7-" fit March 20 l O ' NN ill Consult Mitchell 0 N/i . 1// n in I mum ag es The Government is prepared tr. ates. What was said in the Speech carry out its pledge regarding t: .rom the Throne would be imple- higher minimum wage, but is with-, mented, he declared. holding its completed schedule until' The House made rapid progress after a conference at Ottawa with during the evening in advancing Dominion Labor iii.nli.tirjirrrj,iyV,is) through second reading and com- Mitchell. Labor Minister Charloslmittee a great deal of legislation. i Daley told the Legislature last A dozen private but; went night. through second reading in half asl Accused iv Joseph B. Salsberg many minutes, and about 25 Gov- (Lab.-Prog., St. Andrew) of having ernment measures similarly went been influenced by a "powerful forward, and the members were ml lobby." Mr. Daley denied the charge committee for the last half-hour be- and declared that the Government fore 11 p.m. adjournment. . had not backed down in its inten- Hospitals Act; I lion. Mr. Salsberg referred to a Bill ' . . . . l proposed $15 minimum wage, and I S leceivmg second reading In-! demanded to know why the Govern- (1."de the amended Public Hos-) ment had not made good on this pitals Act. "y"?.'rnl." Provincial aid, promise. m tho hospitalization of indigents;i "We have completed the necessary the .Nurses' Registration Act . to; [ schedule and the reason it has not provide recognition of practical'; been brought down is because thdnurs'"s as distinct. I???" registeredt Dominion Minister of Labor ;'ii)nu.rs.es; Health Minister 1rwian'si, asked for a conference with all theiact lo amend the Venereal Diseasesl Provinces to work out a 'niiio'raSo.nrrol A": the Damage by Fumes! plan," said Mr. Daley. "It 'iGiiiii"iil?it,gtri,t,.e1. het: an amendment to) comes of it We shall proceed on ourlth? .?odiel; Act; and Highways', own." :Minister Doucett's amended High-) "When is this conference?" asked ways Improvement Act legalizing! C.C.F. Leader E. B. Jolliffe. Iincrease in suburban road subsidies; "After the session." replied Mrlifrom 80 to 100 per' cent in sparsely. rew ees ssue Daley. "The other Provinces couldisettled Northern Ontario areas un- not be represented until then." abletto financc needed road improve- I, men s. Wants Intention Known l The Sugar Beet Subsidy Act also hr h anese Mr. Salsberg said the Govern/received second reading, providing ment's legislation should contain anifor payment again this year of Gov- . indication of intention regarding a ernment subsidies up to $225,000 to onlayie has W."vet' to say yly minimum wage, and not have 'i'hilenoourage ire sugar beet industry. comes into Ontario, under the Bub matter left to the discretion of thelAlso advanced were the act to per- if", NON" Amer?" Act, and 'unless board. mit the three-platoon system in any it. is the intention of the Federal Mr. Daley contended that the municipality where it is mutually f/tlf"','.,".':,".? to move alrenemy Government. had carried out itszagreed on; amendments to the Pub- alien .apunese back to British Col. pledge to change the hours of workilic Vehicles and Commercial Veh- tmihia, they must vysult Ontario from 52 to 48 and to establish newilcles Acts and the Trustee Act. 11:21 ,))"'r,11/r,, tlp')')',",)',)':', fremier _ _ ' ' l', - 2w sat y . "taj. He was commenting on a Federal Government. report indicating it ;may be recommended that those 'Japanese now in other Provinces be settled east of the Rockies. orm orest O , "It was not ourclioicethese people . should come to this Province," Mr. . 'Di'ew said. "As we understood it, it was entirely a safety measure to n OS war m remove these people from British Columbia when it was believed ' , , ' . Creation of a Forest Resources ll/Cie,,,)':,",,',",',',':'?""' of Invasion b5 Commission for Ontario must await "There is no reason an emergen- the end of the war and the removal cy measure of this kind should be of overriding Federal authority un- employed to settle in this Prov. der the War MeasuresAct, Premier ince Japanese whom we would not George A. Drew said in the Legis- welcome at this time." lature last night. He was replying _.------------------------. to Charles Millard (C.C.F., West York), who wanted to know where the act setting up a board of ex- aminers in forestry fitted into the general forestry commission plan. The Premier explained that the Forestry Engineers Act. dealt with individual qualifications, and was independent of any other act. As far as the creation of the commis- sion was concerned, the Premier continued, this must await the end of hostilities because certain pow- ers under the War Measures Act . were in effect and overrode Provin- cial jurisdiction. The bill to set up a board of ex- aminers in forestry was,arnended . after considerable discussion, and was subsequently reported out of committee.