The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1945, p. 2

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' § h Maxrch 21 e ! ; w m *4 | e iver Venounces | Advance P es op - | ' | wou1, 1 On School Grants | VUIIVET Pr0m|SeS ioc ar S '"h t The Ontario Government's ad--| J vance payment of $8,808,000, one-- R f | _ third of legislative grants to as-- e Orm a orm € s a \ __sist _ education, promised before | a S al ro enl March 31, went out from Queen's Farquhar Oliver (Lib., Grey | _ Park yesterday. Cheques were for-- South) wound up his Throne | The Drew Government's pledge}' warded to all school boards, pub-- Speech address in the Legislature | to wipe out manipulation and specu--| lic and separate in Ontario. with the statement that "in the lation in the West Toronto stock| Accompanying the cheques was contest that seems not too far | yards, to reduce costs to the farmers| this explanatory statement from ; ahead, the Liberal Party is going ;and generally to bring about proper| Premier George A. Drew, who is to get back on a platform of real practices, has not been kept, the| Also Minister of Education. | reform." _ He sqid it was the in-- |Legislature was told yesterday by '"The enclosed cheque is an ad-- tention of the eéelectorate in 1943 \Farquhar Oliver (Lib., Grey South). vance payment of approximately. to administer a "mild rebuke" to [Mr. Oliver was speaking in the, -- One--third of the general legisla-i the Liberal Party, but instead the | [Throne Speech debate. |__tive grant which your board will voters hit too hard and "the party l | The former Welfare Minister in receive for the year 1945 under the they didn't want at all got the [ the HMHepburn Government charged new system of school grants in-- nod." " f that the stock yvards are in the worst troduced this year. The balance Mr. Oliver said that the Opposi-- ; condition since their establishment,| Gue for the current year will be _ tion groups last year took the stand l and that "indescribable filth" all forwarded to you on or before that the Government was entitled winter and summer caused disease, _ S°Pt. 1st next." to a chance to work out its among cattle and caused farmers! pledges, and for that reason the heavy financial loss. One of the Admmlstf*atlon was given every pledges that induced farmers of On-- opportumty. f tario to vote for the Progressive' "W'? have waited and we have Conservative Party at the last elec-- hi Sa'd. Mr. Oll\:Pl'. "There is tion was the promise to take over| no doubt in our minds now as to the stock yards and to stop the . how we should 'proceed. manipulation and speculation which affected the welfare of the farmers, Mr. Oliver declared. | | a S erg rgeS Earlier Mr. Salsberg was critical Sees Detriment to Farmers | of remarks made about Communists "You knew when you made the| o and charged Premier Drew with promise that you couldn't cut costs," BI" I tl w "red baiting" and "developing , a said the member for Grey South. | O smear campaign." Labor Minister "You knew the Federal Government| | Daley's recent attack on the Labor-- has complete authority over the | A A Progressive Party's House Leader cost of hay and straw and bedding| | ace re u I(e was termed "a shameful display of and all the other items. Today | the susceptibility of the Tory mind farmers are selling their hay for to the reaction of fascist propa-- $12 and they pay $36 for it at the An appeal to all parties in the ganda." stock yards. The commission charges | Ontario Legislature to unite in pass-- | "Communism." went on Mr. Sals-- today are just the same as they| |ing a non--partisan bill at this ses-- |berg, "so what?" were before. When I said last year| | sion outlawing racial and religious | _ "T'll bite, so what?" cut in Liquor | that the Government's stock yards |prejudice against workers seeking |Control Commissioner Webster. So undertaking wouldn't be worth a 5-! |employment was made in the House |he toid him. [cent piece to the farmers, I didn't| |last night by J. B. Salsberg (L.