ing industry in Southwestern On-- ithe Minister of Highways hanging been @1VP! two \\.'eel\s nollce to| tario. lover his head because he was| felMove pipes costing $40,000, and| ' At the moment corn is widely |caught, the work was stopped." asked why. The order had comei grown in that part of the country| | ; from the Deputy Minister. 'and the market has 'been greatly \Under a Cloud "I'd like to answer this one," cut, enlarged. With proper encourage--| \_ Here Speaker Stewart intervened| in Highways Minister Doucett, . "I| ,mem, Mr. Riggs said, this market] \to remind Mt. Hepburn that his ac-- have no dispute with the Deputy| \can be maintained after the war. | Itions were against the rules of the: ' Minister. Mr. McManus had no--, ' House. "If a member makes a ;tice before completing the job and| statement and gives his word you! went ahead and laid pipe after the} 'must accept it." he said. He de., |notice was served. You should with--| |clared Mr. McManus was "under a |draw that statement. I have no cloud" because he had made the| |quarrel with the Députy Minister letter on bonds public. 'land he will clarify it if you want "I had no knowledge of the letter| to bring him before the Public luntil you made it public.' said Mr.] | Accounts Committee. In Public \Doucett. | |Accounts I would welcome a com-- |__"When it went out," continued| 'plete investigation." | Mr. Hepburn, "it created a furor| "guits Me Perfectly" \in the insurance world. It was un--| is , is 4 'precedented. Nothing like it had _ "That suits me perfectly," said lever happened before." | Mr. Hepbt}x'n. adding: "Thqres no | He said Mr. McManus had pro--| US® pursmrtg the debate in the 'ceeded in the usual way to make House, Let's go before Public Ac-- lhis every move legal and proper. COUNS. You have no interest in 'He had applied to the Village of bulldmg' the tanks, only in dam-- |Port Stanley for permission to lay 38 to highways. Your only interest 'pipe and a by--law had been passed. Y4S !"n punishing McManus. The 'He had got the permission of the Minister took the ball. Mx'._ ML 'Dominion Department of Transport Manus appealed to Deputy Minister }and of the Highways Department, Mi.llar.. who said to proceed. No"-' '"probably without the knowledge of hC'S Still under the plow. He wants \the Minister of Highways." to build tanks, but right now he's, | When objection was taken to the like Mahomet, su§'pended betweeni 'proximity of the proposed tanks to NSaven and earth. j | 'a 100--year--old church, Mr. MceManus Premier Drew called attention to' 'had purchased a 65--acre farm some: the fact that more than an hour} 'distance away. Yet, to punish him of the House's time had already, 'for making public the letter, he had been taken up "by a device of the} * 'been ordered by the Highways De--' member for Elgin to air his own | partment to stop operations. _ views here following a simple state--, ' ment. Mr. Hepburn said once of| Ottawa that it was the only luna-- tic asylum operated by the inmates}| themselves. I don't intend to let| this House become like that." { Mr. Hepburn said he resented be-; _ing so classified. | \ _ _Mr. Jolliffe ended the discussion 'by stating all parties wanted a re-- \turn of correspondence in the case and an jnvestigation before the Public Accounts Committee.

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