--P,, Fought in Spain |think at the time it would be a detri--| IO"O""?TSL éndrew). f "Communism," declared Mr. Sale--| 'ment to them. But it has been." | Speaking in the Throne Speech noy. / 56 i Mr. Oliver n isa int--| debate, Mr. Salsberg cited arrestin berg, "means the thousands of Ca--| Mr. Oliver expressed disappoint--| [ o e t Ee SIte "E |nadians who went to fight against| ment over the failure of the Agri--| |cases of jobs being refused to A Y€-- |myonco and the Fascists in Spain.| |cultural Commission of Inquiry to turned man, a woman whose hus-- T1 rfieanc nc Co'mml;niste alsc;i |deal with marketing problems and| jband and daughter are serving, and fought the Germans." E to bring in recommendations on |a youth whose father is in the | w f, mujier (Lib., Al i-- | : | 5 " p | -- E. ib., Algoma--Mani-- marketing. He advocated the crea-- | RCAF being refused employment |toulin} read from an editorial in| tion O{ a_dopf-l'l'tm'ent.of markp_ting | because they ""ere J('\\'S.. {]he Winnipeg Free P'ress \Vhi('h? to deal with distribution of agricul-- |_ _ When Selective Service sent the 'blamed Premier Drew for the fact| tural products in the postwar | youth to a job, Mr. Salsberg said, he |;hat no Dominion--Provincial con--| period, and warned that England, as | was told: "We do not employ J°WS, |ference has taken place. | a trading nation, would have to buy |and 1 told Sel(\(-tn\'s Service not to | "gince this fairy tale," began the; } where she sold, and that Canada |send me any Jews." The returned |premier, rising from his seat. | could not expect to maintain her | man had been told by a bakery "I have the floor, Mr. Speaker,"' present rolume of agricultural ex-- | salesmanager, "it wouldn't promote said Mr. Miller. ports overseas. He predicted a |the best interests of the company | 'There was a brief exchange. _ | "vicious" search for new markets in |\to employ Jewish salesmen." There "There is not a single word of| the postwar world. had been no such distinc.tion'when truth in the publication," said the| Foresees Battle for Markets {th.e _\'ounfz man was serving in the | premjer, " "We must streamline our market. jarmed forces: 6o C have a resolution on '.he| ing machinery to meet the impact The woman whose husband and| [order paper asking for 'the tabll_ng' of postwar conditions," Mr. Oliver daughter are in the forces "wasn't | of all correspondence in connection | said. "When this war is over na-- \good enough to do a cleaning J"ob at |with 'thIS matter," replied Mr. Mll-l , tions like Denmark and Norway and Imght, because she was Jewish. UHer. 'Perhaps we will know more | Argentina will clear away the | Mr. Salsberg appealed to the 'when it is tabled. debris and prepare to sell in those |Mouse to pass an act to stop such IRequest Granted markets they formerly sold to, and 'intolerance, an act similar to one | Without an instant's hesitation, we in Ontario are in danger of find-- |passed in New York and other |;ne Premier picked up a bulky file ing ourselves overproduced." | States. from his desk, handed it to a page . Acting Minister of Agriculture | Desks Thumped boy and directed it be laid on the George Doucett protested that the Concluding his appeal, which was |table. '"There it is," saig Mr. Drew.| agricultural . commission's . report received with desk--thumping on |"It's on the tapLe now. t said that there was no thought of both sides of the House, Mr. Sals-- |substitute for it? The C.CF. policy neglecting marketing and that while \berg declared: "I want to pay a |With regard to the mining industry, |it was unable to deal with this fleld 'tribute to the Canadian daily press |asserting that "}9' pel;)plg of Notr; in the report it would submit a sup-- which shows an outstanding ex-- |thern Qntarlo were egmHmZCF plementary report later. ample of tolerance in treating all |look with doubt upon the C.C.F.| Mr. Oliver rapped the appoint-- employees on a basis of merit and |Program of spcxahz_atnon of mines. ment of commissions and boards of service rather than origin or relig-- |If the profit incentive were remov-- Government, asserting that the ious leanings." ed, he asked vyhat would the C.C'.F. Province must return to Ministerial substitute for it? The eC.C.F. policy responsibility without "buck pass-- s as applied to the mining industry ing." } was an "utter fallacy," he charged. y o e

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